Luo Xue was too lazy to argue with him. The two of them got into a taxi, and only then did Luo Xue ask, "You go back first."

"No, I'll go home with you, you... I have to go back with you. That guy might still be there. " Only now did Yan Kai remember that he did not remove the barrier when he left. He had the confidence that his barrier was not something that anyone could break through. Moreover, he remembered that fellow being injured at that time.

"Is he still here? Damn it, does he not understand what it means to retreat in the face of difficulties? " Luo Xue placed her hand on her neck and said angrily.

"Maybe, but it's not what you think. You'll understand when we get home." If that guy was able to break through his spirit formation, then the danger level would increase by at least two levels. However, up until now, no one was able to break through his spirit formation.

She even asked Yan Kai to pay for the car, but she was stunned when she reached the stairs. The floor was not wrong, but why couldn't she see her own door? She was stunned for a long time before she understood what Yan Kai meant by the car.

"Yan Kai, is this the only thing you need to do so that this guy won't be able to enter my house in the future?" Luo Xue was not very angry. Instead, a smile appeared on her face.

"If he's still inside, that's for sure. If he isn't …" As Yan Kai spoke, he removed the barrier, and the door was immediately in front of them. The door was open, but when they walked in, they did not see anyone except for the blood on the floor of the living room.

"Yan Kai, whose blood is this?" Only the bedroom window was open and there seemed to be blood on it. When she returned to the living room, there was blood on the floor, but it hadn't dried yet.

"You can see that it definitely isn't mine." Yan Kai shrugged his shoulders. He was feeling rather uncomfortable at the moment. He did not expect that bastard to be able to break through his barrier. He was truly displeased.

"You hurt David." As Luo Xue spoke, she went back to her bedroom. When she had entered the room, she seemed to have felt that it was precisely because of this that she had rushed to her bedroom at the first possible moment.

"It should be. Who let him hurt you first? Xue'er, you can't be blaming me, right?" When Yan Kai heard that Luo Xue seemed to be blaming him a little, he felt even more unhappy.

"No, his wounds are not light, and his blood cannot congeal." Soon after, Luo Xue also saw the blood on the sofa and frowned. On the ground, the blood on the windowsill could be cleaned easily, but it wouldn't be easy to wash the blood on the sofa.

The more Luo Xue spoke, the worse Yan Kai's mood became. He gloomily said, "But he escaped from my barrier. For thousands of years, no one has been able to do it. Furthermore, he was injured."

"Maybe." Luo Xue saw that Yan Kai was in low spirits and could not bear to offend him, so she said, "Maybe not. Maybe he left the instant the barrier was broken."

"You mean he just ran away?" Upon hearing that, Yan Kai immediately rushed to his bedroom. When he saw the bloodstain on the windowsill, he immediately jumped down from the window.

Luo Xue almost fainted when she saw this. Although she knew this height was nothing to him, but this was the normal world, if she was seen this jump, she would probably cause trouble again. But no matter how she yelled, she was already gone.

He first went to the refrigerator to get some ice, and then decided to put it on first. As for the snow on the ground, if he didn't wait for Yan Kai to come back and let him use magic, he would have to wait until he was better before he could clean it. He really didn't have any energy left.

When Yan Kai returned ten minutes later, it was clear that he had not been able to catch up with David.

"Xue-Er, is there any medicine that can help the one on your neck disappear faster?" Yan Kai felt his heart ache when he saw Luo Xue lying on the bed with ice cubes around her neck.

"It's okay, go and do what you need to do. I think even if he wants to find me, he can't come for a while. Don't worry about me, I'll take care of myself." Luo Xue didn't even open her eyes as she waved her hand towards Yan Kai.

"Alright, call me anytime if you're not feeling well. I'll go back and take care of some matters first. I'll be back to accompany you tonight." Seeing that Luo Xue was indeed fine, Yan Kai said, "Of course, it was just as Luo Xue thought. He casually helped her clean the bloodstains in the room."

After Yan Kai left, Luo Xue Bing took a shower and went to bed after seeing that everything had been cleaned up.

If it was Yan Kai's original intention, he would have stayed behind to accompany Luo Xue. But now, he had to quickly find out the background of that David. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to rest at ease.

At this moment, Helian Xi Chen was with a middle-aged man in police uniform.

"Helian, before you go abroad, there is something I feel the need to let you know." A middle-aged man in police uniform said.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't beat around the bush. I've already said from the beginning that you are not to find trouble with me after this matter. At the same time, you are also going to give us a legal identity." Helian Yi raised her sword-like eyebrows.

