"Does that require any law?" Helian Yi Chen froze. He had actually forgotten the complicated details of the modern era.

"Yes, I need to contact aunt and the others." For the past few days, Luo Xue had been immersed in grief and had neglected to do so. Now, she could only call her aunt to communicate with her.

"Xiao Xue, your identity cannot be revealed to outsiders." Fang Ping reminded her before Luo Xue made a call.

"I know, I don't want the immovable property in my parents' inheritance. I will also take care of the later matters personally, so I don't need them to worry too much about it. I believe my aunt will not reject." Luo Xue nodded. She was very clear on the principle of the primacy of money in society.

She really wanted to keep the house as it was, but she knew that it was unlikely. It was because her parents left all of a sudden and didn't leave any testament, so everything would follow legal procedures.

Right now, the price of the house was so high that even her aunt wouldn't be able to give it up, so she didn't think about it anymore. She just hoped that she could take care of her parents' affairs personally, and when she left, she would bring her parents' ashes back to Reno Country.

Luo Xue called her aunt to communicate. In the beginning, her aunt firmly disagreed and asked Luo Xue what her intentions were. No matter how Luo Xue explained, it was useless. In the end, both sides agreed to meet.

"Xi Chen, when you see aunt and the others, first see what they want. As long as it's something we can do, we will agree to it." Luo Xue's heart was in turmoil. Although she said that her niece was like a nun, she had never been close to her nun since she was young. This time, she couldn't help but feel nauseous.

This was the first time she had hoped to solve the problem by using Helian Chen's mind reading technique.

Helian Xi nodded. For the first time, he felt that he was of some use to Xue'er. Feeling Xue'er's need for him, he held Xue'er's hand and said seriously, "Xue'er, don't worry. Let me handle this matter."

I thought it would be easy to convince them, but now, my aunt insisted. In this world, other than my parents, I have nothing else. As long as I can get my hands on my parents' bodies, I can bring the ashes back. She rested her head on his chest, feeling particularly tired.

At this moment, she finally understood how important it was for a man to be by her side. No matter how strong a woman was, she still needed a stronger and wider chest to rely on.

"Don't worry. No matter what, I will take care of my father-in-law. With regards to the matters regarding my mother-in-law, I will definitely catch the culprit. I will let father-in-law, mother-in-law's spirit in heaven rest in peace." Helian Yi's heart was heavy. This feeling of helplessness in the modern era made him feel even more pressured.

"Thank you, Chen Xi. Luckily, Han'Er and you are still by my side." Luo Xue's two hands hugged Helian Chen, bathing him in water. No matter how much displeasure and misunderstanding there was, at this moment, she had already forgotten. Those things were no longer important.

The appointed time with his aunt was almost here. Luo Xue and Helian Chen tidied up a bit, then left to meet the promised date. Before leaving, if Han still followed, Luo Xue saw that her son was truly wronged, so she asked Fang Ping to take him outside to play.

When she saw her aunt again, Luo Xue wasn't too excited. Accompanying her aunt was her cousin who had already left the family. From beginning to end, other than greeting her, she didn't say anything else.

Just as Helian Yi Chen had promised, he was able to convince his aunt and cousin with just a few words, and it was done in accordance with Luo Xue's bottom line.

After the agreement was reached, Helian ChenChen, Luo Xue, and the others went to the Public Security Bureau. After all, according to the law, Aunt and the others were the only ones qualified to deal with this situation.

Since Wang Hai was in charge of the case, even Luo Xiaobie, who was in charge of the autopsy, was missing. Since Wang Hai was in charge of the case, even Luo Xiaobie, who was in charge of the autopsy, was missing.

"Ms. Han, are you Han Zhengtao's sister?"

"Yeah, Officer Wang, why do you ask?" Aunt Han looked at Wang Hai suspiciously, as if she was afraid of something.

"Then how many children does Ms. Han have?"

"Officer Wang, what do you mean?" When we were born, family planning was already in place, so naturally, my parents only had me as their only daughter. " Cousin was a bit unhappy. She stared at Wang Hai in displeasure.

"Miss Yan, please don't be angry. I was just asking, I didn't …"

"Mom, let's go. These police officers don't know anything. They even got our surnames wrong." The elder cousin helped her up and said angrily.

Luo Xue and Helian Yi heard it clearly from the side. When they heard Wang Hai call Miss Yan, they immediately understood. Luo Xue was a little worried, while Helian Yi Chen thought of trouble.

Wang Hai quickly stopped them both. "No, Ms. Han, isn't your husband surnamed Yan? Isn't your son called Yan Kai? "

"Captain Wang, you're really mistaken. Yan Kai doesn't know Ms. Han." Seeing the two ladies staring at Wang Hai, Helian Yi explained.

"No?" "But Yan Kai is Han Zhengtao's nephew. As far as we know, Han Zhengtao only has one sister. About this, if all of you …"

Captain Wang, although Yan Kai is called Uncle Han Zhengtao, they are not related by blood. In this world, besides being related by blood, there are also relationships between people, such as our husband and wife, and even Yan Kai. Helian Xi Chen stared at Wang Hai. He knew Wang Hai suspected Yan Kai, but that was impossible.

