Looking at her mother's expectant expression, Luo Xue couldn't refuse. Besides, she was their daughter, but no matter what, she wasn't willing to move to her parents' place.

Firstly, she was worried that her parents would have a deep relationship with their child, which would make the old man sad. Secondly, she was worried that David's parents wouldn't be able to take any more blows, and she wasn't sure if David would harm his parents once he found out about their relationship.

That night, Luo Xue slept soundly. When her mother woke up the next morning, she actually didn't even know about it.

"Mommy, mommy, hurry up and get up. Not good, not good, there's a bad woman looking for you." Luo Xue was still in bed dreaming of her childhood, but Ruo Han came in and pushed her.

"Mommy, Mommy …"

"Han-Er, don't shake it anymore. Mommy is already dizzy from your shaking. Let Mommy sleep a little longer …" Luo Xue held her head and helplessly sat up. It had been a long time since she had such a good night's sleep.

"Mommy, if you go back to sleep, your husband will be gone." Ruo Han jumped onto the bed and used the pillow to smash Luo Xue.

"So what if it's gone, it's just old … Han'er, what did you say? What's gone? " Luo Xue finally woke up from her beautiful dream. She grabbed the pillow in her son's hand and asked nervously.

"My dad, your husband." Ruo Han jumped off the bed with a nonchalant look on his face.

"Your father? What happened to your dad? What happened? " When Luo Xue heard that it was Helian Chen who was bathing without changing his clothes, she rushed to the living room just like that.

"Waking the Chen, Waking the Chen …" You... "Mommy, this young lady is …" Luo Xue looked at the strange woman who suddenly appeared in the living room, looked at her parents who seemed to be fine, and asked in puzzlement.

"Mommy, this bad woman wants to rob your husband." Ruo Han climbed onto the sofa quickly, as if she didn't care that her father was about to be taken away.

However, it was not surprising since he knew how to read the mind. It was very likely that he had already known what the man was thinking and doing at this time. It was no wonder he was so calm.

"Are you his woman?" The person who came was Lin Jing, who had just returned from London yesterday. After losing Helian Xi, she didn't even return home and directly came to Luo Xue's home.

"Miss, I don't know who he is, but I can tell you with certainty that I'm not someone's woman. My husband's surname is Helian, or to be exact, we just moved to this city, so I don't think my husband would know you, so you can leave." Luo Xue glanced at her parents. It wasn't that she didn't have the courage to find out the truth, but that it was unnecessary.

Helian Xi had only been away from home for about ten days. Moreover, he was too busy looking for a job and earning money to make a living, so he didn't have the time to hook up with a woman. If this woman was looking for Yan Kai, she would still believe him.

"Helian Yi Chen, I am his current woman. Don't you want to know how we met and how far we have progressed?" Lin Jing saw that no one was asking her to sit, so she found a seat and sat down.

"I think you came to the wrong place. Han'er, please ask this auntie to go out. Mommy wants to go back to sleep." Luo Xue raised her eyelids, yawned, and turned away, not intending to pay any attention to Lin Jing.

"Mommy, she probably does know Daddy." At this time, Ruo Han suddenly hinted at Luo Xue.

"What's so strange about that? There are tens of thousands of women who know your dad, so if you know him, you know him." Luo Xue glared at her son. Stinking brat, you really raised me for nothing. Can't I see that grandpa or grandma is here?

Of course, he had to shut the door and talk about this matter. How could he let this old man know about it? Stinky brat, wait for Helian Chen to come back before letting him take care of him.

"But she said that she's Daddy's current woman, which means Mommy can give up her seat now, do I have to call her Mommy in the future too?" Little Ruo Han stood up and walked in front of Lin Jing, looking up adorably as she said, "Auntie, do I need to call you Mommy, or do I need to call you Little Mother, or Second Mother, or something?"

The two elders remained silent. Seeing their daughter and grandson being so powerful, their worries seemed to be unnecessary. Father Han stood up and walked towards the restaurant.

"Old partner, is breakfast ready? I'm late for work. "

"Alright, alright, hurry up and eat. I'll take you to the market later to buy vegetables."

The two old men spoke to each other as they left the living room. From start to finish, they didn't even look at Lin Jing. Lin Jing's face twitched. She did not expect this family to be so abnormal. It was as if they had all come out of a mental hospital.

"Young lady, I'm sorry. Please forgive us for not being convenient to entertain guests. Please go out by yourself." Luo Xue walked over and pulled her son back.

"He's not at home?" Lin Jing stared at Luo Xue in disbelief. In fact, from Luo Xue's expression and words, she already knew, but she didn't give up.

