Yan Kai brought Luo Xue outside the Vampire Castle. At this time, there weren't any barrier installed in the castle, so it wasn't difficult for them to go in. But since Yan Kai brought Luo Xue along, he naturally had to be on full alert.

Instead, he had someone deliver a letter to the Vampire Castle and hand it over to Jiu Yu.

Inside the Vampiric Castle, Jiu Yu and the rest were discussing how to get rid of Yan Kai and his group, when they suddenly received a letter.

"Jiu Yu, did you do something behind our back?" Shalajia and the rest noticed that Jiu Yu's expression changed when he read the letter, and they questioned him in displeasure.

"You guys are too suspicious. In terms of strength, you guys are much stronger than me. No matter what I do, it doesn't matter." Jiu Yu laughed and kept the letter.

"Who wrote to you?" Shalajia said in a worried voice.

"Woman, I'm more interested in a woman. Don't worry, since we're partners, I naturally wouldn't betray you." Jiu Yu laughed. He had been here for a few months and was being suppressed by the Heaven Realm.

However, they were unwilling to take action. By wasting time like this, he had no choice but to come up with a plan, and only by bringing that kid, Ruo Han, could he make Helian, Yan Kai and the rest attack.

"Is she really a woman?" The people of Heaven Realm still did not believe him, but from the looks of it, he wanted to see the letter.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can see for yourselves." Jiu Yu was helpless, he could only throw the letter out. Luckily, Situ Luoxue did not write anything down, he only wrote down the address.

"What? You still don't believe me?" Jiu Yu unhappily swept his gaze across Shalajia and the others.

"Jiu Yu, you had best not forget our purpose in coming here. Shalajia warned as he tossed the letter to Jiu Yu.

"That's only natural. Do you think This King is like you? You'd better prepare as soon as possible. This King no longer has any patience. If you continue delaying, we'll disperse." Jiu Yu swept his gaze across Shalajia and the others and said angrily.

He was after all the King of the Illusory Realm, and in this useless world, he did not even want to look at it. If it were not for Helian Yichen, he would not have come to this damn place.

The Heaven Realm was different. In the Heaven Realm, they had always been suppressed by people, and the reason they had come to this place was simply to occupy this place and be kings. Yet, they had come, yet were cowardly and cowardly.

"We have our own plans, so you'd better not ask too many questions. Otherwise, if you want to leave, you can leave. The prerequisite is, of course, under the circumstances that you can return." Shalajia laughed complacently, he was sure that if he left them, it would be hard for Jiu Yu to even move an inch, much less return to the Nevernever.

"You all … Don't push it too far. " Jiu Yu gritted his teeth and shouted at the few of them.

"Jiu Yu, be careful, don't forget that this world isn't normal. Just look at that vampire, and you'll know that as long as there are a few more monsters like him, you'll be finished as well." Shalajia reminded Jiu Yu when he was about to leave.

Jiu Yu arrived at the clubhouse in a fit of rage and booked a private room with Luo Xue, waiting for Jiu Yu's arrival.

"Jiu Yu, what did you do to Han Er?" Luo Xue's first question was about her son, because Yan Kai and Helian Yichen both said that their son was in Jiu Yu's hands.

"Situ Luoxue, you really don't have any memory. Although I hate him, but no matter what, he is my nephew, how can I do anything to him? You are not listening to rumors." Seeing Yan Kai at the side, Jiu Yu's expression turned cold, and when he spoke, he was not even the least bit courteous.

"Jiu Yu, what are you doing here? Did Chen Yi come to find you? " Seeing that Jiu Yu was not admitting it, Luo Xue was not in a hurry, so she asked Helian Yichen if he had come looking before.

"Are you talking about my half-demon brother? Luo Xue, he is your husband. If you don't know, how would I know? " As Jiu Yu said this, he sat down on the sofa, crossed his legs and glared at Yan Kai.

"Jiu Yu, you dare to swear with poison that you did not send anyone to kidnap Ruo Han?" Seeing how Jiu Yu was showing off, Yan Kai could not watch anymore, and asked coldly.

"Yan Kai, don't think that just because you are the Infernal King, this duke will be afraid of you. Last time was only an accident. Jiu Yu fearlessly struck back at Yan Kai.

At this time, he really had nothing to be afraid of, because he knew that Heaven Realm and the others were currently hating and hating the Demon King Yan Kai in front of them.

If you truly know what's good for you, hand Han Er over. Otherwise, if you really do hurt our relationship, forget about this king, even Helian Yichen might not let you go. No matter how much hatred there is between the two of you, in the end, it's still connected by blood. Yan Kai sneered, and coldly reminded Jiu Yu.

Jiu Yu's expression changed slightly, he gritted his teeth while staring at Yan Kai in disbelief: "What else do you know?"

