On the other hand, Luo Han also wanted to keep him, and Helian Chen had his own thoughts. No matter what, Lie was from the Infernal domain, and if he was allowed to stay here, he could protect Han'er and prevent her from being harmed by the women from the harem. And secondly, he could understand the Infernal domain a little more.

"Young master Helian, how have you been?" Lie Mu smiled towards Helian Xi Chen.

"There's no need to be so polite, Young Noble Lie. You are the teacher of this child and also a distinguished guest. Sit." Helian Yi ordered Chen Xi to the left and right, leaving behind only Lian Hai, his trusted aide.

"Sure, I hope you don't misunderstand. I've only come this time to see Ruo Han and have no other intentions. Han'er has been in the Demon Palace for two years, we like her very much." Seeing that Helian Xi Chen was so polite, his tone naturally became more gentle.

"That won't happen, Han-Er and his mother both said that the Demon Palace is more humane than us humans. They always said that the Demon Palace is very good, and I believe in your character. Otherwise, with the empress's personality, it would be impossible for her to stay in the Demon Palace for two years." Helian Yi Chen said sincerely.

In fact, we have always been worried, if one day the king wants to take revenge on the human world, we might not be able to stop him. After all these years, only Luo Xue can hear what you have said, and for the past two years, we have always treated her as the mistress of the Demon Palace. I believe you should also know that before Luo Xue left the Demon Palace, she made an agreement with our king, and now that she has come to the palace of Renault, the king is not very happy. Lie advised.

"Xue'er is my queen, and this is her home. Of course she has to stay home." Helian Yi frowned slightly. Anything could be said, but it was absolutely impossible for Luo Xue to leave.

"Think about it. I think it would be best if you discussed this matter with Luo Xue." Lie Lie sighed.

Helian Yi fell silent. There was simply no room for discussion between her and Luo Xue. If she were to mention this matter to her, she would definitely leave. She could only temporarily do this until he and Han'er could bring her back to the Nine Nether City.

He then said to Luo Xue, "Girl, Han'er and I will go to the Illusory Realm, and at the latest, we will return in the morning. Tomorrow, I will trouble you to take care of the matters in the palace, and you will temporarily arrange for the people from the land of demons to be called over. But you must remember, before we return, you cannot leave the palace."

Helian Yi gazed at Luo Xue, and it was only when she nodded that she seemed relieved. As Luo Xue watched Helian Xi leave with her son, her heart became empty. She was worried, but she could not say it out loud for fear that they would feel pressure.

"You still care about him the most." As Luo Xue turned around, a fierce voice came from behind her.

"He is my son's father after all. Lie, is Yan Kai in the Demon Palace?" Although Luo Xue was uneasy in her heart, she still spoke with an indifferent tone.

Logically speaking, it should have been inconvenient for a man and woman alone to be alone. At this time, Luoxue had every reason to ask Lie to leave, but she was more clear on these worldly customs, and the people of the Demon Palace simply did not put them in their eyes.

"No, the King went to the Heaven Realm. Over the past three thousand years, the King has never forgotten to seek revenge, and if all goes well in the Heaven Realm, he might be able to resolve the three thousand year old grievances, but if all goes wrong, a great calamity would befall upon us. Princess, do you want to go over and resolve this great calamity?" Lie sat down.

The matters of love were left to the onlookers to understand. Although Yan Kai repeatedly expressed that he wasn't there, they could see that in the king's heart, Luo Xue was still different.

"I believe that Yan Kai is not that sort of person. He is not someone who enjoys killing. If he truly had the intention to take revenge, he would have acted the moment the seal on the Demon World was removed. He would not have waited for this moment either." Luo Xue said with her own opinion.

She did not dare say that she knew Yan Kai very well. However, she did not believe that Yan Kai would truly go to war, as the battle at the entrance of the Demon Palace must have caused Yan Kai to vent his anger. Otherwise, he would not have remained motionless until now.

"It seems that you don't know the king well enough. Alright, I've said as much as I do, you think about it carefully." Yan Kai looked at Luo Xue with a hint in his eyes.

"I will, thank you." Luo Xue somewhat uneasily nodded his head. It wasn't that she couldn't hear Lie's hint, but at this time, she was already unable to make a decision. Although the Demon Palace wasn't bad, it wasn't so good that it wanted her to stay. This was the place where she had just come to. For Yan Kai, she had always had an unrelenting feeling about him, and even if she wanted to forget him, he wouldn't be able to do it.

As a doctor, she didn't want to see the slaughter happen, much less thousands or even tens of thousands of lives, but she didn't have the ability to shake the heaven and earth.

She was very clear about her ability. It was unlike an ordinary transcender, who could summon the wind and summon the rain, controlling the flow of the world. When she first arrived here, she couldn't even be compared to an ordinary person. To her, this was a completely new world. The unknown world was something she was slowly adapting to.

"Esteemed Empress, Yi Fei, and Esteemed Empress Lan are outside the palace seeking an audience." Just when Luo Xue wanted to rest, Lian Hai came to report.

