"Mommy …" After parting ways with her father, Ruo Han returned home. Today, the house was very unusual. She didn't even close the door, and Ruo Han called out to her mother before pushing the door open and entering.

"Han'er, are you back?" I'm sorry, Mommy... Mommy forgot to pick you up. " Hearing her son's call, Luo Xue seemed to wake up from a dream and hurriedly ran out of the room.

"It's alright, Mommy. I can come back by myself in the future. Oh right, Mommy, is there anything to eat? I'm so hungry." Luo Han patted his chest, not mentioning his father's' running away from home 'at all.

"Wait a moment, your godfather is home today. There's a lot of food at home. I'll go heat it up." Luo Xue said in high spirits.

"Alright, Mommy, then I'll go take a bath first. I'll eat later." As Ruo Han spoke, he rushed upstairs without even letting go of his school bag.

Her son seemed a little strange, different from before. Usually when her son came home, he would hug her and act like a spoiled child, then do something else. But today, he only called her Mommy. Too obedient.

That's right, he didn't ask why his godfather was back, nor did he mention anything about it. There was also his dad, and he also didn't mention anything about his dad. This was the biggest anomaly.

Luo Xue heated up the food that hadn't been touched much in the afternoon. If it was cold, it should be ready to eat when she went downstairs.

"Mommy, did you cook so much for lunch today? "It's because your godfather is back, Mommy. In other words, you still like your godfather a lot more." He was drooling as he looked at the delicious dishes on the table.

"Mommy, how could you have such a good hand? This is you …" "It was your godfather who asked the chef to cook for you. Han-Er, you have to eat more." Luo Xue continuously ate for her son. When she spoke of Yan Kai, her voice clearly paused.

"So that's how it is, Mommy, where's Daddy? Why haven't I seen him since I got back? " Ruo Han looked around and casually said.

"He … Your dad probably went out to look for a job today. " Luo Xue felt an indescribable unease in her heart. Although she was angry, she was still angry. No matter what, Helian Chen was still her son's father. She couldn't really kick him out. At most … Maximum... For the sake of his son, from today onwards, he would sleep with him.

"Mommy, does everyone have to work here?" He said that he was cold from hunger. After eating a few mouthfuls, he raised his head and asked.

"Of course, everyone has to work, this is the most basic difference between a person and their movements. Han-er, why do you ask this question? Do you find it hard to work? " Luo Xue was a little worried in her heart. In those days at the imperial palace of the Renault Country, because of his status, if Han Chengming opened his mouth and stretched his hands, not only would there be people cheering him on, he was afraid that his son would fall in love with that kind of life.

She knew that there was going to be competition between the students in the school, and looking at the current situation in her home, it was indeed not very good. It would likely be looked down upon by many people.

"No, if I do what I like, I would be very happy. But Daddy …" Daddy's specialty is governance. It's not easy for Daddy to find a job here, Mommy. Thinking about her father who had left, Ruo Han's voice became choked with sobs.

He had seen all of Daddy's pressure in the past few days, but he was only a child. He didn't know how to comfort Daddy, and he couldn't tell Mommy that all of Daddy's worries and uneasiness were a man's dignity.

"Han-Er, there are thousands upon thousands of different kinds of jobs in the world, you have to believe Daddy. He will definitely find a job that suits you, and Mom doesn't need him to make money to support his family. If Han-Er's ability recovers, he can go back to work as his emperor at any time, and he won't even need to work, and you …" Luo Xue looked at her son. She didn't believe that her son would be so careless.

"Mommy, don't you love Daddy anymore?" Hearing Mommy's words, Ruo Han's heart chilled. Daddy, what happened to Mommy? Why would Mommy say such a thing?

He wanted to find out the truth, but Mommy seemed to know that nothing was going on in his head.

"Don't ask too many questions, child. Eat." Luo Xue's hands froze. Her mind boomed. In her life, it was no longer just a matter of whether she loved him or not.

"Mommy, Daddy …" Just as Ruo Han was about to tell Luo Xue that her father had left, a familiar voice suddenly came from the air, interrupting his words.

"Wow, it smells so good. It seems like I'm going to have some fun tonight."

Yan Kai had come back early because of Helian Chen's instructions. Originally, he should have walked through the main entrance, but he felt that Luo Xue might be angry with him. To avoid having to close the door, he chose to come in directly.

"Godfather, you're here. Ruo Han misses you." After saying that, Ruoxi put down her bowl and chopsticks and was about to head over, but she was stopped by Luo Xue.

"Sit down …" "To eat." Unlike in the past, today, Luo Xue was exceptionally angry. While drinking his son, she didn't even spare a glance for Yan Kai.