"Of course, I believe you are aware that there are many capable people in this world. Of course, there are also some abnormal powers of darkness …"

Helian Yi Chen was clearly getting impatient. He interrupted the middle-aged man and said, "Get to the point."

The middle-aged man had a hint of a smile on his face, as if he didn't care at all, "Your wife has been targeted and almost lost her life. Before you go abroad, do you want to go back first?"

"What?" Who? Who was so bold? Didn't you say that you would send someone to protect my wife and children? When Helian Yi heard this, he immediately stood up. Moreover, he arrived in front of the middle-aged man without even blinking his eyes. Even his eyelids had turned golden.

"We're still investigating and don't know where he came from, but one thing is certain, they are the same as you, they aren't human. Early this morning, your wife was rushed by Yan Kai to the hospital …" The middle-aged man slowly said.

Hearing that, Helian Yi grabbed the middle-aged man's collar and lifted him up, "What? What happened to Xue'er? What did that bastard do to her? "

"Calm down, calm down. She's fine now, that …" That Yan Kai is also very powerful. Not only did he save your wife, he also injured that vampire. Cough … "Cough …"

"Shut up, I want to go home. If anything happens to my wife, I won't let you go. At most, we will both perish together." Helian Yi glared angrily at the middle-aged man. She threw him heavily onto the chair and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Young man, no matter how strong you are, you are still impulsive." The middle-aged man straightened his clothes and said with a smile.

In the blink of an eye, she had arrived at Luo Xue's home. When she saw Luo Xue lying on the bed, and the dark purple on her neck, her lips twitched, and she walked to the bed. It was unknown if it was because she hurt Luo Xue, or because she was frightened, but Luo Xue moved.

"Xue'er, I'm sorry. For the time being, I can't come back, but I promise you, I will definitely come back quickly. After I'm done, no one can separate us. Trust me, when I return, I will definitely give you a reasonable explanation."

Helian Chen's finger gently caressed Luo Xue's neck. He never thought that Luo Xue would receive such a heavy injury. Looking at the fingerprint on it, he could imagine how much pain Xue'er was in at that time. He could imagine how ruthless the person who attacked her was.

No matter who it was, he would never let that person go. Anyone who dared to harm his wife, regardless of whether he was human or a mutant, would never be able to live in this world again.

"Xi Chen …" Wipe up … Don't... "Don't leave …" Luo Xue on the bed seemed to have heard Luo Xue's words and started talking in her sleep. This also caused Helian Xi Chen to be greatly shocked. Fortunately, he touched Luo Xue's sleeping place, otherwise, she would have already woken up.

Helian Yi made up his mind. Before this matter was settled and he regained his freedom, he would not let Luo Xue see him again because he did not know how to explain it to her.

He wanted to regret, but he didn't have the chance. Coming here, he was no longer the same high and mighty King he was before. In fact, there were also people with all kinds of super powers in this world.

After leaving home that day, he had originally wanted to find a job, but who would have thought that he would be targeted by someone and even brought to that place in the end. Although he might not lose a fight, after weighing the pros and cons, he still accepted their proposal and decided to help them with one thing, then exchange it for eternal peace.

"Sorry, Xue'er, I can't stay by your side during this period of time. I can't protect you and make you suffer. I promise you, I will definitely compensate you and your mother many times in the future." Helian Yi Chen sat in front of the snow bed, unwilling to leave.

Yan Kai explained the matter. Looking at the time, it was already lunchtime. He knew that Luo Xue would definitely not remember to eat, so he bought some food outside and brought it over.

When Helian Xi Chen in the room heard the commotion outside, he originally wanted to leave immediately. However, when he stood up, his eyes touched the wound on Luo Xue's neck and he immediately changed his mind.

"Yan Kai, thank you for taking care of Xue'er and her son for me."

"Helian Xi Chen, you really know how to choose your timing. Where were you when Luo Xue was injured?" When Yan Kai saw Helian Chen, he immediately felt uncomfortable. He had initially thought that he would not be seen for a long time, but after just a few days, they had met again.

Helian Yi did not return to Yan Kai, but instead questioned, "Who is that person? What was his name? Why did you hurt Luo Xue? "

"Won't you check for yourself if you have the ability? "He kept saying that Xue Er is your wife and that as a man, he can't even protect his own wife, so what kind of man is he?" Yan Kai pointed at Helian Yi Chen angrily.

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