"I'm Fang Ping, this is our certificate. Please take a look." Fang Pei-fang did not say anything, but gave the theory in his hand to the ambassador.

"What about these two gentlemen?" After looking at the documents of the others, the Ambassador turned to Yan Kai and Lie and said.

"We have nothing to do with you, we can't even be considered your citizens. It's just that I have a friend who knows Fang Ping very well, and for his sake we saved him." Lie took a step forward and answered on behalf of Yan Kai.

"Alright, then can any of you answer me how you appeared here?" the ambassador asked reluctantly.

"Mr. Ambassador, I think it would be easier for us to explain this to you." Fang Ping stepped forward and said to the ambassador.

"I feel the same way. After all, you can say that you're on the same side as me. It's easier for you to understand when you're on the same side." Yan Kai took a sip of his coffee and replied.

"Alright then. You guys can start with one person. If there are incomplete items, then you can add them." The ambassador sat up straight as if he was listening to the registration.

Fang Ping stood in front of the ambassador and explained everything, including their analysis, to the ambassador.

"In your situation, I need to contact the country before I can decide what to do with you." The ambassador stood up, but the light stayed on Yan Kai and Lie.

"Ambassador, what about the comrades who sacrificed themselves? What should we do with their remains? " Fang Ping said sorrowfully.

"This is a troublesome matter. You have sacrificed so many people, so it won't be easy to deal with them. If these two gentlemen can help deal with it, that would be for the best." The Ambassador said to Yan Kai.

"I'm sorry, we are not porters. What's more, you don't only have two corpses, this is more than a dozen. We don't have the ability." Yan Kai had a dark expression on his face as he spoke in a displeased manner.

Fang Ping was silent. If Yan Kai and the others could bring them back to the country, then he would have invited them to bring them back. With so many corpses, even if they could bring them back, it would be very effective.

Looking at Yan Kai's cold face, he said awkwardly, "Mister Yan, it's not that we don't believe what Fang Ping and the rest said, but what you said is too inconceivable for normal people like us. Therefore, I must report this matter and see the reply."

"Ambassador, we have so many pairs of eyes on us, and so many comrades who sacrificed themselves, is that not enough?" Fang Ping felt as if his heart was being pierced by knives. Right now, they were not doing this for him, but in the hope that this matter could be handled properly.

"Calm down, it's already dawn. I think everyone needs to rest, so I'll arrange for you to rest first. I'll discuss this with everyone after I've requested permission from the country." The ambassador was also helpless. This was the first time he had heard of this matter today. Furthermore, it was such a big matter, how could he dare to so easily make a decision?

From what Fang Ping and the others said, that place was more threatening than a terrorist organization. It was not just a matter of a country, so they had to discuss it.

"That's your problem, Lie. Let's go." Yan Kai's expression was dark. He spoke to Lie and the two of them disappeared from everyone's sight.

The Ambassador stared dumbstruck at the sofa that Yan Kai had just sat on.

"Ambassador, do we need to prove anything now?" Fang Ping said dejectedly.

Now that Yan Kai had left, he could not be of any help anymore. Just now, he had thought of a method. Although Yan Kai and the rest could not bring the corpses back directly to the country, they could still help them safely carry them on the plane.

"No more, you guys rest first, I'll report to the higher ups immediately." The Ambassador's face was ashen, and even the military officials who were in a stalemate with Fang Ping and the others had ashen faces.

"No need, we'll wait here." Fang Shi turned to look at the rest, insisting.

If he did not deal with this matter properly, the embassy staff members working at the office and the corpses placed at the studio would definitely be enough to scare people off.

After the ambassador made the call, he left the office, presumably for a secret meeting.

"I'm sorry, but I apologize for my rudeness." After the ambassador left, the military attaché apologized to Fang.

"No need, you are responsible too." He was not in the mood to care about that. What he was worried about now was not only his companions' corpses, but also how he would explain it to his family when he got back.

Fang Ping looked at his watch over and over again until an hour later, when the ambassador finally returned to his office. At this time, there was only an hour left until work time, so if he did not immediately dispose of those corpses, it would be even more inconvenient.

"Officer Fang, the management requests that you all report directly." After the ambassador came, he didn't immediately deal with the matter. Instead, he asked Fang Ping to go over and report.

With this, it was time to start working. Fortunately, the military officer had received the order to first place the corpses at the ambassador's office so that no one else would be frightened.