Jiu Yu, you are, after all, the sovereign of the Nevernever. Don't you feel ashamed being together with the scum of the Heaven Realm?

The moment Jiu Yu appeared, Yan Kai had been observing him attentively. From his expression, he guessed that Jiu Yu and the few fellows from Heaven Realm were not on good terms with each other.

"Yan Kai, is what you just said strange?" Jiu Yu's face was extremely ugly. His first reaction was that he had strangely reneged on his own promise, and if that was the case, then there would be an account to be settled between him and Qi.

"The people of our Devil Palace will not be as despicable as the people of your Nevernever. There is one sentence that is correct in this world: If you want people to not know what to do, then do it. Jiu Yu, I advise you to hand over Han Er." Yan Kai warned him coldly. No matter what, the reputation of their Devil Palace was not to be ruined.

Jiu Yu stared at Yan Kai for a long while, as if he had made some sort of decision. He then looked at Yan Kai and said: "Yan Kai, three thousand years ago, the people from the Heaven Realm took the Devil Palace's Seal.

"Jiu Yu, the reason we came to find you was not to investigate the hatred between Yan Kai and the Heaven Realm. I only request that you return Han Er to me." Luo Xue worriedly looked at Jiu Yu. She had been with Jiu Yu for quite a while, so she was very clear that Jiu Yu was definitely not a righteous man.

"Xue Er, are you looking down on my character? No matter what, I have always been together with you two for a year. From Han Er's birth to his one year old, even if I am not his father, my care for you two could still be considered a work of hard work. Jiu Yu seemed to be very dissatisfied with Luo Xue.

If not for him back then, Luo Xue and Han Er wouldn't have been able to escape from Helian Yichen's deadly hands. If not for him, Han Er wouldn't even have had a chance to be born.

"Yes, I remember how you took care of us, mother and son, but I also remember everything you did to Han Er. If not for you, how could Han Er and I be separated from each other? Just treat it as me begging you, the child is innocent, if you have any grudges, you can come at us adults, there's no need to make things difficult for a child. " Luo Xue begged bitterly.

Her martial arts were taught to her by Jiu Yu. If she wanted to fight, there was no way she could win against Jiu Yu, not to mention that Han Er was still in his hands.

"Since you all have already determined that it's me, then I won't say anything more. If you really want Han Er, then you have to agree to three conditions." Jiu Yu stood up and looked at Luo Xue, his eyes still filled with hesitation.

"Tell me about it." Yan Kai stared at Jiu Yu. If the conditions were reasonable, there was no need to use force.

"Firstly, I want Helian Yichen to personally apologize to me." Jiu Yu's feelings towards Helian Yichen were actually very complicated.

When Helian Yichen was young, Jiu Yu was extremely fond of this little brother. It was only after Helian Yichen's existence threatened his throne and his interests, that there was a gap between them.

"This is not difficult. What about the second method?" Yan Kai answered on behalf of Luo Xue. No matter how much hatred there was between Helian Yichen and his son, for his sake, he believed that Helian Yichen would be able to accomplish this.

"Secondly, help me get rid of Shalajia and the others. If you are unable to do so, there is no need to talk about anything else." Jiu Yu said with a gloomy expression.

Hearing the second rule, Yan Kai was quite shocked. He thought that Jiu Yu and Shalajia's Heaven Realm people were allies and said: "Other than them? Aren't you afraid that the Heaven Realm will find trouble with you? "

"Impossible, if the Heaven Realm Kings knew, they would definitely be grateful to us, maybe at this time, they were also looking for Shalajia and the rest, they stole the Heaven Realm's treasure, if not how do you think we came here." Jiu Yu said in disdain.

"Alright, if that's the case, then the second method will be no problem either. However, if you dare to deceive us, then don't think that you can stay out of it in the future." Yan Kai pretended to hesitate, and said that after a while.

In fact, even if Jiu Yu had not mentioned the second method, he would have done the same. As for the people from Heaven Realm, he had never put them in his eyes, not to mention the three thousand years of resentment, it would be perfect if they did not stop.

"And the third?" Listening to the first two, Luo Xue wasn't too worried. It was just the third, which was usually quite difficult.

"The first rule is much easier for you. When you go back, bring my men back as well. If Shalajia and the rest die, we won't be able to control Heaven Realm's magical equipment either. We can only rely on Han Er." Jiu Yu said calmly.

It was precisely this third method that made him have no choice but to endure the ridicule and threats from Shalajia and the others. If they could agree to all three of these conditions, then it would mean nothing to him.

In any case, the reason they caught that little ghost was so they could return. Everything here wasn't suitable for them, Fey.

"That's fine, but we need to make sure that Han Er is safe before we do that." Yan Kai agreed.

"Alright, let Helian Yichen personally come and take Han Er back. The time and place won't change at this time tomorrow." Jiu Yu said straightforwardly.

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