King, seeing you like this, I really hope that Snowy will wake up, but it is also very contradictory. After Snowy wakes up, she will also be Helian Chen's wife, whether she stay here or go back, seeing their family happy, the king will be in the most pain. Thinking about it this way, I also hope that she will always be lying here. Lie walked in and asked worriedly as he stood behind Yan Kai.

"Not just you, but even I find myself contradictory. She is just an ordinary woman. Once, I thought that women like her could be found everywhere in the world. But in the entire Three Realms, there isn't a single Situ Luoxue. Initially, I didn't even know what I was thinking. I didn't pay much attention to her two years in the Magic Palace, but back then I had many chances to get her to give birth to a baby for me and an heir. But at that time, I … Like a fool, isn't it? " Yan Kai's voice was hoarse like never before.

"No, if Wang Lin had really done that back then, he would surely regret it now." Lie didn't understand, but he knew that if the king took advantage of when Situ Luoxue lost her memories and occupied her, then today they would inevitably become enemies.

On the surface, Luo Xue was very amiable, but deep in her heart, she had her stubbornness, her persistence.

"Even if you regret it, it's better than now. Lie, do you know how much my heart hurts right now? Looking at her lifeless body lying here, my heart hurts. After she wakes up, seeing her together with Helian Xi Chen, I also feel pain. Tell me, what should I do? " Even though he was standing behind him, Lie still knew that the king had cried again.

He couldn't even remember how many times he had cried. For thousands of years, the king hadn't even known what tears were. But now, he had cried again and again for a woman.

Should he have killed Helene, or let him be killed by the conspirator behind the scenes? If that happened, would Snowy stay by his side? Would that mean she wouldn't belong to him?

"Lie, you can go down first. I want to stay here to accompany Xue Yue. Perhaps in the future, I won't have such a chance." Yan Kai waved towards Lie Lie behind him. Right now, he did not want anyone to disturb him. All he wanted was to accompany Snow by his side.

"Yes, then I'll go and see how Helian Xi Chen and Luo Xiaobie are having a conversation." As he spoke, Lie backed out and closed the door.

The room that Luo Xiao Bei stayed in was covered in a barrier, which was why she couldn't see the door. She only brought Helian Chen in and didn't remove the barrier.

"Yan Kai, there will be a day when I will cut out your heart and see exactly what color it is …"

"I, Luo Xiaobie, will avenge myself. As long as you don't kill me, I will definitely avenge my imprisonment today. Yan Kai, you bastard, coward, come out and meet me …"

While Luo Xiaobie was scolding Yan Kai to vent his anger, a man suddenly appeared in the room.

"Flame …" She was shocked. He thought that Yan Kai had appeared and immediately flicked his wrist. However, as soon as she said the word 'Flame', she knew that her guess was wrong.

Although he was about the same height, his temperament was different. Although he also had a head full of long hair, this man was too cold. The moment he arrived, the entire room felt like it was filled with ice.

"You … Who are you? It can't be another one of Yan Kai's subordinates, right? " Xiao Bei hugged his pillow and looked at Helian Xi in alarm.

"You're a doctor." Helian Yi looked at the woman in front of him and said.

"You haven't answered me yet. Why should I?" Luo Xiaobie was not someone who was scared. Of course, he would not be so easily 'fooled'.

"No, do you know how to cure poisons?"

Helian Yi Chen already knew the answer from Luo Xiao Bei's brain, so he immediately changed the question to answer her colleague.

"How did you get in? Tell me first, can you bring me out? If you can bring me out, I'll definitely tell you everything. " In the past few days, Luo Xiaobie had become afraid as she was waiting for someone to save him.

He had sworn more than once that as long as there was someone who could save her, she would agree to anything he wanted her to do. It wouldn't be a problem even if he had to repay her with his life.

In this period of time, she finally understood the value of freedom. She finally understood why they both said: "Life is precious, the price of love is higher. If it is freedom, then both can be discarded as' truth '."

Nothing is more important than freedom.

"I don't need you to promise me your life. As long as you help me cure the poison, and as long as you can help me concoct the antidote, I can bring you out of here." Helian Yi said without waiting for Luo Bei to speak.

"You … Do you know what I'm thinking? " However, this initiative of his frightened Luo Xiaobie.

"Yes, I can read minds, so you don't need to feel weird. Just tell me if you can concoct the antidote." The woman in front of him was not his enemy, and he did not have the mood or time to walk in circles with her.

"I don't know. I'll have to see what kind of poison it is that you speak of. It isn't something that can be cured by anything in the world. If you want to save someone, then you'll have to see how long it takes to do so." Luo Xiaobie seemed to understand what was going on. He put down his pillow and sat down on the sofa as he spoke seriously.

