"Xi Chen, that is what he said, but what if he divulges his identity in front of those female guests? "This is not a joke. If he really wants to find a job, he can have a lot of choices. Wipe him up and don't cause trouble …"

Luo Xue analyzed and helped Helian Chen listen, but Helian Chen did not pay attention to her. Instead, he was busy removing the bindings on Luo Xue's body.

"Darling, you belong to me at night. I forbid you from thinking about other men, even if you want to discuss things. Yan Kai is currently having a great time with those female customers, and will not accept your kindness."

"Xi Chen, stop messing around. You still haven't told me where Yan Kai is? "How about it?" Luo Xue pushed him with one hand as she asked anxiously.

"Ai, didn't I say it before? Where is he good? I can see that he really enjoys this job. Xiao Xue, in the future, can you stop mentioning this person?" Helian Chen's libido was extinguished by Luo Xue's one sentence, 'Yan Kai' and 'Yan Kai'. At this time, Helian Chen lay on his side, staring at the roof as he spoke helplessly.

"Chen Xi, are you angry?" Sensing Helian Chen's frustration, Luo Xue bent down and apologized.

She could not help but worry about Yan Kai and the others when they were still in the modern world. There were many things that she could not explain to Helian Chen, but that world, their mana, was a type of temptation to some people in the modern world.

"Sigh, I am already powerless to be angry. From that day when I fought him, I knew that the name Yan Kai, this person, would become my nightmare for the rest of my life." At this moment, he only wanted to tightly hug her and feel her existence. Only by hugging his so tightly would he be able to confirm that his wife, the woman called Situ Luoxue, was still his wife.

This was the only way he could tell himself that he shouldn't be jealous. If he was jealous, then he would fall for Yan Kai's schemes.

"Don't be like this. No matter what, he has taken care of me and Han'er for two years. Even if we cannot be friends, we cannot be enemies." Luo Xue's hand lightly placed on Helian Chen's chest, as if she was comforting him.

"If we go back, what can we be if we are not enemies? Even if I can forget how overbearing he is, he won't be able to see our happiness." Helian Yi said in a bad mood.

With her arms wrapped around Luo Xue, Helian Xi Chen had an idea. If he could send Yan Kai back earlier, no one would be able to destroy him and Xue'er.

If Han'er was unable to recover her spiritual energy and could no longer use her superpower, would the Yan Kai master and servant also have to stay here?

No, he had to think of a way. Even if they stayed here, they had to draw a clear line between them. It would be best if they moved out, because they were too busy to come and find Xue'er.

"Xi Chen, the more you are like this, the more Yan Kai will fight with you. Don't you see that every time he is like this, he is always intentionally trying to anger you? Come to think of it, when did he stop us from being together? " Luo Xue propped up his upper body and looked at Helian Xi.

Although Yan Kai refused to admit defeat on the surface and had always called her Princess, all these years, how could she be counted as Princess Wangfei. In those two years, Yan Kai had also treated her with respect and had never once offended her, and because of this, even if Helian Yi almost died at Yan Kai's hands, Luo Xue had no way of hating him.

"How could I not know? It's precisely his appearance that makes others angry. Wife, if Yan Kai is to come back, and he is planning to move out, you must not let him live." Helian Yi Chen suddenly called out to his wife, causing her to suddenly widen her eyes.

"You … What did you just call me? " Helian Yi saw that Luo Xue seemed to be possessed, so she extended her hand and waved it in front of her eyes. Luo Xue slapped his hand away, and patches of red flew out of her face.

"Wife, isn't that what all men call their wives here?" Helian Yi Chen froze. He thought that he had said something wrong.

"Yes, that's right. It's just that … This is the first time I've heard you talk about it, and it feels like... It feels weird. " Luo Xue blushed. As she said this, she buried her head in her chest, as if she was ashamed to see others.

"Wife, Wife, Wife..." Isn't it normal to say it a few more times like this? " Helene lifted Losey's head and rubbed her crimson cheeks with her fingers.

"There is, but …" Now that he was living a peaceful life, this was what it meant to be husband and wife. Even though he was extravagantly dressed, he still felt like he was missing something.

In Luo Xue's eyes, there was a deep love that could not be removed. This kind of Helian Xi Chen was her ideal husband, and only this kind of husband met the standards in her heart.

"Wifey, shouldn't you also change your name?" Helian bathed his hands under his pajamas and began to fidget, stroking her smooth skin.

"Hubby …" The sound of her husband's voice reached the heart of Helian Xi Chen.

"Wife, I have never abandoned you. Do not take the things that you have done in the past to heart. Those are the obstructions of fate. Now that everything has passed, let's forget about the past and start over. Wife, let me love you properly." As Helian Yi Chen spoke, he turned around and pressed Luo Xue down on his body.

