"Master, please forgive this humble one's words. Is that woman really Madam?" On the top floor of the best hotel in the city, the silver-haired man was standing by the window, looking up at the night sky. Behind him stood a brown-haired man.

"It should be. I've been waiting for a thousand years. I can't be wrong." The silver-haired man was actually deep in thought.

"But Master, weren't we looking for Yan Kai back then? "Why..." The brown haired man was puzzled.

"That's right, we can only say that this is the will of heaven. This noble also did not expect to meet Madame here again. You all do not need to interfere in this matter. You just need to keep an eye on Yan Kai. I will handle it myself." The silver-haired man's eyes were sharp, as though he was giving a warning.

"Master, it was as if Yan Kai suddenly descended from the sky. We don't know what kind of ability he has, but according to the information from the investigation office, Yan Kai originally accepted Young Master's job at a nightclub." Master, it was as if Yan Kai suddenly descended from the sky, as we don't know what kind of ability he has, according to the information from the investigation office, Yan Kai originally accepted Young Master's job at a nightclub.

If necessary, bring those items back. I want to personally take a look at them. White, you have to be careful, they are not ordinary people. The silver-haired man warned again and again.

"I understand, then I will go and handle the matters first. Whatever orders Master has to give me, just send them at any time." After the silver-haired man waved his hand, the man quickly left.

"Jess, are you sure you're not Jess?" In the dark night, the man's silver hair shone especially brightly, and the cup of red liquid in his hand emitted a biting cold light in the dark.

On the morning of the second day, Luo Xue brought Han'er to her parents' home. The two old men looked at their child with a happy heart, and Luo Xue temporarily put aside the worries in her heart, enjoying this precious family love.

Mama Han was concerned about her daughter's grandson and planned on retiring early. At this moment, she was going through the retirement procedures, so she couldn't bear to have him return like this after seeing the child. She repeatedly urged him to stay.

Because of the elderly's urging to stay, Luo Xue left Han'er here to accompany the two elders, while she herself returned home to clean up.

After posting a few resumes on the internet, Luo Xue also noted down the applicant's information address and decided to check them out one by one on Monday.

She closed the computer and was about to rest when she suddenly felt an unusual aura. Luo Xue focused her mind and quickly put on her clothes again.

"Since you're already here, why are you still hiding?" Luo Xue was angry, so she looked around the room, but other than that strange feeling, she didn't find anything wrong.

"You can feel my presence, but you still dare to say that you're not Jis?" Following the voice, a person suddenly appeared in the room. Luo Xue didn't see where he came from, but the black cloak was very dazzling.

However, he was also a rare infatuated child, so he didn't want to pursue the matter of him sneaking into the house. As a result, he coldly said: "I see that you are delusional, and once you see a woman, you will think that she is yours. Since you are so anxious to see your wife, I will not call the police."

When the silver-haired man heard this, he laughed, "How do you know that I'm looking for a wife? Could it be that you also know Mind Reading like that brat? "

"Humph, if you're so magnanimous, then you don't need to be afraid of mind-reading." At the same time, they also walked outside. It wasn't good for a man and woman to be alone in the bedroom, so it was better to stay safe in the hall.

"They are indeed mother and son. Even the words they say are the same. That man is that brat's father?" the silver-haired man asked harshly.

"It has nothing to do with you. Let me tell you, I'm not the person you're looking for, so please stop bothering me in the future." Luo Xue said angrily.

"Those who come are guests, is this how you treat your guests? Not even a glass of water? " The silver-haired man sat down on the sofa in the living room and said as if he was an old acquaintance.

"Water? I'm afraid the water doesn't suit you? " Luo Xue probed as she looked at the silver-haired man.

"Hehe, don't worry. Although people like to say that we're vampires, I don't drink blood. I just like red. It would be great if there was red wine."

I'm sorry, but I've never treated an uninvited person as a guest. Furthermore, I don't have any red wine in my house. If you want to drink, you can go to the bar. Luo Xue poured herself a cup of yoghurt and snorted as she looked at the uninvited master.

"Aren't you afraid?" The silver-haired man raised his eyebrows, his eyes filled with a smile.

"What are you afraid of? Afraid you'll bite me? I'm sorry, but no one has ever told me how to write the word 'afraid'. " Luo Xue indifferently said.

The silver-haired man stretched out his index finger and lightly said, "That is the work of a low level vampire. One day, you will remember the agreement between us. When that time comes, I will let you understand it."

"I'm not interested. You are allowed to leave within three minutes. Otherwise, I will definitely call the police." Luo Xue finished the milk in her hand. She did not dare to stand, nor did she dare to sit, nor did she dare to casually approach.

