"Nangong Yu, how could this be? Nangong Yu, why would you be here?" Nangong Yu was shocked, Luo Xue was even more astonished, her heart was also very uneasy, Nangong Yu's appearance, did it mean that she had been exchanged?

"Xue'er, are you alright? Did they hurt you? Have you been mistreated? " Seeing the old man beside Luo Xue, Nangong Yu wished that he could pounce and kill him.

"I'm fine, Nangong Yu, I never thought that your Southern Qing Country's royal family would collude with the spirit demon. Do you know who the old man beside me is? He is an elder of the Demon World, Nangong Yu, don't tell me you want to give Nan Qing Country to a demoness? I despise you. Since you don't have the ability, don't sit on that dragon throne that is so high up in the sky. " Luo Xue was shocked. Her expression also darkened. At the same time, she reminded Nangong Yuming of his identity and hoped that he would not be fooled.

He knew that his capture had something to do with Nangong Yu, but he did not want to become a pawn just like that. He also did not want Nangong Yu to fall for it.

"Xue'er, I'm sorry. It's all because of me. Don't worry, I will definitely save you. Xue'er, Xue'er … Eighth brother, what did you do to her? " Nangong Yu initially wanted to tell Luo Xue not to worry, but she had disappeared just like that. He could even clearly see if she was really injured.

"Royal brother, it is actually very easy for you to meet Miss Situ. As long as you do as I say, you will soon be together with Miss Situ." Nangong Chen smiled as he looked at Nangong Yu, he raised his teacup and said.

Nangong Yu angrily glared at his brother. He stepped forward and swept the teacup away from his hand and roared, "Eighth Prince, quickly release Xue'er. Do you know that you have committed a heinous crime?"

"Nangong Yu, don't go overboard. This is my Royal Mansion." With the teacup swept away, Nangong Cheng stood up and pointed at Nangong Yuhuo.

Nangong Yu cut open the table with his palm, and said harshly: "Eighth brother, you are the only one being excessive, if you want the throne, then go and get it, I will give it to you. But a man, he actually wants to use a woman to threaten him, to seize the throne. Can you bear the burden of this world? "

Nangong Yu had always been gentle, but today, he was truly angry. Even when he had not seen Luo Xue, he had been able to deceive him and tell him that this was not true. Eighth brother was still eighth brother, and he would not do such a thing, as he still had a trace of hope in his heart.

No matter how treacherous he was, he would not act as a lackey for others. But today, Nangong Cheng had ruined their pride, for the sake of power and status, he had actually sold himself out and sold out the entire country.

Nan Gong Cheng laughed contemptuously: "Nangong Yu, stop making sarcastic remarks. Do you think you are the only one who can sit on the dragon throne? If you can be the Emperor with your looks, why can't I? Tell me, why can't I? "Yes, I did have a deal with the Imperial Advisor, but so what? Since ancient times, those who achieve great things don't have to worry about minor details, as long as they achieve their goal, their process will come second. Moreover, once I sit on the Dragon Throne, what does a small Imperial Advisor count for?"

"What is an Imperial Advisor? Then let me ask you, how did he manage to carry Situ Luoxue? Where is he hiding Situ Luoxue at this time? " Nangong Yu interrogated him. That technique just now was not something that an ordinary person could use.

Recalling the Prime Minister's words, how could Nangong Yu not be worried?

"I don't need to know. As long as you do as I say, I'll naturally let you meet Situ Luoxue." However, Nangong Cheng did not take it to heart. Compared to this useless prince, being the emperor was still much better than being the current one.

"Eighth brother, don't be wrong. Xue'er just said that the old man whom you were bestowing the title 'State Grandmaster' is not a human but a demon. When did you fall to be associated with a demon? As long as you stop, as long as you can distance yourself from that demon, I'll promise you anything you want. " Nangong Yu bitterly advised, but when he thought of Luo Xue's warning, he did not dare be careless.

"Shut up, Nangong Yu, don't make things sound good here. If you weren't greedy for the throne, why did you fight for it back then? Don't make yourself sound great, I've already stated the conditions. You decide whether or not to save that woman, send off the guests." As Nangong Chen said this, he flicked his sleeves and left.

Nangong Yu had been forced out of the Palace. If it wasn't for the fact that Luo Xue was in the hands of Nangong Cheng, he definitely wouldn't have endured it.

Seeing that Helian Yi Chen did not come here, the only thing he could do now was to find him and see if he had a solution. Worried that Nan Gong Cheng would send someone to follow him, Nangong Yu could only go back to the palace and change his makeup before leaving. However, he did not rashly go to the medicine store.

Inside the medicine store, Helian Xi Chen was slightly startled when he received the note from Nangong Yu, but he did not hesitate. He gave the silver and children some and went to meet them.

In the teahouse, Nangong Yu patiently waited. In his heart, he was thinking about how to save Xue'er, but right now, he didn't know where she was, as long as he knew the whereabouts of Xue'er, he would have a solution. At that time, other than Xue'er and that old man, there seemed to be no one else on the scene.