"Alright, then I won't be polite." Yan Kai pulled out a chair and sat down.

"What are you doing here?" Thinking about what she had experienced during the day, Luo Xue didn't have a good attitude. Especially when Yan Kai's current expression stung her heart.

"Xue'er, from today onwards, I will come back every day to accompany you and your mother." After Yan Kai sat down, he saw that Luo Xue did not take out any utensils, so he got up and went to the kitchen.

"Mommy, where are you going?" Seeing that not only did Mommy not say anything, but she also put down her bowl and chopsticks and went upstairs, Ruo Han asked anxiously.

Yan Kai was also stunned for a moment. He thought that Luo Xue was angry and did not take it to heart. He took a bowl and chopsticks from the kitchen and came out.

At the dining table, Yan Kai was laughing with Luo Han. Unexpectedly, Luo Xue walked over and slapped the familiar envelope in front of Yan Kai as she viciously said, "Go, you're not welcomed here. Since you're so capable now, there's no need to live here anymore. You won't be able to use this room's money and living expenses, take it back."

Luo Xue also hardened her heart. Since the matter was caused by Yan Kai, she couldn't hesitate now. He had already known that Helian Xi had feelings for Yan Kai, and he had even mentioned it more than once. Yet, time after time, she did not take it seriously.

"Xue'er, I just took over the company. It's not convenient for me to transfer funds, and there's no housing. Can't you let me stay here?" When Yan Kai heard this, he understood in his heart that it would be temporarily impossible to convince Luo Xue to move out. Since that was the case, he could only stay here.

"That's your problem. I don't believe that you, as the head of a corporation, won't be able to find a place to stay. If you really don't have a place to stay, then you can use this money to rent a room in the hotel for a period of time." Luo Xue said without holding back.

They could only hope that they could make up for it now, but it was not too late. Thinking back to Helian Xi Chen's promise to her, the beautiful future in their minds was their family's world, and there was no Yan Kai. But now, it was because of Yan Kai that everything was ruined.

"Xue'er, if it's because I couldn't help you during the day, I apologize. I really like you, and I really want to take care of you and Han'er for the rest of my life. I don't have any intention of disrespecting you." Yan Kai put down his chopsticks, stood up and apologized to Luo Xue.

"Can't help it? Yan Kai, do you dare to say that you are unable to contain yourself? You actually say that this is not called frivolous? With your ability, would you not know that Helene has come back? Are you doing this on purpose? You are simply trying to make him misunderstand. You simply cannot allow us to live a good life. Yan Kai, all this time, I have always treated you as a friend due to the grace you have given us both by saving our lives. Ever since the seal on the Demon World was broken, how did you treat us? " Luo Xue's eyes turned red. From the beginning until now, she was the only one who was stupid. She was stupid.

Perhaps Yan Kai had been scheming from the start. Otherwise, he wouldn't have sealed her memories and made up a lie about her being the wangfei. He was the fool.

"Mommy, Daddy didn't leave home today and can't completely blame Daddy. Even if Daddy did want to, but he treated us seriously." Feeling the chaos in Mommy's heart, Ruo Han actually tried to defend Yan Kai at this time.

"Don't blame him? Han'er, just whose son are you? You actually said you don't blame him? Do you blame your father for... What did you just say? Who ran away from home? " Seeing her son defending Yan Kai, Luo Xue angrily shouted. Halfway through her words, Ruo Han's line of thought of running away from home seemed to have been reflected in her brain. She immediately pulled her son and asked in astonishment.

Mommy, I'm the son of you and Daddy, but Daddy didn't mean to harm us. Daddy really likes Mommy, Mommy, even if you're in a bad mood, even if Daddy bullied you, you can't wrong Daddy. In the two years we've been in the Palace, Daddy …

"Han'er, don't say anymore, it was indeed your godfather's fault, don't provoke your mother anymore." Hearing his foster son argue for him, Yan Kai felt guilty and tried to stop Luo Han.

"No, Royal Father, Mommy is more stupid, there are some things that she will never know, yes, Daddy loves Mommy, but in this world, Daddy does not only love Mommy, neither does Royal Father. Otherwise, during the two years in the Demon Palace, Royal Father could have made Mommy into a real Demon Consort, otherwise, with Royal Father's hatred towards the Three Realms, the first one he would have done it would be the human world. But because of a single sentence from Mommy, Royal Father let go, Mommy, you can't always be so stupid, you can't always be such a fool. Luo Han didn't understand the world of adults, but he did see the hearts of a few adults. He didn't understand whether or not he liked them, but he could tell that they were truly nice to him.

