Luo Xue was sent to the intensive care unit. Helian Chen changed into a sterile coat and accompanied her there. Li Xueyuan and Fang Ping were asking the doctor about the illness.

"Doctor, how is my friend? When will she wake up? "

"I'm very sorry, we've done our best, patient..." The doctor turned around and looked at Helian Xi who was holding Luo Xue's hand in the ward. With difficulty, he said, "All of you, prepare yourselves."

"What?" It can't be, Doctor, think of something. She can't be, she can't be. " When Fang Ping heard this, he panicked and grabbed the doctor's arm as he begged.

"We've tried our best, but this is no ordinary poison. She was poisoned with nerve poison, and it was directly injected into her body. It's different from normal. We've already done our best, so you should prepare for the future." The doctor looked regretfully at Fang Ping. They had already done their best, this was the first time they had seen such a case.

"What did you do? Since it's poison, hurry up and cure it. There must be an antidote." Li Xueyuan said anxiously.

"It's useless. There is no antidote. This kind of nerve agent's metabolism is very fast. After being injected, it has already affected the brain cells, causing damage and is irreparable."

On the way here, he had already made his confession. He should not have been persuaded by Wang Hai to take away such a large dosage. He was wrong, he had violated his own professional ethics.

"It's you …" You were the one who gave them to Pill King Hai, right? As soon as Fang Ping saw the doctor, he went up and sealed his collar.

"I'm sorry, but I will take responsibility for the mistakes I made." Forensic Medicine Lin lowered his head and did not struggle.

"Take responsibility, what can you take responsibility for? "Tell me, what responsibilities can you bear?" Fang Ping roared.

"People are already sleeping in there. You have to take responsibility and wake them up now." Li Xueyuan also stepped forward and said.

"Sorry, I really didn't know there would be …"

"You dare to say you don't know. You were the one who gave the medicine. You dare to say you don't know the consequences …" Fang Ping was infuriated, directly throwing a punch at Forensic Lin.

"Fang Ping, how is Situ Luoxue now?" Xiao Liu felt extremely uneasy as he looked at the various instruments in the room.

"Take a look for yourself. I can't help you with this matter any longer. Choose your own way to die." Fang Ping looked into the ward. He didn't know how to tell this nightmare to Helian Chen.

Helian Chen in the ward felt the pulse in his hand stop. He looked up, trembling. He could not accept it, he could not believe it. His ears were filled with the sound of the machine … The sound.

"Xue'er …" "No, you can't …" With a heart-wrenching roar from Helian Xi, all the glass in the ward shattered and flew off, hovering in midair as if time had stopped.

"No …" Xue Er, you can't. You can't leave me. You promised me that we would … "Xue'er …" Helian Chen's cries rang in everyone's ears. Everyone felt pain in their eardrums, as if they were about to be pierced by something sharp.

"Big brother, sister-in-law, she …" Fang Ping was astonished when he saw Helian Chen holding onto Luo Xue. He felt that the world had come to an end and the sky had turned dark.

Little Liu and Li Xueyuan's faces paled. If Situ Luoxue died, then they wouldn't have much time left.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't know he would do that... I'm sorry, I've already warned him to use it with caution, I... "Ahh!" "Forensic Medicine Master Lin apologized shakily and knelt down in front of the ward.

Suddenly, he felt as if someone had lifted him up and lifted him up into the air. His body felt as if it had been pierced through by something. Blood kept gushing out from his body.

"Big brother, don't …" In the intensive care unit, Helian Xi carried Luo Xue. His long hair, which was tied behind his head, fluttered in the wind. His golden eyes were so unfamiliar, as if he wanted to destroy the world.

"Right... "No …" Doctor Lin's body fell heavily to the ground. In the end, he was still apologizing for what he had done.

The doctor who treated Luo Xue stared blankly. At the same time that Helian Xi Chen and Luo Xue disappeared, he also fell down in fear.

"What do we do now?" Li Xueyuan looked at the corpse on the ground and then looked at the blood on her body. Why didn't they just leave? Where did Helian Xi go? What would he do? None of them knew that Helian Xi had shocked them once more. If he went mad, could anyone stop him? Was this what the end of the world meant? Would he destroy the world?

"I'm going to look for big brother." Fang Ping wiped the blood off his face. Right now, two people dying was nothing. He had to find Helian Xi as soon as possible. Otherwise, not only these two people would die.

Helian Yi appeared at the police station with Luo Xue. It was business time and the station was full of people.

"Who are you? Why would it appear here? " The policemen looked at Helian Xi who had suddenly appeared in the room and questioned her.

