Fang Ping and the others didn't leave until the evening. Although they used a special plane, they still had to undergo various checks. Luckily, with Helian Chen and Lie, the plane finally took off successfully.

On the plane, to learn more about the situation, Helian Yi Chen consulted with Fang Ping and the others.

"Fang Ping, now that a barrier has been set up around the castle, no matter what creature it is, it's going to be hard to break through. I wonder if you have any instruments that can detect the situation inside the castle?"

Fang Ping and the others looked at Helian Chen, not understanding what he meant.

It's like this, today Lie and I went to check again, and now that the vampire castle is separated from the outside world by layers of enchantments, even if we want to attack we must first open the enchantment, but the inside of the castle contains the power of our time and space, Heaven Realm, Devil Realm, Fantasy World, and Human Realm, and for a moment, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to break through. Moreover, the mastermind behind the scenes has never appeared, do you have any apparatus that can find out how many types of creatures there are inside, and how many people there are would be if you can clearly see everyone inside. It was obvious that Helian Yi Chen had become somewhat idealistic. If this was the case, then they would not have been able to get rid of the officials so easily.

"It might be, but it might not be as effective as you think." Fang Ping and the others thought for a while before replying seriously.

"Then what kind of effect can it achieve?" Helian Xi Chen said with hope.

No matter if it is you or us, both of us use a type of energy, a magnetic field, to create a barrier. This barrier is nothing more than a barrier that separates the magnetic field. When he saw Helian Xi's face darken, he seemed to be very worried, so he added, "We don't know much about this. Perhaps what we said is not right, but when we return, we will consult with the scientists in the field. Perhaps we can find a way.

"This is simply wishful thinking. Helian, you should just give up. If they really do have such methods, would they let us live in this world? If they did, the ambassador wouldn't be so helpless as to ask us to do juggling. " A fierce and cold blow hit Helian Yi Chen.

"You're wrong, we are not as weak as you think. Although you guys are very powerful, we humans can also become very strong by borrowing external forces, high technology and so on." Fang Ping and the others were not convinced.

"Yeah, Lie, when we first arrived in this world, they already discovered us. Maybe I told them that you feel that you have the will of others to extinguish your own prestige, maybe we originally developed in the same way, but because we chose a different direction, that's why we changed today. We pay too much attention to our own abilities, and neglected the various tools that can be used in the outside world." Helian Yi explained to Chen Xianglie, including the matter of him being targeted by the government.

"Since they are so powerful, there is no need to ask for help to play with us. No matter how extravagant your words may be, I still look down on them." Lie said in annoyance.

"Lie, you can't say that. Take the plane we are on right now. Although we are able to come and go freely without flying, how many times can we run a day? Our spiritual energy is exhausted, and it will be very difficult to recover it in a short period of time, but they are different. As long as we have fuel, we can't stop. This is the biggest difference. " Helian Yi tried to use the analogy of an airplane.

"Helian, you are willing to be assimilated by them, that is your business, but please don't drag us into it, our demon race is the true great one, you can watch and see, even without humans, without you, the King would still defeat them and save Luo Han." Lie felt that he had been isolated, and said in a very angry tone.

"This is not a question of assimilating the different forms, but... "Forget about it, I think that no matter what I say, you will not listen to my analysis. When I am certain, I will go and find Yan Kai." Looking at Lie's expression, Helian Lie knew that there was no point in speaking any further, but he sighed lightly and ended the conversation.

After that, no one spoke for the rest of the journey. Whether it was people or demons, they all needed to rest.

As soon as he got off the plane, Lie looked at Helian Chen and said, "Helian, I'll go back first. It's your business what you want to do, but I won't join you."

"I know. Go back. I will take care of the matter here first. After I am certain, I will return to find Yan Kai." Helian Yi nodded his head. He knew that Lie was feeling depressed along the way. Since he was going to leave first, it would be better for him to not affect each other's moods.

"Brother Helian, are you really going to cooperate with us?" Cui Jian and the rest were excited, their abilities were limited, but if there was Helian Chen, even if she was not as fierce as that, they would still succeed.

Moreover, Helian Yi Chen was right. They could use a lot of high technology and never let Yan Kai and Lie Lie underestimate them. At the same time, they would definitely make the people in the vampire castle pay.

The body was taken back to the headquarters, and Fang had to report this to his superiors. At the same time, Fang had to take responsibility for it.

They had originally thought that they would be severely punished, but who would have thought that their superiors would console them instead.

