"Little Liu, I'll leave Little Cheng with you. I'll head back to the station first." Wang Hai urged Little Liu and Little Cheng, and without waiting for them to respond, he left first.

Little Liu looked at the winking door in astonishment. He said, "It can't be, right? Why does Captain Wang look like he saw a ghost?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Have they returned? " Hearing the door open, Xiao Cheng rushed out. When he saw that there was only Xiao Liu left in the living room, he became even more worried. What did he think happened to Captain Wang after he was bathed by Helian Chen? He was going to chase them.

"No, it's our Captain Wang who left." Little Liu sighed. He really didn't want to believe that Captain Wang was... Flee.

"Captain Wang, Captain Wang …" Hearing this, Xiao Cheng ran to the window and saw Wang Hai walking out of the building.

Wang Hai didn't pay any attention to him. He got on the car and left. Xiao Cheng stood by the window, puzzled.

Xiao Liu sighed. He had always thought that Team Wang was a good team leader, but now, he actually left his subordinates and ran away. Sigh, he should accept his fate and clean up this place first before thinking about it slowly.

"Stop looking. Captain Wang has returned to the station in advance, so we'll take care of this place. We should hurry up and pack it up, otherwise, if Helian Xi or Yan Kai comes back, we'll probably die."

Xiao Cheng put down the work in his hands, walked to Xiao Liu's side and said softly, "I think, they might not be that scary. In fact, we were in the wrong this time." The two began chatting as they cleaned up the place.

"Don't mention it again, whether it's right or wrong. If Captain Wang doesn't believe it, then anything you say is useless." As Xiao Liu spoke, he would occasionally look into the room, as if waiting for Fang Ping to come out and answer his questions.

Fang Ping listened to the two outside and shook his head from time to time. However, he also knew that Xiao Liu and Xiao Cheng believed his words and didn't want to get involved in this case. However, the person in charge of this case was Wang Hai.

"Finally, Ruo Han's room has been tidied up. How come the two of you aren't efficient at all? If Xiao Xue comes back later and sees how messy the house is, she'll definitely be angry."

Fang Ping tidied up his room and came out. Seeing Little Liu and Little Cheng just sitting on the sofa and sighing without tidying up, he couldn't help but frown.

"Fang Ping, since you're so familiar with Helian Chen, can you discuss this with him and have us investigate this case together?" The two of them seemed to have discussed this before as they spoke in unison to Fang Ping.

Fang Ping looked at the two of them, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, I can't help with this matter."

Xiao Cheng looked at Fang Ping and said, "Big brother Fang, since you know they're investigating this case, one more person should be an extra force. You should talk to them."

Even I am just a spectator, so don't think too much, if you really cannot convince your leader, you should just follow him and investigate, but remember, no matter what happens, as long as you feel that something is wrong, you must immediately avoid it. Yan Kai and Helian Xi might not want to take your lives, but I am not sure about anything else.

"Big Brother Fang, can you help me out? Just by revealing one thing, can the culprit, like Yan Kai or Helian Yi Chen, disappear from my sight in an instant?" At this moment, everyone stopped cleaning up and sat on the sofa to chat.

Little Cheng quickly ran to the kitchen and boiled a pot of water. He found some tea leaves and brewed some tea.

Fang Ping looked at the two of them, shaking his head solemnly. "To be honest, I don't know either, but …"

Seeing that both of their faces had dimmed down, Fang Ping couldn't help but add, "I think so, and they should be familiar with each other, especially Yan Kai. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so worried."

Hearing that, Little Liu said in realization, "So that's how it is. Then as long as we follow them, won't we be able to find the culprit?"

He did not think that his words would have an opposite effect, so he stood up and said to the two of them, "Hurry up and pack up. Big Brother Helian went to pick up Snowy. He should be back soon. You should pack up and go back as soon as possible."

When Little Liu and Little Cheng heard this, they immediately sprung up and quickly organized themselves, doing their best to restore the place to its original state.

Fortunately, the house was not big and was tidied up quickly. Three people had tidied up the house in less than half an hour.

"Big Brother Fang, when will Mr. Helian return?" Seeing the two of them sitting in the living room, it seemed that they didn't intend to leave.

Fang Ping frowned. He didn't mean anything by this, he was just worried that Helian Yi Chen would vent his anger and Han'er would disappear. At this time, Helian and Xiaoxue were both in a bad mood, if there were two policemen at home, "That's not for sure, you two want to wait for him to come back?"

"That's right. At the very least, we should... Should... " Xiao Liu looked embarrassed, as if he didn't know how to express himself.

Fortunately, Little Cheng was alert and took his words, "We should apologize to them face to face."

"If you think it's necessary, then leave it to you."

Fang Ping was worried that Helian Chen would lose his temper after coming back. However, when they were at Yan Kai's store, Helian Xi was already on fire because Li Lie had 'imprisoned' Luo Xue.

