Chapter 201 Lord of all nations! (For customization)

“Hmm…! The desserts on your island are really good. No wonder that fellow Charlotte Linlin guarded this site and didn’t let it go. If I changed it to me, I wouldn’t be willing to leave.”

Three days later, Chenhui sat in the palace in the middle of the world, on the chair that originally belonged to Charlotte Linlin, and smiled while eating.

There is one thing to say, this Wan Guo dessert is really good not only has a variety of flavors, but also looks extremely pleasing to the eye, God knows how much Charlotte Linlin has taken over the years…The skilled dessert chef has created the current Wan Guo.

It is a paradise that can be called a foodie. A large amount of dim sum is delivered every day. Even Chenhui wants to eat. There is no problem at all. Chenhui, who was not very enjoyable before, is a bit reluctant! As for eating these things, will you get fat? Chenhui, who has a body like a god, said that it does not exist! “Ahem, Chenhui, you like it!”

Charlotte Katakuri and other members of the Charlotte family stood awkwardly and looked at Chenhui sitting in Charlotte Linlin’s position with complex eyes.

This… doesn’t seem to be as brutal as you imagined. Apart from… his earth-shattering strength, the usual Chenhui is very good at talking, at least much better than Charlotte Linlin! His appearance is handsome and easy to talk. He is extraordinary, and the most important thing is not to embarrass others at will. Don’t worry about whether Chenhui will go crazy at any time like you are guarding Charlotte Linlin! This is so easy! Rao is Charlotte Katakuridu I can’t help but think, if Chenhui is the master of the nations! After these few days of getting along, Kata Kuli and his party can be regarded as understanding Chenhui’s temper. Normally, he is a very talkative person. Just give Chenhui to Chenhui. With enough respect, Chenhui generally won’t embarrass them.

The fact is also true! Chenhui is a person who eats soft but not hard. As long as others show enough kindness to him, Chenhui is not a evil spirit. Generally speaking, he will not embarrass others without involving his own principles.

This alone makes the people of the Charlotte family very respectful! After all, it is rare to have the power to reach the sky and be so friendly to people! Compared to Charlotte Linlin, uh… .. I can only say that without comparison, there is no harm! “Brother Chenhui wants his dessert?”

So much so that the sons of the Charlotte family are now acquainted with Chenhui, and Chenhui’s brother is called a close friend. I am afraid that Charlotte Linlin has already been forgotten! “Forget it, it’s almost the same today.”(Read more @

Chenhui smiled and shook his head casually as a refusal, then after a while, he spoke slowly.

“That’s the end of my visit in IWC… Well, I’m going to another place next, Kata Kuri, if you give me a permanent pointer, we’ll be cleared.”

Yes, Chenhui has been in Wanguo for a few days, but I don’t have the idea of ​​staying any longer. Although the desserts and food here are quite good, Chenhui is never a person who is content with pleasure! The so-called being born in trouble and dying in peace, That’s it! “Master Chenhui, I have a ruthless please!”

However, just as Chenhui was about to leave the world, Charlotte Katakuri suddenly stepped forward and knelt down on one knee, her expression unspeakably serious.

“Oh, let’s hear it”

Chenhui was taken aback and glanced at Charlotte Katakuri with some playfulness, and he had a faint hunch.

And as expected! “Since my mother is dead, Master Chenhui, please become the lord of the nations!”

Charlotte Katakuri’s look is extremely serious. After hearing her declaration, the remaining members of the Charlotte family looked at Chenhui with great expectations, especially the sisters! After all, compared to Charlotte Linlin That…cruel shrew, Chenhui is undoubtedly much better to become the Lord of the Nations! In the eyes of the Charlotte family in the audience, Chenhui is undoubtedly a very kind person! Obviously he has defeated the Four Emperors Charlotte with absolute strength Linlin, however, when dealing with these people, he didn’t shout or scream, and he didn’t humiliate at will, but just stayed in the world and enjoyed some desserts! Besides, Chenhui actually allowed them to serve the table together to enjoy the food. , This was impossible in the previous Charlotte Linlin.

Everyone can see that Chenhui has only been here for three days, and everyone’s relationship has become much more harmonious! This is hard to think of in the past! There is no doubt that this is a man with tolerance and strength!”


Looking at the eyes of everyone in the audience, Chenhui raised his eyebrows slightly, and his expression instantly became serious.

“I demand permanent loyalty! You think you can do it!”

“Follow to the death!”

Everyone’s eyes were sonorous and powerful, and Chenhui finally couldn’t help but smile at the corner of his mouth when he saw it.Unexpectedly, after only a few days in Pirate World, he had gained a powerful force and I had to say that it was not bad.

If you don’t agree, it’s just… hypocritical, so Chenhui nodded directly.

“Yes, but I have a few requirements!”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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