Helian Chen kissed her lips and deftly undid the buttons on her pajamas with his big hand … He gently kissed her whole body, slowly and lovingly taking off all her clothes.

The joy that came from the depths of her body made her unable to hide the intense desire to be awakened. Helian Yi Chen confidently and skillfully leading her, became her only reality.

Helian Yi had never felt like this before, nor had she felt this deep love and gentleness. This made Luo Xue enchanted, and she completely let go of herself, giving everything she had to this man.

His mouth followed the curve of her hand, and the strong sensation of his moist, hot lips fascinated her. Suddenly, feeling impatient with the clothes that separated their skin from each other, she began clumsily tugging at the annoying things.

He chuckled softly and half rose to help her remove the clothes that were tied around her body.

Not long after, Luo Xue happily felt his body's heat and weight on her skin.

"Is it done?" My greedy little wild cat. " Helene's hoarse whisper resumed his passionate aggression. His hands probed her velvety skin, and each movement caused her to throb.

"Chen Xi, please!"

"Darling, I prefer that other name." Helian Yi gasped for breath, her mouth hinting, but her hands did not stop moving.

"Hubby, I …" Luo Xue said instinctively.

"Yes, my love, yes."

The intense desire in Helian Xi's eyes and the slight throbbing of his body made his possession of her even more wonderful. In his intense desire, she excitedly felt the sensation he gave off on her.

As soon as she had stopped trembling, Helian bathed her in the warmth of her own closeness, and joined her in the kingdom of the stars.

"Wife, are you okay?" Seeing how Luo Xue was panting lightly, Helian Xi caressed her sweaty hair tenderly.

"Well, Xi Chen, I wish we could be this happy forever." Luo Xue clung to Helian Chen's chest, which was filled with something called happiness.

"It will definitely happen. This is not Reno Country, there is no imperial palace, no queen, and no — — Jiuyu …" As she spoke of Jiuyu He's silence, Luo Xue also felt a tightening in his chest.

Now that they were no longer in Renault and Yan Kai was no longer there, Jiu Yu was the ruler there. He had always been eyeing the Mortal Realm fiercely, and now that Helian Yi was no longer here, would he let go of this rare opportunity?

"My wife, don't think too much, everything is arranged by the heavens and there is a certainty. Although I'm not here anymore, there is still Wang Di, even if the humans are not his match and Heaven Realm, they will not sit idly by and let us do nothing. Even if we have to retreat another 10,000 steps, there is still that woman, she will not allow Jiu Yu to do this." Helian Chen said as he felt the nervousness of Luo Xue.

"The woman? "You mean …"

"It's her, the woman who gave birth to me. Not to mention that Jiu You has already come out of the void, he wouldn't allow Jiu Yu to invade the mortal world, so we don't need to worry. We just need to stay here and enjoy our peaceful time." Helian Chen kissed the sweaty forehead of Luo Xue and decided to forget about it all.

After all, to him, Renault was already a different world. No matter how much he wanted, it would be impossible for him to reach it. It would be better not to think about him at all.

"That's true. Fortunately, you brought Han'er with you to save Jiu You from the void. Otherwise, even if you didn't go back, I wouldn't have been able to rest at ease." Luo Xue smiled and caught Helian Wen's restless hand.

"That's right. That's why everything has its own arrangements. We do not need to worry about that at all. Like this, Yan Kai's plan to take revenge will also be put on hold. How would it be …"

"Is that so? "So this is what you've been thinking about." Yan Kai's cold voice interrupted Helian Xi Chen's words. It was unknown when he had already returned.

He did not know how much he had heard of what Helian Yi Chen and Luo Xue had said. At this moment, he was standing before the door, and the door had already been opened.

"Yan Kai, did you really apply for the position of Young Master?" Luo Xue pulled her blanket tighter and sat up. She did not put Yan Kai's murderous aura in her eyes at all.

"What is it? "Are you worried that I will turn the world upside down?" Yan Kai mocked.

"Yan Kai, can you stop saying those harsh words? You've also come here because you have no other choice. Why must you vent your anger on others?" Helian Yi said angrily when he saw Yan Kai and Lanxue mocking him.

"Helian Yi Chen, listen carefully, regardless of whether you go back or not, I want to go back. I will not allow anyone to have thoughts about my Infernal domain, you can put down everything there, This King cannot, I will come back from time to time to check, and if Han'er regains her ability, you must inform me immediately." Yan Kai warned with a bellyful of anger.

"Yan Kai, Yan Kai …" Luo Xue still wanted to say something, but Yan Kai had already disappeared from in front of them. Only the sound of her calling Yan Kai could be heard in the air.

"Wife, just let him go. He is the king of a world after all, so he will know what to do. You don't have to worry about him." Helian Yi pulled at Luo Xue who was about to get up from her bed and advised her.

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