"Pa …" Luo Xue walked forward and slapped her son's face, her tears also fell at the same time. Looking at the palm print on her son's small face, her heart felt like it was being cut by a knife, "Are you still Helian Xi Chen's son? If you think that he has no future and wants to go with this man, you can scram.

Helian Xi, the man who had said that he would always be with her and that he would always love her, had left. Now, this child she had given birth to in October had also helped outsiders, so let's go, since they did not care about her and did not want her as their wife, Mommy.

"Xue'er, how can you hit a child? He's still young, he doesn't know anything, how can you beat him? What did Helene do to you? "You actually …"

"Shut up, scram, all of you scram …" She had never lost control of herself like this before, never felt so helpless. Even when she was first tortured by Helian Chen, her only thought was to stay alive, but now, she only had the heart to die.

"Xue'er, your heart is like a typhoon. Have you ever thought about it? He's your son, and a three-year-old at that …" Yan Kai looked at Ruo Han, who had tears in his eyes, and said in heartache.

"No, royal father, mother was not wrong, it was Han'er who was wrong. Mommy, I'm sorry, Han'er should stand by your side and not help father, Han'er should …"

"Shut up, don't say anymore, don't say anymore …" Seeing her son's wronged eyes and his tears, Luo Xue felt like a sinner, unworthy of being a mummy. She covered her ears and staggered back.

"Mommy, Mommy, where are you going …" Seeing Luo Xue crying as she turned and ran, Ruo Han anxiously asked.

Yan Kai held onto Luo Han, "Don't chase after her, your mother needs to calm down."

He indeed went overboard this afternoon, but he did not expect to hurt Luo Xue. Originally, he was only trying to hurt Helian Xi Chen, but to anger Helian Chen, he did not want to hurt Luo Xue.

"Father, Father... "Daddy hurt Mommy, Mommy is injured, Mommy …" He didn't know how to explain what his father had done to Mommy. He was still a child, so he didn't know what his father had done wrong.

"Did your dad hit Mommy?" Yan Kai was stunned. He could not believe that Helian Xi Chen had really attacked Luo Xue. But if that was not the case, why did Helian Yi Chen leave? Otherwise, why would Luo Xue be so sad?

"No, Daddy tore Mommy's clothes, Daddy …" Daddy … "I'm not sure either. I only know that Daddy …" Luo Han held his head, trying to figure it out, but he couldn't.

"Han'er, you don't need to say anymore. Father understands." Yan Kai said with a heavy heart.

Through his thousands of years of experience, he could understand from Luo Han's intermittent words. He really didn't think that Helian Yi would do that kind of thing to Luo Xue. No wonder he left.

So he was ashamed to the point of being ashamed. No wonder Luo Xue wanted to kick him out. He was truly wrong. He was the one who indirectly hurt Luo Xue.

He had misjudged Helian Chen and his ability to kill. I'm sorry, Xue'er. I'm really sorry. Yan Kai repeated in his heart.

"Father, do you understand? Do you really understand now? " Ruo Han looked at Yan Kai. He was extremely impressed by the two words that appeared in Yan Kai's mind. Violent 'didn't quite understand.

"Yes, Han-Er, leave with your father first. Can you give your mother some time?" Watching Luo Xue disappear into the night, Yan Kai felt as guilty as Helian Chen.

"Father, you … Are you going to leave just like that? Leave my mommy behind? " Luo Han's eyes were filled with coldness, he didn't expect that his father would leave his mother at this time. He didn't know what his mother needed to calm down, he only knew that her leaving was very dangerous, very dangerous.

"Han-Er, believe in Royal Father. Your mother doesn't want anyone to disturb her at this time." Yan Kai walked closer to Ruo Han. He couldn't explain to a three-year-old child what a 'Brute Force' was, nor could he use words to describe the injuries that Luo Xue had suffered. He felt that the only thing he could do was help her take good care of Ruo Han.

"But it's night time, it's not safe for Mommy to go out alone. Father, let's go find Mommy and advise her to come back, okay?" Ruo Han looked at the night with fear, her father was gone, and so was Mommy. All of a sudden, he seemed to have become a child that no one wanted.

Han-Er, trust in royal father, this is not Reno Country. There is no Illusory Realm, no Demon Palace, the people here can't hurt your mother, give your mother some time, tomorrow your father will send you to school, first let your mother calm down, your father hurt her too much, the wound will need time to heal. Yan Kai advised.

"Really? When will Mommy be well? " Luo Han looked at Yan Kai doubtfully.

Now that his father and mother were both gone, he didn't want to stay at home by himself. Moreover, he could see that his father had no ill intentions and purely wanted to take care of him.

"Don't worry, Royal Father will keep an eye on your Mommy. As soon as her mood improves, we will come to pick her up." Yan Kai said with a heavy heart.

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