Fang Ping was in the middle of a video session with his leader, as well as the head of state.

"Fang Ping, can you explain the situation over there to us?" The leader said in the video.

"Chief, we have explained in great detail. In that ancient castle on the outskirts of London, its owner is a vampire. The last time we went there, he was injured by Helian Chen and was in the process of recuperating. I just don't know how he ended up entangled with those people …"

Fang Ping patiently recounted everything that had happened in detail.

"Comrade Fang Ping, this matter is related to the life and death of the entire human race. We need more allies, but it would be very difficult for us to trust them, so at the very least, let everyone know, in our human world, there are some forces that we cannot imagine. Let them know what kind of enemies we are about to face." the Führer asked Fang Ping.

"I'm sorry, but that might be difficult." Fang Ping immediately shook his head. There was no need to ask, he knew that both Yan Kai and Helian Yi and the others would not agree.

"But if they don't show up, it will be hard for us to gain the trust of our allies."

"Leader, Yan Kai has already left. He has already made it clear that it is impossible for him to accept this. Using his words, it makes no difference to him whether or not humans will perish. They will still return to their world." Fang Ping tried to persuade the Leader. No matter what, Yan Kai was still the fifth, how could he give a 'performance' to so many people?

They were not jugglers, and there was nothing they needed to cooperate with.

"Then, what about Helian Xi Chen? "He might …"

This time, Fang Ping impolitely interrupted the leader. He decisively shook his head and said, "That's even more impossible. His wife was killed by our police. He wants to kill everyone to avenge Situ Luoxue."

"But his child is in that castle, so we can work together. I believe he will be very willing. At the very least, if there is one more person and more power, the child's chances of survival will be greater." The leader didn't seem to understand, but he still said stubbornly.

"Impossible, without us, they can still save Luo Han. Leader, you guys deal with this matter yourself, if we really need to gain trust, then the leader can contact England first. As long as they send someone to attack the castle tonight, everything will be clear." Fang Ping was very disappointed and slightly sarcastic.

"This … the best way is still to invite them …" Fang Ping turned around, ignoring the two leaders on the screen, he directly left the room. He should not have had too much hope in the boss.

If he had a choice, he would rather choose to stay with Helene.

"Fang Ping, Fang Ping, the Leader hasn't finished speaking yet …." Seeing Fang Ping leave, the Ambassador shouted from behind.

"What do we do now?" The others also followed Fang Ping, but they didn't have a clue.

"There are two choices. One is to go back and accept the order to persuade Helian Yi and Yan Kai." Fang Ping forced a smile, "Second, we will die here, and use our sacrifice to prove it to them."

"Fang Ping, don't be so pessimistic. Maybe there's a better way up there." The others suddenly felt like deflated balls, unable to lift their spirits.

If they knew it would turn out like this, they might as well have died in the castle.

"Actually, we should have kept Yan Kai here. With them here, at least we won't be trapped here." Cui Jian said dejectedly.

"Impossible, they are born kings, how can they listen to others' orders. To be willing to help us this time is already beyond our means." Fang Ping sat on the floor, he didn't dare to go back. He was the one who proposed this to his dead companions, but now that they had lost their lives here, he felt sorry for them.

"Then what should we do now?" The others all sat down on the carpet in rows. As for the staff who were at work, when they saw them passing by, they all had uneasy looks on their faces.

Yan Kai and Lie Lie returned to the nightclub in anger. At this moment, it was already night time. The two of them were extremely angry. Those people truly did not know what was going on.

"Wang, Helian Xi Chen doesn't seem to have returned. Should we go over?" Lie searched the entire store, but didn't find Helian Chen. He was a bit worried.

"I'm not going. I'm a bit tired." Yan Kai said as he walked towards his bedroom.

"Alright, Wang, then I'll go check on Luo Xiao Bei first. If Helian Chen is here, then I'll come back immediately." Lie was still a little worried and asked again.

"Go. When you come back, buy some food. I'm a bit hungry." Yan Kai waved his hand and said.

"Alright." After responding, Lie arrived at the laboratory. He saw Helian Chen, Luo Xiaobie and Grandpa Luo standing on the workbench as if they had discovered something unexpected.

"Helian, something happened in London." When they saw that he had arrived, they did not pay too much attention to him and had no choice but to greet Helian Chen.

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