"Yan Kai, you don't need that much living expenses." Luo Xue looked at the thick pile of money and was stunned. After counting the money for two thousand, she returned the rest to Yan Kai.

"This belongs to both Lie and I. Take it." Yan Kai looked at Luo Xue with a frown. "Don't tell me that you're the same as Helian Chen and think that my money isn't clean?"

"No, I've said that there is no distinction between good and bad. Although I don't like this industry, this job is more difficult than other jobs and requires more patience and care. It's not easy for you to do this job with the authority of an emperor." Luo Xue coughed lightly and said seriously.

"Indeed, this job isn't easy to do. However, Xue'er, I, Yan Kai, am no ordinary person. Right now, I am already the manager of that nightclub. That nightclub is now under my name." Yan Kai said proudly.

It was indeed not easy for him to turn that nightclub into his own in a short half a month.

"It's yours?" Luo Xue looked at Yan Kai in astonishment. She had never been there before, but the size of nightclubs was not small. Yan Kai had only been working for half a month, how could that be possible? Could it be … Did he use magic?

"Of course, Xue'er, you don't have to be surprised. That shop only has a fixed asset of several tens of millions. Any item that I own can be sold for ten million. Therefore, that shop is not a problem." Yan Kai said with a calm expression.

"You're right. I've forgotten. Every single item on your bodies is an antique. Naturally, it is worth a lot." Hearing Yan Kai's words, Luo Xue suddenly understood. In fact, she had thought of it that way before, but her father had said there was no need. Now that she thought about it this way, it seemed like living a life of stress was nothing.

"Right, so you don't have to work so hard, just stay at home." Looking at Luo Xue's black eye, Yan Kai felt his heart ache.

From a woman's point of view, it was still better in ancient times. At least she didn't need to go out and show herself, and at least she didn't need to run around for a living. Those jobs were all men's, while the modern women all fought outside like men.

"Thank you. I'm very happy at this job. Although it's a bit hard, I'm happier than I was in Reno Country or the Demon Palace." Luo Xue shook her head. Indeed, working in the hospital was very tiring and there were many patients every day, but this job was very enjoyable. The things she learned and used were her first wishes to learn medicine.

You still have Han'er to take care of. After seeing how Han'er is recovering in a few months, if he still can't recover, then I'll consider buying a house. Then, you and your mother can move in together. Yan Kai said as he took another cigarette. From the looks of it, he seemed to be addicted to it.

"We'll see. I believe that Han'er will be able to recover. Thus, you must not put too much thought into this place. After all, this is not your world." Hearing Yan Kai's words, Luo Xue was a little worried. If Yan Kai also planned on staying, would this world be able to accept them?

Luo Xue didn't know, nor did she dare to think about it. Actually, with the accommodating nature of modern society, having a few more people wasn't a problem. The problem was that they could conceal their mana very well.

"Xue'er, you are against me? Was it because of the battle with Helian Yi? Or are you worried that I might affect your life? " Yan Kai stared at Luo Xue. Even though he understood that Luo Xue's heart only contained Helian Xi, he was still very displeased with Luo Xue's rejection.

"No, even if Xi Chen almost lost his life last time, you are still Han-Er's and my benefactor, not to mention that he is safe now, you are still our friend, but you are not an ordinary person after all, your life is not something a human can compare to. Think about it, after fifty years, after a hundred years, you still have that face, how can the people around you accept it? There will definitely be people who will suspect and cause chaos in this world. "

Luo Xue knew that she was being a little apprehensive. However, that was because she considered Yan Kai to be a friend of hers.

This world is very big, and in a few decades, we can start anew at a different place. However, you're right, this place might not be suitable for us, but it doesn't matter. Yan Kai could barely accept this explanation from Luo Xue. He walked up to her and lifted her face, causing her to instantly tense up and her body to tremble slightly.

Han-Er will definitely recover. He's been eating quite a lot lately, and he's recovering quite well." Luo Xue avoided Yan Kai's eyes. She knew that Yan Kai had a peculiar sort of feeling toward her. However, she was already a wife, and a mother. This sort of feeling was intolerable.

"Hopefully, Xue'er. It seems that every time I approach you, you will tremble. Even during those two years in the Demon Palace, why is that so?" Yan Kai did not loosen his grip. During his two years in the Demon Palace, it wasn't that he had never tried to get close to Luo Xue, but he had always been rejected by her.