"Chief, we... This time, I was too impulsive, and did not make any meticulous plans beforehand. I even underestimated the enemy, which resulted in the serious consequences today. I am willing to accept the punishment of the organization. " Fang Ping lowered his head, waiting for the Leader's punishment.

"This time, although you are at fault, this information is very important to us. If they are really here for our planet, then the value of this information is even more extraordinary. Now that the Führer has gone to London, we will first reach a consensus with the British and then slowly gain the trust of our allies. You can rest for now." The Leader came over and patted Fang Ping and the others on their shoulders to show his comfort.

They were all elites of the organization. Even though they were saddened that they had lost so many elites overnight, their sacrifice was worth it compared to the safety of the entire human race.

"Thank you, Leader, but …" We do not need to rest. We must avenge our companions. " Remembering their lost comrades, Cui Jian and the rest started crying again.

"This is an order. You've all worked hard. Now go back and rest well, and then you can get ready at any time." The leader said in a deep voice.

"Chief, Helian Xi Chen wants to talk about something with you." He had already decided that from now on, he would follow his big brother. Regardless of success or failure, regardless of life and death, he would be together with Helian Chen.

"Oh, in that case, why didn't he come?" The leader was delighted, but his expression remained calm.

"He will. Big Brother Helian went to take care of some matters. He will be here very soon." Fang Ping replied.

The leader nodded and walked around the house a few times before asking, "Fang Ping, is his son trapped in the castle?"

"Yes, but Chief, it's not difficult for them to save Ruo Han. They also want to help us." In order to avoid conflict between the authorities and Helian Chen, Fang Ping immediately spoke up for Helian Chen as soon as he had a chance.

"It's a good thing he's on our side. After all, he's the only one who understands those people. If he's willing to cooperate with us, then that's even better." The Chief sighed. Even though it looked great now, he had some understanding of Helian Xi Chen's personality. I'm afraid he won't listen to his orders.

"I think Chief should personally discuss this with Brother Helian. Also … There are other matters that I would like to ask the Chief. " Fang Ping hesitated for a while, but still decided to speak out.

"You want to leave the organization?" Before Fang Ping could say anything, the leader seemed to already know. He stood in front of Fang Ping and said solemnly.

Yes, Chief, I am not trying to betray the organization, but there are too many restrictions placed upon it. There are many things that cannot be done and cannot be done. I am following Brother Helian.

Fang Ping tried his best to speak in a gentle tone, at the same time deliberately making the leader misunderstand. He wanted to stay by Helian Xi Chen's side so that he could report the situation of Helian Lie and the others to the organization.

"How about this, you go back and rest first. I'll think about it and at the same time apply to the higher ups. Once they approve, I'll call you to inform you." The leader was silent for a long time before he spoke.

"Thank you, Chief. I will take my leave first." Fang Ping was overjoyed. He immediately gave a military salute.

"You can leave first. I need to write a report on this matter and report it to the higher ups." The chief waved his hand and said in an extremely exhausted manner.

"Yes, chief. I'll take my leave first."

After Fang Ping left, the first thing he did was rush home. Helian Xi was waiting for him at his house.

"Big Brother, Big Brother, good news! From what I can see, Chief's intentions are very promising." Once he entered, Fang Ping said like a child.

"However, his final goal is for me to become a member of all of you. This kind of cooperation is only temporary, but it doesn't matter. As long as I can save Han-Er, as long as I can destroy their plans, this little bit of misfortune can be ignored." Helian Yi sighed. His strength was a temptation to humans. He could only hope that this was a pure cooperation. The authorities would not plot against him.

This was also the reason why he did not stop Lie from leaving. If something were to happen to him, as well as Yan Kai and Lie, they would probably not ignore him.

"Then you rest first, I'll go see the head." He had already made up his mind. Helian Xi stood up and said when he thought that it was time for him to step forward.

"Wait big brother, I feel that you shouldn't go so early. The leader still needs to report to the higher-ups, why not wait until tomorrow and give him some time to make him anxious? After meeting up with him this way, it'll be better to talk about it. At least he won't be controlled by anyone." Fang Ping pulled Helian Yi Chen to persuade him.

"Oh, could it be that he will put forth some other conditions for this cooperation?" Helian Yi Chen was stunned. He did not believe that they still had so many tricks up their sleeves in the face of a great enemy.

"It's hard to say. When it comes to dealing with enemies, we can't act alone. We will definitely act against our allies now." Fang Ping said with a look of understanding.

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