"All of you deserve to die …" The police officer in front of him flew out. In a split-second, alarm bells rang in the police station, and Helian Chen was surrounded by three layers of people, but everyone who tried to get close to him flew out.

"Stop, who exactly are you? What did you do to them? " When the director came out, all the policemen had drawn their guns and were pointing them at Helenen.

"You should all die, you all should die … "All of you must die …" Helian Yi roared. The surrounding policemen flew out and the people behind him immediately opened fire. However, the bullets seemed to have been blocked by something. They didn't dare to not hit Helian Yi Chen and instead rebounded, injuring their own people.

In a short moment, within the huge city police station, not a single person was able to stop Helian Chen from bathing in the water due to his injuries.

"Why?" The Chief held on to his last note and unwillingly asked Helian Xi.

"All those who hurt my wife have to die... Everyone is the same. " The poor people in the police station, until their deaths, could not understand what had happened and why they had died.

When Fang Ping arrived at the police station, other than the smell of blood and death, there was no one else.

"No …" "That won't happen, big brother, you can't …" The matter had reached a point where he could no longer control it. He did not know what Helian Xi would do next, but in order to prevent more people from dying, for the sake of his compatriots, he must make a choice, and must report this matter.

"No …" "How could that be? It's impossible, impossible …" Xiao Liu fell to the ground and looked at his familiar colleagues and the respectful leaders. At this moment, they were all lying in pools of blood. He looked at the corpses on the ground in fear. Fang Ping had actually hit the mark.

The lives of more than five hundred people had been taken in an instant. Was he trying to kill someone? Half of them had died at the hands of their comrades, while the other half had died in unknown circumstances. How could such a thing have happened?

"Fang Ping, what do we do? what we have to do to save it all... " Xiao Liu trembled. He did not dare to think about it anymore. Death was so close to him, so close that he did not even have time to think.

"I don't know, but he definitely won't let this go. We have to stop him before he does." Fang Ping stood up. He decided to call his superior and immediately send someone over. Even if the chances were slim, he would not give up.

"Then what's his next target? Who could it be? " Little Liu asked in fright.

"The police. I'm afraid he'll kill them all." Fang Ping's eyes widened. The sudden thought might have scared him.

If there is no police in this society, then there is no peace, no, no, no... Trembling, he took the phone.

"Leader, it's Fang Ping. Something has happened in City B. Helian Yi Chen has gone crazy. All of the 500 police officers in City B." Martyrs, please... Please send reinforcements. "

Fang Ping's pained voice revealed his sorrowful mood.

"What?" How could this happen? " Fang Ping heard the leader's voice on the phone.

"Captain Wang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Department in B City made an unforgivable mistake. In order to solve the crime, he did everything possible and took away Helian Xi's wife, Situ Luoxue. He used a large amount of medicine on her, causing her brain to die …" Fang Ping reported while choking in sobs.

"Helian Yi Chen has gone crazy, but can't we deal with him even with so many police officers in B City?" The leader's voice trembled. He had expected that if Helian Xi Chen did not help him out, she would definitely become a disaster. However, he did not expect it to happen so soon.

"It's useless. I don't think there are any weapons in this world that can harm him. I'm worried that he will take revenge against all the police officers. I hope …" Fang Ping choked up, unable to continue.

"I got it. You think of a way to find him and convince him that I'll have the National Police prepare themselves right now …" The leader's heavy voice revealed extreme unease.

Fang Ping was swaying as he stepped over the dead body on the ground, preparing to go to the Helian house to clean it.

"Fang Ping, I want to go with you." Little Liu got up and followed closely behind Fang Ping.

"Don't follow me, I can't guarantee your life." Fang Ping shook his head and advised.

"No, I have to find him. Even if Situ Luoxue dies, he can't kill me like this. He can't just take my life. He already took captain's life, so how can he do this?" Little Liu grabbed Fang Ping and desperately tried to follow.

"There's no reason. He loves his sister-in-law. In this world, his sister-in-law is his entire world. We destroyed his world, so of course he has a reason to ruin our world. There's no reason to argue."

Fang Ping understood Helian Xi; he had known this since England. He had seen it from Lin Jing's incident, but he hadn't thought that his love for Situ Luoxue would be this deep. Who could save this world now?

"Captain, it's not that he wants Situ Luoxue to die, he just …"

"Don't say anymore. Anything you say now is unnecessary. I warned you, but you didn't listen. All of this was caused by you." As Fang Ping spoke, he shook off Little Liu and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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