Impossible! He had not expected that the medical examiner would change to a woman. Furthermore, she had gone missing.

"Mr. Helian, you're wrong, any details could be the key to solving this case. Besides, Yan Kai hasn't come to work for two days, and the woman in charge of this case, Luo Xiaobie, has also been missing for two days. We have reason to suspect Yan Kai's identity." Wang Hai returned fire at Helian Yi Chen. In the past two days, all the people they had contacted with Han Zhengtao and his wife had been re-checked.

So far, they were the only ones who were suspicious. When they suddenly arrived at the Han house, they moved away, and there were even the few impossible videos of Helian Xi Chen. These could all be evidence.

However, Helian Yi Chen and Luo Xue also had alibi because of the videos they had made in the hospital that day. Because of this, their final target was Yan Kai.

He checked all kinds of information on Yan Kai. Although there were records on them, there were no records on their investigation. Up to this point, not only Yan Kai, but the Helian Chen family seemed to have suddenly descended from the sky without any valid records.

With Fang Ping, Lin Jing, and these confidential people by their side, there was nothing they could do. Right now, the only person they could find was Yan Kai. However, they were unable to get through to him, nor were they able to find him.

Now that Helian Yi Chen and the others were here, it was just right that they could track down Yan Kai.

"This is a matter of your police force, you don't have to tell us, we can't afford to leak the secret. Captain Wang, I'll have to trouble you to help me settle the formalities." Helian Yi Chen did not want to stir up any trouble like this. Moreover, Luo Xue was also present. He did not wish for her to have anything to do with Yan Kai.

"Sure, you guys deal with the rest of me." After Wang Hai was bathed by Helian Chen's domineering aura, it caused him to be stunned for a few seconds. Only after a long time did he regain his senses.

All the paperwork had been completed, and the aftermath of Han Zhengtao and his wife would be taken care of by Luo Xue. However, her aunt had told her to inform them when the body was cremated.

Luo Xue nodded and sent her aunt away first. She and Helian Yi wanted to retrieve the body.

"Captain Wang, I want to retrieve my godfather's body so that they can rest in peace." Now that the body was with the police, there was no way to take it away without the police documents, so she had no choice but to tell Captain Wang Hai.

"I'm very sorry, but you are still unable to take away the remains of Han Zhengtao and his wife. The case has not broken through yet, and the coroner suddenly disappeared, so the remains need to remain with us for a period of time. When the case improves and we are able to take away the remains, I will naturally inform you."

While Wang Hai was speaking, he had been looking at Luo Xue and observing her expression, hoping to gain something.

"The coroner is missing? Do you only have one medical examiner? Captain Wang, I don't care how your police handled the case, but now, your killers can't find the killer, and the clues can't find the clue, could it be that you won't even let the body be taken away? If you can't solve this case in a month, half a year, or even a year, or even ten years, then my parents' remains will have to be placed in this ten years, right? " Luo Xue angrily yelled at Wang Hai, her emotions abnormally agitated.

"Miss Situ, this is impossible. We agree …" Wang Hai's face turned red because he couldn't give them an accurate time to solve the case. So far, they really didn't have any leads other than Yan Kai and Luo Xiaobie.

"Captain Wang, if your promise is useful, then we won't be standing here today. Whether or not the case will be solved depends not on the two elders' corpses, but on your determination and ability." Helian Yi said coldly.

"Mr. Helian, you're right, but this still requires the cooperation of the police. You two should be very familiar with Yan Kai. He hasn't worked for a few days, can you tell me where he lives?" Wang Hai took the opportunity to ask Helian Chen where Yan Kai was.

"Captain Wang, I am very sorry. Although Yan Kai is our friend, we do not know where he lives right now." Luo Xue seemed to be afraid that Helian Yi Chen would divulge Yan Kai's information, so she rushed to ask.

"A few days ago Yan Kai said that he had dinner at your house the night before Han Zhengtao and his wife were killed. From this, it can be seen that you have an extraordinary relationship. It would be unreasonable to say that you don't know where he lives." Wang Hai looked at the two of them. He knew that if he asked this question, he would definitely not be able to get the answer, but he also couldn't casually interrogate them.

"Captain Wang, since you have already investigated, what else do you want to ask? "That's right, Yan Kai had lived in our home before. However, we never inquired about his private life. Even if he had any problems, we would only have contacted him by phone. I think you can call him." Luo Xue's face was gloomy, no longer holding any hope for the police.

If they didn't even know the direction, how could this case count on them? She was becoming more and more disappointed in this world that she had lived in for more than twenty years.

"We tried, but no one answered. Ms. Situ, can I borrow your cell phone?" If they wanted to make a breakthrough in this case, they had to find Yan Kai as soon as possible. But no matter how many times they tried to call, they couldn't contact him.

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