Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 210 - The idea of transplanting primary cells

Chapter 210 – The idea of ​​transplanting primary cells

Uzumaki Kushina stood in front of the Hokage’s office, raised his hand and knocked on the door quickly.

“Come in.” The old and hoarse voice that belonged to the third generation of Hokage came from the room.

Pushing the door open, Kushina glanced at the room. The third generation of Hokage was sitting behind Hokage’s desk just like a year ago. Tsunade and Jirai were also sitting in the lower chairs. She clearly felt that she saw this in the house from now on. The expressions of the three have changed.

She was told by Anbu to come to Hokage’s office, and now seeing their expressions, Kushina had a bad premonition in her heart.

“Master, Pratunam…”

Halfway through, Kushina stared at Sarutobi Hizen who was sitting on the head with his eyes.

“Cough” the third generation of Hokage coughed and said with shame: “Jushinna is like this. The situation in Pratunam is a bit unsatisfactory. We want to ask for your consent.”

Sure enough, as he expected, Kushina’s hand drooping on his side clenched unconsciously.

“Kushina isn’t what you think.” Jiraiya, who was sitting on the side, stood up and pressed Kushina on her shoulder to let her sit in her chair. “Pratunam is not life-threatening, but we have nothing else. There is a way to wake him up. There is only one way that is not a way. I want to hear your opinion.”

“It’s okay, just tell me.”

After saying this, Kushina turned his gaze to Tsunade who was sitting aside, and now the only person who can pronounce the future of Mizumon is the strongest Konoha medical ninjutsu.

Tsunade was a little uncomfortable being watched by Kushina. She took a breath, and her slightly stalwart chest grew a little bigger: “I haven’t found any way to help Mizumon replenish his body with no side effects. Vitality, but there is one dangerous method, it depends on whether you are willing to try.”

“Let’s talk about the method first.” Kushina stared at Tsunade immediately.

“Transplant primary cells.”

“The first generation… cell?”

Kushina knew nothing about the concept of primary cells, and she continued to look at Tsunade with blank eyes.

“The first generation cells are the tissues containing Mu Dun Chakra left by my grandfather Senjujuma in Konoha during his lifetime. Because Mu Dun itself has strong vitality, after transplanting into the water gate, it can definitely replenish the passing vitality of the water gate. At that time, he will not only wake up, he may also wake up Mu Dun.”

After listening to Tsunade’s explanation, Kushina had a little hope in his heart, but what was the so-called danger most worried about? If the risk is small, they would never be like this. Thinking of this, she asked, “Then what is the danger of transplanting primary cells?”

After taking a deep look at Kusina, Tsunade said word by word: “If the body cannot adapt to the primary cells, it will explode and die.”

Kushina shook her body violently, apparently shocked by the scene described by Tsunade, she shook her head quickly and said, “No.

After rejecting this proposal, she bent forward and held Tsunade’s palm, and asked hopefully, “There is another way, right?”(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Tsunade looked awkward, and finally shook his head firmly, “I’m sorry, Kusina.”

This sentence of sorry caused Jiu Xinnai’s spirit to collapse in an instant, and she still kept her body’s forward bending motion unchanged, and tears burst into her eyes instantly.

“Kushina, he will do it by himself instead of being a water gate. He certainly doesn’t want to leave you and Naruto unattended. Lying on the bed like a wood is definitely not what he wants. There is hope for trying it. If you don’t try… …”

Jiraiya’s voice came from behind, “Besides, I believe that Watergate is absolutely different from ordinary people. He is the son of prophecy and he will be able to survive.”

There was a long silence in the office. Kushina sitting on the stool put a hand on his lap, sometimes grasping and sometimes relaxing, and the frowning brow has not been loosened.

Teacher Jilaiya understands Mizumon, why not me, Mizumon loves Konoha so much, if he chooses, he will definitely choose to receive treatment.

But what to do if he fails… He will die if he fails Watergate.

After a long time, Kushina raised his head again, “I want to ask, if the water gate remains as it is, can I sleep forever without death?”

Tsunade said: “The chakras in his body will dissipate, and if there is no such chakras, they will also die.”

“Chakra doesn’t need to worry. No other conditions are needed besides this one, right?”

“no need.”

After confirming the conditions, Jiuxina turned to the third generation of Hokage and said: “I agree to the water gate cell transplantation, but I hope to postpone the time.”

In the eyes of the three people inquiring, Kushina continued: “I hope to postpone the time until Naruto graduates from the Ninja School, so I also ask the three generations of Naruto Masters to keep secrets for me, and I will tell him about my child’s surname in the future His dad is out on a mission, and I will tell him all this when he graduates.”

The three generations of Hokage lowered their heads to ponder. He did not expect that Jiuxinai would delay the transplant operation for so long. According to his understanding of Jiuxinai, Jiuxinai was 100% able to support this operation. Her personality is like this. .

To put it a bit too much, in the entire Konoha Village, only Kushina can bear the responsibility for the failure of the operation. Otherwise, no matter who ordered the operation, Watergate will encounter unexpected events, and it will definitely be infamous for the death of the fourth generation of Hokage.

This ending… is acceptable.

The old man will take care of Konoha for a few more years. Now the average age of Ninja school graduates is about ten years old. The talent of Mizumon is here. His son will definitely not be so bad, maybe he will graduate early.

In ten years, I should be able to hold it!

After thinking about it for a while, Sarutobi Hizen nodded and agreed to Kushina’s request, “When Mizumon is in a coma, I will temporarily manage Konoha for Mizumon. When he wakes up, Konoha will have to continue to trouble him.”

Walking out of the Konoha building, Kushina stretched out her hand to block the afterglow from the setting sun above her head. When she came, she hadn’t noticed the news of the water gate, but now she found that the treetops outside were stained with a slight yellow, and every breath took a bite. A refreshing breath of cold air penetrated into the lungs, and the wild goose lined up in the shape of an adult flying over the top of the head, yelling “G-G-“, really annoying to me.

The Hokage Building is located in the center of Konoha. Kushina walked towards his home alone. When pedestrians on the road saw the red-haired woman, they unconsciously moved closer to both sides of the road, wishing to squat down on a stall on the side of the street.

They had seen the power of Nine Tails, they had seen it during the Zhongren exam, and they had also seen it in the village half a month ago.

God knows when such a dangerous thing will run out next time, it’s better to stay away from this woman. The fourth generation of Hokage will be unconscious because of her now.

Obviously it is a downtown area, and there is no one around Jiuxinai, so lonely as a ghost city.

The sunset is picturesque, with red hair like blood.

The woman pulled a long shadow from behind and cast it on the street building, lonely.

Kushina was unmoved by this, she just wanted to go home quickly to get some things, and then go to Mikoto to pick up Naruto. At the door of the house, Jiu Xinnai found helplessly that he could not open the door unexpectedly.

Yes, Feng Xi found someone to change the door, but he has a task today, and I can’t find him…

With a click, the door was opened from the inside, followed by two crisp noises, colorful ribbons swirling and falling from the air, mostly falling on Jiuxinai’s hair.

“Welcome home!”

Uchiha’s two-handed ribbon gun hasn’t been put down yet. On the other side, Naruto with yellow hair and Sasuke with black hair are pushing each other. In the room, Uchiha Mikoto’s mouth is smiling, “If you don’t come back, you My son is going to grab all of our Sasuke’s food.”

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