She had always thought her instincts were accurate, but if the person on the plane yesterday had not been Helian Chen, that meant that Helian Chen was still in London, but she had checked and found that Helian Chen's ID was missing.

"Miss, you're very strange. Since you're his current woman, he should be with you. Why have you come here to find someone? It seems like the world has truly changed …" Luo Xue sneered. She finally understood the woman's purpose. So she was looking for Tian Chen.

Luo Xue's brain was struck by lightning. She remembered the scene on TV that day where a man and a woman were fighting with Chen Chen. Could it be the woman in front of her?

"Do you really believe I'm his woman?" Originally, besides looking for Helian Chen to clean up, Lin Jing had also taken the opportunity to act out some 'fierce acts'. She had been overbearing and righteous, but she had not expected that the one who would not be calm this time would actually be her.

"I do. Why not?" Didn't he tell you he had a lot of women? Everyone says that the Emperor's harem has three thousand beauties, and I think he's even better than that. Of course, I'm not sure which woman's bed he might be on right now, so you should take your time to find her. We need to eat breakfast, if you would like to excuse us. " This time, Luo Xue's order to expel her guest was even more obvious. No matter how thick-skinned Lin Jing was, she was too embarrassed to stay.

"Wait, can I ask you another question?" When Lin Jing saw that Luo Xue wanted to go back to her room, she shamelessly said.

"I don't seem to have any obligation to answer your question. However, I am in a good mood today. You can ask. Perhaps I will answer your question." Seeing the weak attitude of Lin Jing, this mistress of Luo Xue's, made her heart feel incomparably carefree. In her experience, there were two possibilities.

It was the woman who had appeared on the television that day. She must have come to find Chen, wanting to capture him, but this was also good. At least it proved that Helian Chen was safe and sound.

Secondly, this woman wanted to be a mistress, but unfortunately, she was an unsuccessful mistress. Moreover, this woman should not be an ordinary woman. She had not even come back to this place before, so she was naturally not an ordinary person.

However, this was also what Luo Xue was worried about. She was worried that Helian Chen's disappearance might be related to national security. When she first came back, the incident at the hospital still made her have nightmares.

"How did you come to be in modern times? Are you the Han Xue that was hit by the stray bullet? And do you love him? " Lin Jing was clearly in a state of confusion. She actually asked these questions.

"Auntie, looks like your math is really bad, you can't differentiate between 1 and 3. I don't think my mom will answer you, so let me answer you." This time, Ruo Han was actually very filial, and took the initiative to help Mommy solve the problem.

"You …" In the past, she had never known how old this child was, but now, it seemed that something was wrong. That Han Xue had disappeared for only half a year, it was impossible for her to have such a child. Secondly, this child was so shrewd that she didn't seem like a child.

Thinking of this, Lin Jing retreated a few steps. Helian Xi knew Mind Reading, so could it be that his son also inherited it?

"That's right, it's me. No matter what, I'm also Mommy's son. I know what you're asking." Ruo Han nodded with an innocent smile on her face. She looked so innocent.

Lin Jing retreated several steps. Although the person standing in front of her was a child that was a few years old, his eyes were calm and collected, even surpassing that of an adult. She stuttered as she stepped back, "Then …" "Then answer Auntie."

"Then auntie, listen carefully. The first question is obviously going to be used. The second question is, my mommy's name is Situ Luoxue, not Han. Do you want to ask the third question?" Luo Han stretched out his fat fingers and shook his head, "I have never asked whether Mommy loves Daddy, but Daddy told me that Mommy is the only woman he loves in his entire life. Before, when he didn't know Mommy, he only loved himself, and after Mommy, he only loved Mommy.

"You … You are a very... "Cute child, this is auntie's name card. If your dad comes back, please call your auntie. Your dad leaked some very important things to your aunt, so we need him to bring it back personally." Lin Jing looked at Luo Han's face that looked exactly like Helian Xi's. She could not utter the word "hate" no matter how hard she tried.

"Alright. Auntie, take care. When dad comes back, I will definitely call Auntie. When that time comes, please come visit me at home. Auntie, take care …" Ruo Han took the name card and shouted at Lin Jing, who had already turned around.

"Han'er, who is that woman?" After Lin Jing left, Luo Xue asked her son. She believed that her son had clearly seen that woman's identity, as well as that woman's relationship with Helian Xi Chen.

Of course, that was not important for the time being. The most important thing was whether Helian Xi was safe for the moment.

"Mommy, didn't you also hear? She's Daddy's woman, a very covetous woman, a woman who really wants to replace you, a woman who thinks she's amazing, and a …"

"Alright, that's not what I wanted to ask you. Tell me, where is your father now? Is this woman here to capture your dad? " Luo Xue stopped her son, completely forgetting that there were still two old men home.

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