At this time, in the middle of the night, it was already not easy for Fang Ping to dig people out of their beds, not to mention the fact that they had to come over immediately.

Unless the price was sky-high, it would still depend on the mood of others if the relationship wasn't extremely good.

"Will he come?" Seeing Fang Ping hang up the phone, Helian Xi Chen's heart was not at ease. On the contrary, he was more worried about staying here for one minute longer.

Perhaps it was because he had done too many evil deeds in the past. He was always worried that Wang Hai would torture Luo Xue. Even though Fang Ping had repeatedly promised, he still could not rest at ease.

"Yeah, he's driving over right now, but it might take him a while. I have to explain some things to him first. Big brother, do you mind if someone else finds out about your identity?" When the lawyer arrived, Fang Ping and Helian Xi communicated with each other.

Of course, if you want someone else to help you with something, first, be sincere to them. Moreover, Li Datou was not only Fang Ping's classmate, but also someone who was young.

Helian Xi didn't care much about this. He was just worried that this person could help him save Xue'er, so he said, "It doesn't matter if you trust someone, and we won't stay in this world forever."

"Thank you big brother, Li Xueyuan is definitely trustworthy. We were small, and we're even classmates. He has a sense of justice and likes to fight against injustice since he was young, and it's precisely because of this that he's become a big deal." Fang Ping nodded. With Helian Xi Chen's words, he was relieved.

"Look for the lawyer, they …" What are they going to do to Xue'er? " When he heard that the lawyer was the attorney, Helian Xi's heart jumped again.

"Big brother, you don't have to be nervous. This is different from what you were back then. Rest assured for now, we'll discuss this when Xue Yuan arrives." When Fang Ping saw Helian Xi, he became nervous. He was afraid that Helian Chen would impulsively 'fly' to Luo Xue's side.

"I know. Since Xue'er is going to be handled by you, I should believe you." Helian Yi nodded his head. Although he felt uncomfortable, he was not the king of this place. He had to accept reality. There was nothing more important than Xue'er's life.

"Big Brother, you … You are very powerful, really, but the two worlds are different, and you have not been here for very long. There are many things that you do not understand, and do not know how to deal with them. Fang Ping could understand the mentality of Helian Washing Chen.

An overweeningly arrogant Emperor, yet he's always being controlled by others here. The pressure in his heart must be extraordinary.

"I understand, it's been hard on you Fang Ping. Luckily I got to know you in this world." Helian Yi Chen nodded.

"Big Brother, we can only put off the matter of Ruo Han for now. We have to settle the matter of sister-in-law first." Fang Ping once again said to Helian Chen.

"En, Ruo Han, I believe Yan Kai will deal with it well." Helian Yi said with a heavy heart. With the current situation, he could only rely on Yan Kai to deal with his son.

He just felt sorry for his son. Because he was his son, because he had a tyrant's father, his son suffered before he was even born.

Fang Ping knew that Helian Xi needed some time to calm down, so he got up and said, "I'll go cook supper first. We'll talk while we eat."

Watching Fang Ping leave, Helian Lie felt as if his heart had been injected with lead, and it was so heavy he couldn't even breathe. He walked to the window and opened it to look out at the bustling night in the imperial city.

But there was too much darkness behind such a bustling scene. Perhaps no one would believe that his only hope now was for his wife and children to return home safely.

It was no longer important whether he could become an emperor or not. Whether he could surpass everyone else was no longer important. The most important thing was for their families to be together in peace.

When he was the emperor, he had never thought about such things. At that time, all he thought about was power, how to expand his territory, and how to let the commoners live in peace. Only then did he truly understand … With his body, the Qi family could rule the world.

If it was the past, he would definitely bring Xue'er out at all costs. At most, they wouldn't be staying there, but now, he wasn't going to run away, but to actively face it. No matter how big the storm was in front of them, their family would definitely walk down there together.

Perhaps because he was too focused, Helian Xi Chen did not hear the knock on the door until Fang Ping came in with Li Xueyuan.

"Big Brother, Big Boss Li is here, and the takeout has also arrived. Let's have a chat while we eat." As Fang Ping spoke, he took the takeout.

"Hello, I'll call you Big Brother Helian just like Fang Ping, Li Xueyuan." Li Da Xiang took the initiative to extend his hand towards Helian Xi Chen. Of course, he did not know how rich and valuable this Helian Xi Chen was. He did not know what kind of expression he would have when he knew Helian Yi Chen's identity.

It was not convenient to order anything at this time of night, so he ordered a relatively convenient pizza. However, Helian Xi Chen had never seen such a thing before, so he just stood there in a daze until Fang Ping took a bite out of it.