"If you're not afraid of alarming Yan Kai, you can call the police right now." The silver-haired man seemed to be certain that Luo Xue only had a fierce mouth as he said this.

"Hey, what is your purpose? I already told you that I'm not your woman, and I already have a husband. You saw my son too, so stop being so stubborn. " Luo Xue's delicate eyebrows knitted as she angrily said.

"Your lordship has never been mistaken. This reunion with you was also a blessing. You should be the wife of Richard Davad Vance." David stood up and opened the refrigerator himself, as if he had known all morning that there was wine in it.

Not only did she take out the wine from the fridge, but she also took out a glass from the kitchen. Luo Xue was even more annoyed when she saw this, this guy actually thought this was her house, he wasn't courteous at all, even Yan Kai wouldn't be like this, detestable.

"Nutjob, are you going or not?" Luo Xue glared at David angrily, wishing that she could throw him out of the window.

"When I've done what I wanted to do, I will naturally leave. This noble has never forced others to do anything difficult, especially when it comes to women." David swirled the wine in his cup and said after tasting it lightly, "Good wine. I didn't expect you to have such a good wine. Is it specially prepared for me?"

"Stop being such a beauty. I just moved here, how could I possibly buy wine. This was bought by Yan Kai and he already drank it. When he left, I'll have to trouble you to keep the money. I don't have the mood to play with you in my previous life." As she spoke, Luo Xue stood up and was about to return to her room, but then she turned back in front of the door and walked towards the kitchen.

The bedroom was always a sensitive place. Even if she wanted to avoid him, she couldn't go back to the bedroom. These men were not like normal men. If one door and a few walls couldn't stop them, then she would spend the night with them.

As far as she knew, vampires were always afraid of the sun. At worst, when this guy left tomorrow, she would return to her parents' home and stay there for a while. It would be best to avoid him.

At this time, Luo Xue was also a bit hungry. She cooked a supper in the kitchen, completely ignoring that noisy guy in the living room.

David was tasting wine in the living room. It seemed that he had no intention of leaving immediately.

This woman, other than her outer appearance, had a personality similar to that of Jis. Even if she had a husband and son, he would not easily give up on her. The thousand year promise, the thousand year waiting, and the thousand year loneliness, how could he give the one he loved to someone else?

Luo Xue held the noodles, eating while glaring at David. She thought Yan Kai was really thick-skinned, she didn't expect David to be so thick-skinned.

"Do you want to hear my wife's story?" No matter how slowly Luo Xue ate the noodles, there was always a time when she finished eating the noodles.

"Originally, I was not interested in the stories of others, but since you want to tell them, I cannot stop you." Luo Xue yawned again and again. She was worried that she couldn't hold on any longer, so she forced David to tell her story.

"A thousand years ago, I inherited my father's title, and Jis was the daughter of the enemy of our Fansi family. Before I inherited the title, I knew that she was the enemy's daughter, and I had thought of using Jis to injure the enemy's family, but I never thought that I would fall in love with Jis …" David swirled the wine in his glass as if it were filled with stories from a thousand years ago.

This kind of story existed both in the east and the west. She focused all her attention on David, smiled and said, "Even if you want to make up a story, you should make it up a sad and beautiful one. For example, the story of the Duke of Windsor, I might still believe you."

"You think I'm making up a story?" David's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he glared at Loewy.

"Do you still want to believe that? "This kind of story, don't even talk about listening to it anymore. It's really meaningless. Please change it to something even more attractive …"

"Bang …"

"Aiyo …" Before Luo Xue could finish her words, the table beside her suddenly broke into pieces. A few wood fragments stabbed at Luo Xue, causing her to cry out in pain.

However, this David didn't seem to know how to show mercy to the fairer sex. Not only did he not place any importance on Luo Xue's injuries, he instead floated in front of her like a gust of wind, pinched her neck and angrily said: "You're not allowed to say such words, if you don't believe me and come with me to London, I will definitely remind you of the past a thousand years ago."

Losey found it hard to breathe, and his eyes were dark. He could still hear what David was saying.

"Put..." "Put …" Luo Xue's struggling hand drooped down, and her eyes lost focus.

"Jis …" Only after seeing that Luo Xue had lost her consciousness did David recover from his rage. He quickly let go of her and carried her to the bed.

"Cough, cough …" You... He really isn't a man, he actually … You actually dared to do this to a weak girl like me. " Luo Xue continuously coughed, and scolded before she could even breathe smoothly.

"I hate people who doubt my words the most. Moreover, my relationship with Jis will never change. You actually dare to laugh at us. Not taking your life is already considered benevolent." David did not retreat due to Luo Xue's injury. Instead, he shouted in anger.

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