Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 131 - It is going to rain

Chapter 131 – It is going to rain

Luo Sha sat alone in the room. It has been a few hours since he came back from the conference room. Now it is Elder Hai who is hiding there and watching.

In this Ninja test, in addition to Konoha, only the Kingdom of Wind has dispatched two ninja squads. It is not that Luo Sha does not want to bring more people, but there are only so many young ninjas that can be brought out in the village. Unexpectedly, Zhongnin would kill a team at the beginning of the exam…

The most important thing is that he died in the hands of his allies, which made Luo Sha feel like he had eaten flies.

That’s right, on the day of Konoha, Luo Sha had already secretly visited the four generations of Hokage Wave Fengshui Gate, and after a whole night of talks, the two four generations who had just taken over finally reached a consensus.

As for the first stage of the Ninja test this time, the two movies are very tacitly aware of the question of teaming up. The cooperation can’t be exposed so early, otherwise other Ninja villages will definitely see the tricks.

Regardless of whether the kingdom of the earth or the kingdom of thunder is playing real fire, if you know the news in advance, Raikage Ai and the old guy Tukage Ohnoki and Shuiying will surely form an alliance in place.

In addition, the first stage of the Zhongnin assessment is also the stage for the great Shinnin villages to show their strengths. If the country of wind does not even enter the next stage, Luosha can guarantee that the guy with yellow hair and blue eyes will definitely not bring him with him. play.

Before the exam started, Luo Sha, who had just settled down for four generations of Fengying, was not worried about this problem. The ninja in my Shayin Village couldn’t even make it through a knockout match?

But now, after watching the live broadcast for the whole day, Luo Sha was full of anxiety.

Maki, Maki and Akira Mogi, you three want snacks. It’s not that I don’t believe you, but the other villages have a lot of evildoers…

Unfolding the notebook in front of her, Luo Sha looked at the appearance and abilities of ninjas from various countries recorded by her subordinates, and added some insights. The battle of ninjas is intelligence.

At this time, a Kuwu went straight to Luosha Mianmen through the broken window with a cracking sound, and the fourth generation Fengying still held a pen to write something without realizing it.

Just when Kuwu was three inches away from him, a piece of golden sand blocked the Kuwu, the Kuwu was blocked by the sand, lost its strength and fell from mid-air to the table with a crisp sound, and it was vaguely visible. It is engraved with four small characters “Friends but not enemies”.

A gust of wind blew up, the pages of the notebook were rustled, and the chair where the person was sitting was empty.

In a small forest outside of Konoha Village, Luo Sha stopped and looked at the person with his back facing him. This person was dressed in ordinary and extremely civilian clothes, and his face was extremely ordinary except for his bright eyes.

Luo Sha glanced at the person in front of him with some disdain, “What is the purpose of leading me to this place?”

“Of course I invited Master Fengying to come late at night to talk about things that interest you.”(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Luo Sha stepped back, and the grassy ground next to it was slightly sunken and gradually deserted with golden light. “Since you want to talk, show some sincerity and take away your transformation skills.”

The man pondered a little, and there was a chakra wave on his body…


“My patriarch, I’m here to take over.”

Hyuga Hizusaki looked at the young man who was almost carved out of him, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: “You can just call my brother as before. You don’t need to be like this.”

Hyuga leaned his shoulders calmly, “The rules can’t be changed.”

The Hyuga Hizu, who stared at his tribe’s connection to the machine, felt that it was not just physical exhaustion. At this moment, he felt even more exhausted. He didn’t want to continue talking about this topic with his brother. He asked, “What should you do if you come out Xiaoningci?”

Hyuga Hisashi, who had always been expressionless, smiled involuntarily, “That kid doesn’t make a lot of trouble at night, just have his mother take care of him.”

“That’s good, every time you are the one who listens to the old man the most, and you are no exception this time. I wonder why it didn’t take long for you to get married so soon?” Hyuga Self-sufficient is very confused, obviously together. Married, you kid so fast?

Hyuga Risasa thought for a while: “Maybe you are too busy as a patriarch. There will always be a bump in this kind of thing a few times.”

Hyuga Hizu had a thoughtful look, and hurriedly took over the things at hand and rushed towards the Hyuga home. There are already so many talented teenagers in the Uchiha home, and our Hyuga can’t be left behind.

Watching his brother walk away, Hyuga Hirsashi looked at the Hyuga ninjas connected to the devices in front of him. The green marks on everyone’s foreheads were so conspicuous that they looked like ugly scars and blood-sucking worms.

He didn’t want his newborn son to put such a mark on the head of Neji Hyuga called the bird in the cage.

There was no solution for Hyuga Hirsari, who didn’t know how to speak to his brother. He turned his head and looked at the screen on the side. In the screen, the brother named Uchiha Shisui sat quietly on the grass, his eyes staring at the sleeping man. Brother, he felt very familiar with the look in his eyes, the same as he looked at himself a few years ago.

Uchiha Shisui smiled happily as he watched his asleep brother, his breath full of crookedness looks very much like you, dad.

Feeling someone approaching, Uchiha Fengxi immediately opened his eyes, and the sky was gray to replace the night, which was about five o’clock in the morning.


A water bottle was handed to him by Uchiha Shisui. Feng Qi sat up and took the water bottle and took a sip of water to rinse his mouth, and then briefly washed his face to make it more comfortable.

When Uchiha woke up with sweat all over his body, his short sleeves, which were the same as Shisui, were pressed tightly by sweat. Uchiha used his fingers to fan the clothes on his chest and said to Shisui: ” The weather is not so good.”

The content taught by the Ninja School, Uchiha, has never been able to pull down. The shadow clone’s learning attitude is very serious, and it is something that every ninja must master to simply judge the weather based on some celestial phenomena.

Uchiha Shisui nodded, “It might rain today.”

When I woke up, Hyuga Yun in the woods came out and asked, “What should I do today?”

Uchiha Shisui’s eyes looked at Uchiha’s wind, and the meaning was very obvious. Let me talk about your thoughts first.

Feng Xi squeezed the bridge of his nose with his hands to quickly get out of the sleepiness he had just woke up, and at the same time sorted out his thoughts, “Today we need to drive towards the center. It seems that this ghostly weather is about to rain. It is unfortunate that the three of us No one in it has water attributes. I and Shishui also have fire attributes. We will try our best to rush towards the center to collect the third voucher before it rains.

If we meet a ninja who knows water escape ninjutsu and can’t beat us, we will slip away. After finding the third voucher, let us react accordingly. First find the voucher. Anyway, we have a seal technique to block the induction between the voucher. ”

Uchiha Shisui was very satisfied with the analysis of the wind. Hyuga Yun saw that their brothers made a decision and did not raise objections as they did yesterday. The three of them tidied up and ate some dried meat to replenish their physical strength and began to try it out. Rushed to the center of the land.

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