"Ah Yuan, due to time constraints, we should cut to the chase. Brother Helian is not from our era, so there are a lot of troubles here. Now that his wife has been taken away by the police, he needs a lawyer." Fang Ping said in a short voice.

"There are still 3 hours until dawn. Fang Ping, try to be as detailed as possible. If you don't have time for the rest, don't talk about it. Just tell me about this case." Li Xueyuan was indeed a professional. Once he sat down, he immediately asked the main point.

We don't know what happened either. I think it was when my sister-in-law went out to fight, and I met a perverted serial killer, who was then restrained by the killer. Because it was in the wilderness and it was inconvenient to go back to the city, we called the police and they detained my sister-in-law at the police station. Fang Ping said helplessly. If a few words could really be said clearly, then he wouldn't be in such a hurry to make a phone call and disturb Li Jun.

"That's fine. Since sister-in-law is a victim, the police shouldn't make things difficult for her." With this, Li Xueyuan became suspicious. Since Fang Ping's sister-in-law wasn't the killer and had helped the police catch a serial killer, even if they didn't reward her with merit, they at least wouldn't make things difficult for her.

I don't know if you've heard about a case in B City where the deceased was a husband and wife who were killed in their own home, but at the scene of the murder, there was no evidence at all. From the outside, it could even be said that they committed suicide. Fang Ping had no choice but to talk about the case of Han Zhengtao and his wife.

Li Xueyuan shook his head. Normally, the police would not publicize a case like this, unless... "No, really not. Does that case have anything to do with my sister-in-law being detained?"

"That's right, sister-in-law is actually the couple's daughter. Ah Yuan, take a look at this first. These are the two dead, this is the crime scene, and this is the autopsy report …" As Fang Ping spoke, he took the computer and showed the photos stored inside to everyone.

"Ping, the more you say it, the more confused I am. Since sister-in-law is the daughter of Han Zhengtao and his wife, why would the police make things difficult for her? If she doesn't believe that his parents committed suicide, she can apply for a police investigation for a new afternoon."

"Ai, Ah Yuan, you must know this. This has been going on for almost a year. The female student from the medical academy that was killed then, Han Xue, is the daughter of Han Zhengtao and his wife, today's sister-in-law." Fang Ping originally wanted to make the long story short, but the more he said, the more complicated it became, and in the middle, he was constantly interrupted by Li Xueyuan.

"My wife Situ Luoxue, also known as Han Xue, was originally from another time and space. My country is called Reno Country, I am the monarch of Renault Country, and Situ Luoxue is my empress, for some reason, the Han Xue of your era passed through my body after the disaster, that is to say, Situ Luo and Han Xue are essentially the same person, but after returning here, Xue'er cannot appear as her original identity."

"Oh …" Li Xueyuan took in a long breath. He understood and understood, but there were too many questions and questions. However, he also knew that this was not the time to be curious, so getting down to business was more important.

"So to put it simply, although sister-in-law is the daughter of Han Zhengtao and his wife, outsiders would not know about it. And the police suspected that she was the culprit due to her excessive enthusiasm?" Li Xueyuan outlined what Fang Ping said and what Helian Xi Chen said.

"No, they don't suspect Sister-in-law. They suspect Big Brother Helian and another friend. This time, they've only detained Sister-in-law, and their targets are actually still Big Brother and that friend." Fang Ping shook his head. He really admired Big Yellow Li for being able to hear so much.

"Isn't that a very strange case? Is it because their identities are unknown that we suspect them? " Li Xueyuan naturally had some doubts about Helian Yi Chen and Yan Kai's abilities.

"We're almost done eating and the time is about right. Let's go to City B." Fang Ping said to the two of them.

"Now? Have you booked your ticket? " Li Xueyuan was stunned. When he came, he did not expect to go to City B so quickly, so he did not bring any luggage with him.

"There's no need for a plane ticket. It's a waste of time to fly. We'll be there in a minute." Fang Ping pretended to be mysterious.

"A minute? "Ping, you must be dreaming." Li Xueyuan lightly rebuked.

"You'll know in a while. Brother, is it okay?" Fang Ping asked Helian Xi Chen if he could take the two of them.

Helian Xi nodded and grabbed both of their wrists.

"Ah Yuan, close your eyes. When you open them again, we'll be in B City." Fang Ping did not forget to remind Li Xuanyuan that he must close his eyes, or else he might not be able to take it.

"Ping, it's going to be dawn soon. You better stop dreaming, even if it's …" Li Xueyuan's words were stuck in his throat. He didn't close his eyes but the surroundings were already different. It was pitch black as if he fell into a black hole. Even Fang Ping and Helian Xi who were holding his hands could not see him.

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