"You guys talk, I'll go out first." When Helian Yi Chen heard that Bei Bei was talking about you, not you, he immediately stood up and said.

"Helian Xi Chen, Han-Er is your son." Yan Kai reminded Helian Yi before Chen Chen took a step forward.

"Yan Kai, the person Miss Luo wants to ask is you, not me." Helian Yi looked at Luo Xiaobie and said uncomfortably, he did not want to be a light bulb here.

"But it must have something to do with you." Yan Kai said as a matter of course. If it were not for the fact that Helian Wen said that he would leave as soon as he could, Yan Kai would not have cared. However, after he had said so many things, a man and a woman alone, Yan Kai did not want anyone to leave any clues behind.

"Don't worry, I only have a few questions." Yan Kai's words and actions had already harmed Little Bei.

Yan Kai said with an impatient expression, "Speak. However, you must remember that you must do what you have to do after you have asked the question. Do not waste any more time."

"Are you human or not?" Little Bei held his knife and fork in his hand as he held his breath.

"Not really." Yan Kai frowned and said indifferently.

"How old are you?" Little Bei bit his lips and said.

"Seven or eight thousand, maybe a little longer. Age doesn't mean anything to us." Yan Kai frowned even more. Could it be that what Helian Yi said was correct? This woman had really fallen for him?

But what did he have to like? The first time they met, they started fighting. The second time was about the same, and he also made things difficult for her. After that, he even locked her up, could it be that this woman had the tendency to be abused?

"Let me ask you this, is it that as long as you concoct the antidote, nothing will happen?" Helian Xi Chen seemed to hear the sound of Luo Xiao Bei gritting her teeth.

"As long as we can save Han'er, we will return to ten or so days ago and not allow anything to happen. Then, the dead will not die." This was Helian Xi Chen's reply.

"I see. Now I have nothing else to ask." Xiao Bei lowered his head and ruthlessly ravaged the steak on his plate.

"When can I get the antidote?" Yan Kai asked.

"Grandfather …" Grandfather said that there were some ingredients in the medicine that might not be found on Earth, so … "You'd better not have too much hope …" Little Bei said with difficulty.

"Luo Xiaobie, what do you mean not all of them on Earth?" Yan Kai and Helian Yi stood up at the same time and glared at Luo Xiao Bei.

"I'm not sure yet. Grandfather said that he will first check the information and then contact me after he is certain." Little Bei lowered her head, not daring to look at Helian Xi. She had not forgotten what she said before, but she had never expected that some of the ingredients in that pill did not belong to everyone on Earth.

"Take us to see your grandfather." Helian Yi quickly finished off the steak on his plate. It didn't matter if it was real or not. He had to find out whether it was real or not.

Could it be that the pill wasn't made here, but they came prepared and brought it from there?

"Can you wait for me to finish eating?" Xiao Bei looked at the steak in Yan Kai's bowl.

"Alright, go ahead and eat. We're not in a hurry." Helian Chen's chest was suddenly out of breath. If the poison was brought from there, or if there was a foreign additive inside, then Han'er would have no hope unless they took out the antidote.

"It seems like we can't just sit here and wait for death. We have to think of another way." After Yan Kai finished his steak, he put down his horse and said.

"Let's take a look at the situation first before making a decision. We can't afford to make any mistakes." Helian Yi said rationally.

He told himself that he had to be calm, that there had to be a way. Even if Luo Xiaobie could not come up with it, there was still the mystery. He had to come up with a way, and since they did not kill Han'er, there must be some other reason. Therefore, he did not need to worry, Han'er should not be in danger for the time being.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. The medicine inside …" I checked and found that there was a large amount of tranquilizer inside, maybe it's not a poison. " Xiao Bei had been paying attention to Yan Kai the entire time.

"What exactly do you mean, Luo Xiao Bei?" Can you really concoct the antidote? " Yan Kai slammed his hand on the table and roared. The salad in the basin had already flown to the table.

"That might not be poison. Maybe you guys are too worried." Luo Xiaobie took a deep breath and told himself that he didn't need to care too much about the child that Yan Kai cared about.

"Don't say anymore. Let's go over there and check it out. If there's no other way, let me try out this pill." Helian Yi said thoughtfully.

"This might also be a way. Let's go see what grandpa has to say." He stood up.

Yan Kai glanced at the steak that was still two-thirds full on the plate and coughed lightly. "You eat quickly. We'll wait for you."

"Then wait for me, I'll make some food for grandpa." However, Little Bei said.

"Hurry up and go. No matter what, we should just study it for a bit." Helian Yi waved his hand.