"Do they know that the emperor is not in the palace?" Luo Xue frowned and asked Lian Hai, Helian Xi just left, why did they come, could it be that there are non-humans in the palace?

"This servant doesn't know. Logically speaking, since the Emperor left just now, no one should know." Lian Hai said cautiously.

Ever since he found out that the Emperor and the Crown Prince had special abilities, he didn't even have the slightest bit of disloyalty towards them.

"Let them in. I'd like to know what's the matter with them." Although she was tired, Luo Xue still believed that she would be able to help them.

"Chenqie greets Your Majesty, Empress." The concubines lowered their heads and entered. In view of the incident that happened at the Palace two days ago, they immediately kowtowed as soon as they entered.

"All of you, get up. The emperor is in the previous dynasty, he's not in the palace. Are you looking for the emperor?" Luo Xue put on the dignity of a queen as she spoke.

"The emperor is not in the palace? "It's already so late, your majesty …"

"The imperial court is busy. The emperor has gone to the imperial court to handle the affairs of the court. If there is anything you need, you can tell me." Luo Xue gestured for Yi Fei and the others to sit down.

"Chenqie and the others have nothing else to do. I just want to ask Your Majesty, are you planning to chase us out of the palace? If Your Majesty really wants to do so, why don't you confer upon your chenqie her death?" It was still led by Yi Concubine. Obviously, she had become the 'leader' of all the concubines.

"Don't worry, that won't happen. The emperor wouldn't do such a thing. As the saying goes, a husband and wife need a hundred days of grace every day. No matter what, you were once the emperor's concubines. The emperor wouldn't do such a thing." Luo Xue said with a smile.

If Helian Yi Chen knew what she had said at this moment, he would probably die from anger. But it was also for his own good. These concubines were all daughters of ministers of the imperial court.

"Since the empress has spoken, chenqie will believe it. I hope the empress will keep her word, or we won't be polite." Yi Fei said arrogantly.

"Oh, I would really like to know, how can you be so rude?" Originally, Luo Xue didn't want to say anything, but after hearing Yi Fei say this, Luo Xue said half-jokingly.

"The empress should be well aware that there are many unusual things in this palace. Chenqie and the rest have asked the State Grandmaster that besides us, there are also many monsters and monsters in this world. If this so-called 'crown prince' is an ordinary person, how could he possibly be revived? How can he grow up to the age of six or seven within a year?"

Yi Fei smiled sinisterly. She thought that Luo Xue should understand and thought that she had important evidence in her hands, so she didn't dare to act rashly.

"Oh, so Yi Fei wanted to tell the Emperor about this." Luo Xue pretended to be worried.

"Chenqie didn't say that. Chenqie only wanted to tell the empress to be careful and not be used by demons and devils. After all, you're the master of the imperial palace. If word of this gets out, it'll damage our image in Reno."

"That's right, esteemed empress. You're the head of the imperial harem, so it's best if you set an example yourself. Don't blame us for everything when the time comes." The concubine said.

"Thank you for your warning, sisters. I have already memorized it all. When the emperor returns, I will tell him everything." Luo Xue had seen all of her concubines, and had also told them that she was not afraid of them, much less care about their weakness that they thought they had.

"Do you really think your charm is boundless? Do you really think the emperor knows that you're a demoness and will still pamper you?" Yi Fei sneered.

"Yi Fei, you don't have to worry about that. I believe that the emperor will be able to determine whether or not I'm a demon. I'm very curious. How did you know that I'm a demon?" Luo Xue stood up and said with a beaming smile.

"Esteemed empress, it's useless for you to cover it up. The Imperial Advisors have their own fiery eyes, no one can escape his notice." Eunuch Lan smiled as she replied to Luoxue.

"You're right. In that case, I'll have to bribe the Imperial Advisors in the future. If I were to show my fox tail, my life would be in danger." Luo Xue said with a smile.

"You're not worried at all?" Seeing that Luo Xue was smiling all the time as if she was disdainful of being ignored, Yi Fei couldn't help but be a bit worried.

"Yi Fei, it's rare for you to be so concerned about me. I'll just say it out loud so that you won't feel unhappy." Luo Xue looked at her concubines and calmly said, "I am not a monster, but what the State Grandmaster said is correct. There are truly monsters and monsters in this world. There are some in this palace, but they are not of me."

"Esteemed Empress, are you deliberately making things up?" Yi Fei stared at Luo Xue, not knowing what she was suspecting.

"Why don't you let the Imperial Advisor use his Fiery Eyes of Truth to take a look at the harem? Whether it is or not, I will naturally know, but I believe that even if I am a demon, the emperor will not care. You guys shouldn't waste any more ideas, you might as well just stay here and let the emperor know that if you do anything else, the harem will no longer have any place for you." Luo Xue reminded all the concubines that Helian Chen wanted to chase the concubines away. Right now, they were waiting for them to make a move, and as long as they made the slightest mistake, they would be chased out of the palace.

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