When Helian Xi came to pick up Luo Xue, she hadn't seen anyone for a long time. At this moment, the shop staff had already come to work.

After searching for a long time and not seeing anyone, he could not help but feel infuriated. He grabbed one of the employees and asked: "Where is your manager?"

"Sir, I've already said that it's not business time yet. Our manager may not be at work yet, please …" The waiter patiently explained to Helian Chen, but Helian Yi Chen was able to listen to him, so he shook him off with one hand. Then he went to ask for the second one, causing the people in the shop to panic.

Just as he was about to ask the tenth clerk, Lie finally came out.

"Helian, what are you doing? What makes you so irritable? " He said with a smile.

"Lie, where's my wife?" When Helian Yi saw this, he flew in front of Lie.

"Don't worry too much. Since General Wang handed Xue'er to me and told me to protect Xue'er, I definitely won't let anything happen to her. Follow me." Lie Lie brought Yan Kai upstairs.

"Lie, do you know where the mystery lies?" Helian Yi knew that Lie He Qi had a good relationship with him, and they were both the masters of his son. It was likely that they would also be able to breathe when they came to this world.

"Helian, why do you ask? Weren't we the only ones here? "We did not …" Lie didn't know that Helian Yi Chen already knew about this and was trying to conceal it. However, a fleeting image flashed through his mind, allowing Yan Kai to see it. Not only that, but it wasn't normal for Lie to hide something.

"Lie! Even if you forgot that I know Mind Reading, you shouldn't deceive yourself. Yan Kai has already told you. "Now that he has taken Han'er away, I must find him. If you know, I'll have to trouble you to bring me there."

This time, Helian Yi Chen spoke a lot more politely. After all, he had his own requests and people, but Lie Zhen didn't know where Qi Qi lived, and he didn't believe that it was possible for him to kidnap Luo Han.

"Helian Chen, even if you are not satisfied with the King, please do not use such a lousy reason. Han'er's master is indeed me, and I am not exaggerating. All these years, our relationship as master and disciple has been even better than your relationship as a father. How can you slander it this way?"

Helian Yi became even angrier. If it were not for the fact that he was giving face to Yan Kai, he would definitely have used a lot of methods to force him to tell them where the strangeness lay. Am I, Helian Xi Chen, the kind of man who would slander others? "Fang Ping saw it with his own eyes, and Yan Kai also confirmed it. Do you still want to hide it for him?"

Hearing this, Lie disdainfully said, "What a joke. Even if Qi Qi came here and knew about him, who else would recognize him other than us? Furthermore, you said that Han'er is missing, and who else can be trusted? Helian, don't be deceived by others."

"Lie, if there wasn't complete evidence, Yan Kai wouldn't easily make a promise. Fang Ping saw clearly the person who took Han'er, and he drew that person's appearance, other than the strange one, we don't think there's anyone else. Moreover, other than Lie, no one else can make Han'er follow him without any resistance." Helian Yi didn't want to waste any more time. However, these people from the demon realm were really stubborn. They really wouldn't cry until they saw the coffin.

Hearing that, Lie quickly retreated, and said in surprise: "The King promised you? Did I really promise you that? "

"Of course, the weirdo is someone from the demon realm. As the king of the demon realm, he has the responsibility to do so." Helian Yi glared furiously at Chen Yu and scolded, "Han'er treated you as his master, but at this time, you actually … "He's even protecting the murderer …"

Lie shook his head and loudly replied, "No, I don't believe that. It's impossible."

Helian Yi laughed coldly, "Protect him, once Han'er is saved, I will not let him off. Now, please tell me where Xue'er is, we have to go home. No matter what, I can't leave Han'er in that thief house."

"I will find out about this matter. I don't believe Qi Qi would do such a thing. Follow me, I'll take you to see Xiao Xue first." There was a conflict in Lie's heart. Seeing Helian Xi Chen's expression, it could not be faked. However, he did not believe that his brother who had been with him for thousands of years would do such a thing.

Hearing these strange words, Helian Xi Chen's heart was surprised. He asked in shock, "What did you do to Snowy?"

Lie immediately apologized to Helian Chen, "I'm sorry, when Snowy wakes up, she will definitely go find Ruo Han. Before leaving, the king had told me that I must protect Snowy, so I had no choice but to trap her inside the barrier, I hope you can forgive me."

At this very moment, there was nothing more important than the safety of his wife and children. He also swore to himself that if Yan Kai did not bring Han'Er back, and if he dared to harm Han'er, even at the cost of his life, he would not let the three of them off.

Since the king has promised to give you all an explanation, he will definitely do it. However, I still do not believe that the king would do such a thing, but since someone did it to Luo Han, it is more than enough proof that Uncle Han and the others were killed in a conspiracy. Be careful, if there is anything you need, contact us at any time. Lie stood outside the door. He did not plan to go in, but he was clear that they and Helian Xi must unite, otherwise, it would be just as dangerous. Being here would not be that simple, at least the people who brought him here would not be so simple.

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