"Let's go find Lie first and ask him about his current situation." Yan Kai looked at Helian Xi Chen. They had never thought that this would be the case, but after some thought, it was possible.

When they came, they were forced to do so, and those people were well-prepared. If, as Chee had said, they had found the tunnel that led to this world, then it was normal for them to bring things here.

"Wang, are you guys feeling better?" Just as the two were about to go look for Lie, Lie coincidentally came over.

"Much better, Lie. Have you gone over there to take a look? Is there anything wrong? " Seeing Lie had arrived, they sat down again.

"I see, it's just that Luo Xiaobie's grandfather said that there might be other unknown substances inside, and that it might take some time to find out what exactly is inside." It's just that Luo Xiaobie's grandfather said that there might be other unknown substances, and that it might take some time to find out what is inside. Lie Yi had always reported to Yan Kai and had also given his opinion.

"I was thinking the same thing. Helian, what do you think?" Yan Kai nodded and looked towards Helian Chen.

"I think we should split up and move out. You guys go investigate the people behind the scenes while I'm in charge of restraining their eyes." Helian Yi Chen and the others discussed for a while, and decided to first see the results of Grandfather Luo's analysis, then they would each take their own actions.

After experiencing grief, sadness, and killing, they had become much more rational. They also knew that impulses were not something that could save people, and even if they wanted to catch the person behind the scenes, even if they wanted to kill to their heart's content, they had to endure it.

"Good, then it's decided. I've endured it for over three thousand years. I don't believe that I will lose to him this time." Yan Kai slammed his hand on the table.

"It seems like demons and demons also have their own benefits, because you guys have plenty of time." At this moment, Helian Xi Chen had to admit that he could not afford to waste time.

"Now you understand, but I'm rather envious of the life you're talking about." Yan Kai took a deep breath.

"I'm done. We can go now." Bey had been listening outside for a while, and she told herself that she just didn't want to disturb them, not eavesdrop.

She also understood why Xiao Liu, Xiao Cheng, would still be willing to side with them even after knowing that they had killed so many people. It was because they had more feelings than the humans of today.

"Let's go, I hope you disappoint us too much." Before leaving, Helian took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think that these drugs might not be from Earth. I'm really sorry." Little Bei lowered her head and said guiltily.

"Of course not. Don't think that you're free. You must help us accomplish some things." Yan Kai said coldly.

"I know, as long as I can do it, I will work hard to do it. As long as what you guys said is true, then as long as those over 10,000 people can live." Little Bei bit her lips. Her heart was extremely astringent, as if she had just eaten a bitter persimmon. It was extremely uncomfortable.

"Let's go, don't talk so much." He was still unaware of how Xiao Bei felt about Yan Kai. He only saw the displeasure on Yan Kai's face.

When they arrived at the laboratory, Grandpa Luo was still standing in front of the workbench.

"Grandfather, we're back." Little Bettie packed her lunch and ran to Pappy. Her eyes felt like sand, as if something had run out of them.

"You guys came back at the right time, I just checked, so far there are only three components that are definitely undetectable, but I think the effect shouldn't be too great, we can do mice experiments first." Grandpa Luo looked excited, as if he wasn't hungry at all.

"Grandfather, you eat first. We'll talk later." Little Bei looked at Yan Kai and the other two's expressions as if they were about to slaughter a sheep, and advised his grandfather.

The three of them were outsiders, so they didn't understand what he meant. They had to slowly explain it to them.

"Okay, Bey, who are these gentlemen?" Grandfather Luo looked to Yan Kai and the others as if they had just arrived. His expression caused Yan Kai and the others to worry.

"Grandfather, this is Yan Kai. He is Helian Xi Chen, the father of that child. Grandfather, you eat first. I'll explain to them." Bey helped his grandfather to his desk and opened the lunchbox.

"I'll go wash my hands first. Little Bei, explain it to them so that they won't worry too much, this shouldn't be some poison, at least it won't take a person's life, because although the poison here appears to be very strong, there are actually only a few things that restrain each other. There are probably only a few things that truly work." As soon as Grandpa Luo mentioned it, he became excited.

"Grandfather, I know. Quickly wash your hands and eat, then give Grandma a call so that she won't worry." Little Bei nodded and urged his grandfather time and time again. Seeing his grandfather wash his hands and pick up his knife and fork, Little Bei waved towards Yan Kai and the others.

"From the analysis my grandpa wrote, although most of the ingredients seemed to be very toxic, they were actually all mutually restraining each other, so it can be said that this pill isn't a poison. The reason why there are so many strong ingredients, it might be a misunderstanding …"

After hearing that, Yan Kai said impatiently, "Get to the point, is this medicine poisonous or not?"

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