"Nangong Yu, why did you ask me out?" Helian Yi asked straightforwardly after sitting down.

"Brother Helian, today I went to the House of the King. It's just that... However, Luo Xue is not in the palace. From the footage, it seems that Xue'er was under the control of an old man who was reportedly hired by Prince Cheng. Xue'er seems to know him. " Helian Chen recalled.

"Xue Er knows him?" Did she say who the old man is? " When Helian Yi heard this, he began to search in his mind. He knew most of the people Xue'er knew, except for those fellows from the Infernal domain.

"Xue'er said that the old man isn't human, he seems …"

"Not human, could it be …"

"I heard Xue'er call him Elder Ming. I think he's a demon …"

"Elder Ming, it's actually him." Helian Yi was astonished. He had always thought that Elder Ming had been dealt with by Jiu Yu, but who would have thought that he would actually come to the Mortal Realm?

"You know him?" Nangong Yu was even more shocked. If Helian Xi Chen also knew about demons, then his technique could be understood.

"Nangong Yu, don't interfere in this matter anymore. I will naturally save my Queen, you can return to your palace with a peace of mind." Helian Yi said, and without even drinking his tea, he got up and left.

"Brother Helian, wait, is there anything I can help you with …" Nangong Yu put down the silver and chased after him.

"If you really want to help, then don't follow me. Do what you should do." Helian Yi Chen threw those cold words and quickly disappeared from the teahouse.

"Do what I should do? In the palace? Or should I use my own ability to find Xue'er? " Nangong Yu muttered to himself. Only now did he realize that even if it were above tens of thousands of people, not everything in the world could go according to plan. Not everything could be done.

He alone was enough to deal with Elder Ming, but with the little girl in his hands, it was hard to say if he would take her as a hostage. Moreover, he was a traitor of the Illusory Realm, so it should be Jiu Yu's responsibility to deal with him.

"Second Prince, the King has already given the order that you cannot come back to the Nether Realm. Second Prince, please do not make things difficult for this subordinate."

When the two Elders guarding Illusory Paradise Hall saw Helian Xi, they immediately rushed over to stop him.

"Elder Nian, I do not wish to come to the Illusory Realm, but now, the traitor of the Illusory Realm, Elder Ming, has turned evil in the human world. Are you going to ignore him?" He Lian smiled coldly. Jiu Yu had always liked to hide in the turtle shell. This time, he definitely wouldn't let him stay out of it.

"This?" "What do you mean?" Elder Nian said in shock.

"Elder Ming kidnapped my empress Situ Luoxue in Nanqing Country. Shouldn't you give me an explanation for this matter?" Helian Yi Chen asked.

"The second prince, please." Elder Nian did not hesitate any longer and immediately invited Helian Xi to go see Jiuyu.

"How dare you, Elder Nian, disobey this king's orders and secretly release Helian Yi into the Illusory Realm." When Jiu Yu saw Helian Xi Chen, he immediately roared.

"Your Majesty, that is not the case. Elder Ming has already entered the Mortal Realm, so I ask that Your Majesty head to the Mortal Realm to deal with this rebellion."

"Helian Yi Chen, what proof do you have that Elder Ming, that traitor, is in the human world? How do I know this is not your scheme? " Jiuyu walked over to Helian Xi Chen and mocked.

"I'm not as bored as you are. Why don't you come with me to the Mortal Realm and find out? Jiu Yu, if Situ Luoxue is harmed in any way, then I will place this debt on you." Helian Yi didn't have that much time to argue with Jiuyu. Now, he had to find Xue'er immediately.

"Alright, then I'll go with you. Ruo Ruo, what you said is not true. I'll settle this debt with you." Jiu Yu replied rudely.

In the past, the King and the Second Prince were very friendly brothers, but ten years ago, for some reason, the King and the Second Prince suddenly fell out with each other. After that, the Second Prince had returned to the human world, and the two of them were like fire and water, and now, the relationship between the two brothers had not only not recovered, but had become even worse than before. This was a disaster for the human world and the illusionary world, and they did not know why the King's mother would not interfere in this matter.

Jiu Yu and Helian Chen arrived at the Southern Qing Country. Helian Yi knew that there was a magic tool in the Illusory Realm that could track the aura of humans. Now, all she could see was Jiu Yu.

"Did you sense Elder Ming's aura?" Helian Yi followed behind Jiu Yu, and when she saw him heading to the outskirts, she asked.

"If you don't believe me, then don't follow. Listen up, Ming Mu is a traitor of my Illusory Realm. If you interfere, then I won't be polite with you." Jiu Yu ordered.

"As long as the girl is safe, I will not bother with her. If she is injured in the slightest, I will not let her go." Helian Yi Chen also expressed that no matter who it was, he would definitely not forgive the person who had harmed Luo Xue.

"Helian Yi Chen, if you don't agree, I will not bring you to them." Jiu Yu seemed to have carried Helian Yi Chen on his shoulders as he actually sat down close to him.

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