"This is poison. See if you have the ability to concoct the antidote." He placed the sealed pill on the table.

"Please, although I am also a doctor, there is no doctor who can know the formula just by looking at it or smelling it. I need a laboratory, I need a lot of apparatus to decompose it, and if I want to concoct the antidote, I also need to go through experiments, but I don't mean that I can concoct it just by looking at it, do you read too many novels about martial arts?" Luo Xiaobie didn't open the sealed pill. Instead, he washed the pill and said to Helian Chen.

"What kind of laboratory do you need? We will soon prepare them for you." Helian Yi Chen replied.

"Tell me first, what is your relationship with Yan Kai? Why do you have to make the antidote? Don't think that just because I'm imprisoned, I will have to listen to you. When I do something, it usually depends on my mood. Luo Xiaobie crossed his legs and said.

"Helian Yi Chen and Yan Kai can be considered as enemies." Helian Yi Chen knew that Luo Bei had a deep grudge against Yan Kai, so he naturally wouldn't say that he was a friend. Moreover, they couldn't be considered as friends.

"Enemy, did you get this poison from him? Or did he poison your family? " Luo Xiaobie was convinced and immediately asked with great interest.

"My son has been poisoned, but Yan Kai is not the one who poisoned him. At the moment, my son is still in the enemy's hands, and only by saving him can I dare to save my son from the enemy. Are you confident?" Helian Yi looked Luo Xiao Bei up and down. He had left the medicine there and she hadn't even taken it. How could she trust a little girl like this?

"That's strange. Since the one who poisoned you all was not Yan Kai and you all are the enemy, why would he allow you to enter and find me?" While Helian Chen was sizing up Luo Xiaobie, she was also observing Helian Chen.

"Because I'm my son's foster father." Helian Yi sat down on the sofa. He knew that this woman was very difficult to deal with. No wonder Yan Kai said that this woman was spicy and unruly. If he didn't need her help, he wouldn't even look at such a woman.

"This is even more strange. Since he is your son's foster father, how can you all be enemies again? Handsome, don't even think about women's IQ very low, and don't think about fooling beauties. " Luo Xiaobie was a bit unhappy and thought that Helian Xi Chen had lied to him from the beginning.

"He is my son's foster father, and we are indeed enemies. He likes my wife, and my wife and children have been with him for two years. Is that not considered enemies?" Helian Yi Chen was slightly unhappy. If this woman could not concoct the antidote, he would definitely kill her.

"Ah …" Yan Kai is so despicable. Very well, I'll help you with this. However, first, I'll ask if he asked you to come and find me. " Luo Xiaobie finally had a smile on his face as he said happily.

"Something like that."

"Fine, let him beg me. As long as he is willing to beg me and apologize to me, I will promise you that." After knowing the relationship between Yan Kai and this man, Luo Xiaobie stood up and said to Qiao Qiao.

"What did you say?" Helian Yi said angrily when she heard this.

"Since you know Mind Reading, then you don't need me to repeat it again. My request is very simple, as long as he is willing to apologize and beg me, I will definitely concoct the antidote for you." Luo Xiaobie looked up and said with a firm attitude.

"You haven't even seen the medicine, how can you be sure that you can make it?" Helian Yi Chen was extremely dissatisfied. He had personally come to invite her, but she actually had this kind of attitude. This woman was truly unreasonable.

"Since someone could concoct such a poison, there must be an antidote. As long as you find the ingredients for this pill, it shouldn't be that difficult to concoct an antidote. Are you satisfied with my answer?" Luo Xiaobie said with confidence.

"Very well, as long as you are able to concoct the antidote, I will naturally have Yan Kai apologize to you and beg you. However, before you concoct the antidote, it is impossible." Helian Yi Chen was not someone who would easily compromise. This woman's tone was too arrogant, so he had to be sure that she could concoct the antidote and not be controlled.

"Hehe, Helian Xi Chen, no matter how I look at it, you and Yan Kai should not be like enemies." Hehe, Helian Xi Chen, no matter how I look at it, you and Yan Kai should not be like enemies. Luo Xiaobie said with a smile.

"There are many types of enemies. Luo Xiaobie, don't push your luck. If you don't want to be locked up here for the rest of your life, if you want to go back, then this is your only chance." Helian Xi Chen was a little annoyed, he warned.

"Thanks for the reminder, I've already gotten used to it here, so I don't need to do anything. My clothes come and go, my food comes and goes. Such a good life, where can I find it?" As he spoke, Luo Xiaobie stretched his back to prove that she enjoyed being here.

"Very well, you can continue to enjoy it. Don't regret it." Helian Yi Chen stood up and said.

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