If he had used more of his thoughts in the past, instead of being so arrogant, perhaps today, he would have a child who would call him father, and the past could not be recalled. However, after coming to this modern era, he thought of one person, and that was Ruo Han.

It was just that this was just a thought. He was not an ignorant child. He knew that there were some things that could not go against the laws of nature.

"You … You have an aura that would make people tremble in fear, and not just me. I believe that anyone who meets you will feel this way. " Luo Xue had no choice but to face Yan Kai head on. It was not because she knew that Yan Kai was very handsome, but there seemed to be a different emotion in his eyes today.

At this moment, he was no longer the king of the demon realm, but an ordinary man, a man helpless in the face of his loved ones.

"Is that so? Xue'er, ever since you left the Demon Palace, I have always had a regret. In those two years, I shouldn't have let you go so easily, I shouldn't have let you go so easily. I should have let you become the true mistress of our Demon Palace, the true wife of the Demon King. " Yan Kai used his hand to increase his strength. His body leaned forward slightly as he looked at Luo Xue's face. It was very different from the other faces. There were no chemicals, no decorations or even dark circles under her eyes. However … But it could make his blood boil.

"Yan Kai, you won't do that. It is precisely because you are the respected Demon King that we have come to respect. You are the father of Han'er, Yan Kai. Please, don't ruin the friendship between us, okay?" Luo Xue panicked. She was too familiar with the look in Yan Kai's eyes at this moment. This was the second time she had seen such an aggressive look from Yan Kai.

The last time was at the Devil's Palace. She remembered that time when she slapped him across the face, but now that his intent to invade was so obvious, she became weak from fear. What should she do?

Initially, she had seen this gaze from Helian Xi Chen, but no matter what, Helian Xi Chen would not force himself on an overlord just because he was a high and mighty king. He disdained it, but Yan Kai was different, especially since he came from the modern Yan Kai.

"I've always wanted to do it, but I've never done it. Xue'er, I can do what Helian Chen can, I can even do it better than him. Why can't you accept me when you can accommodate him?" Yan Kai moved closer, his breath gently pointing at Luo Xue's face.

"No, it's not the same. Yan Kai, you should... It's time to go. " Yan Kai could see that she wanted to escape. He gripped her slender waist with one hand, but did not loosen his grip on the big hand that was placed on her chin.

"No, I have given you and Yan Kai too much time. I should not have given you two the time to be alone. You could have originally been mine." Yan Kai lowered his head as he spoke.

"No …" Luo Xue powerlessly begged for mercy, but she could not resist the scorching Qi.

"Xue'er, don't reject me. At the very least, you should give yourself a chance to make a choice. Perhaps I am the person who suits you the most." Yan Kai did not expect Luo Xue to be able to avoid his attack at this time. He had no choice but to use his body to trap her between the dining table and his.

"No, I have already made my choice. Yan Kai, do not …" Luo Xue's entire body was covered in cold sweat. His hands finally recovered some strength. She tried his best to refuse, but Yan Kai's chest was like steel. He actually didn't feel anything.

"You were forced to choose. If the physical body that you were living in back then wasn't this one, if it wasn't Helian Chen's woman, then your choice would be different. You are living in the modern world, you shouldn't be obsessed with the thought of those women dying from one heart to one heart. Xue'er, don't resist me. Use your heart to feel it, and you'll find that I'm more suitable for you …" While Yan Kai was speaking, his hand that was originally at her waist grabbed Luo Xue's hands and pulled her hands behind her back.

"No …" "Ugh …" Luo Xue wanted to resist, but she couldn't stop Yan Kai's strength. She could only helplessly and passively accept his invasion.

His hot lips covered her trembling lips, and she bit her lower lip to keep him from doing so.

Yan Kai saw through Luo Xue's intention, so he simply loosened his grip on her chin, and changed the direction of his attack towards her chest.

"Ah …" Luo Xue cried out in fear. Yan Kai took this opportunity to sneak into her mouth and tongue.

Sensing Yan Kai's peculiar aura, Luo Xue's face paled, but the fear in her eyes was unable to stop him. After staying in the nightclub for half a month, Yan Kai was no longer the king of that demon realm.

He was trying to use his superb technique to soften Luo Xue, but he didn't know that the fear in her heart was slowly carrying her into the darkness.

"What are you doing!" A sudden roar pulled Luo Xue back from the edge of the darkness. Yan Kai, however, did not let go of Luo Xue because of this roar. Instead, he pulled apart Luo Xue's pajamas even more forcefully …

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