Chapter 212 Sand crocodile is dead! (For customization)


Crocodile’s expression changed drastically, and he actually mixed in with a stranger without noticing it at all! This situation made Crocodile’s heart instantly lifted up! Then without hesitation, he immediately.

Use your ability to transform into sand, turn yourself into sand, and watch your surroundings vigilantly! “Oh… I don’t like people getting my clothes dirty.”

Some helpless voices came from Chenhui, and the confidence in his words made Crocodile’s brows raised! “Sneaky Rats, get out!”

Just like emboldening himself, Crocodile’s stubborn roar, the look that emerged from a pair of eyes became more and more vigilant.

“Only I don’t want to be said by you, hide, hide, misappropriate the name of a hero.”

Chenhui sighed helplessly, and then didn’t do much to hide.He walked out of the space constructed by God’s Prosperity, and looked at Crocodile in front of him with a smile.

“Uchiha Chenhui!”

So at this moment, Crocodile’s pupils suddenly shrunk to the size of a needle, and he looked at Chenhui in disbelief, his eyes were full of horror! “Why! It’s right that we have no conflict of interest! Why bother with me!”

Crocodile almost fell into madness! Obviously his plan is about to succeed, and he is only one step away from the success. As long as he launches a mutiny to oust Cobra from the throne, Alabasta will be his own! But why! At this time, this evil star will appear here! Crocodile can’t accept such a result at all, so immediately.

Roar crazy! “Uchiha Chenhui! Why!”(Read more @

“Well, since you want to be a ghost, I will satisfy you.”

With a gaze like a cat and a mouse, Chenhui looked at Crocodile intently, and then chuckled softly.

What villain died of talking too much, don’t be funny! The power gap between the two is like a ditch! Chenhui is not worried about Klock’s ideas at all, anyway… if he has an idea, he can’t realize it, he doesn’t care at all.

“Because I am also interested in history, so you know”


Crocodile is a smart person. Hearing Chenhui’s words, he immediately looked at Robin beside him in disbelief.

“Damn it! You betrayed me!”

With a strong resentment in the skyrocketing anger, Crocodile looked at Robin fiercely. If his sight could kill people, Robin would have died countless times! “Hey, I don’t like the look in your eyes, so please go to death. .”

With such a fierce look, Chenhui suddenly became a little unhappy. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it and crushed Crocodile with the power of space! “Haha! It’s useless! I’m Logia Sand-Sand Fruit.” A person of abilities! Your power is ineffective to me!”

Crocodile laughed wildly, seemingly confident in his fruiting ability, and looked at Chenhui provocatively.


However, in the face of his provocation, Chenhui was not even interested in responding. It was an ant who didn’t know it until he died! “Water Style, Great Falls Technique!”

An extremely simple ninjutsu, but from Chenhui’s hands, it has an extremely amazing effect! Water! It’s all water! As far as the eye can see, it is completely covered by the monstrous flood, Crocodile’s face changes suddenly, and it is only futile to escape. , It was immediately submerged by turbulent currents! Sand-Sand Fruit’s weakness is…water, which Chenhui knew from the original work. Naturally, he won’t be used to Crocodile at this time, so he just rewarded him. ! Of course this is not over yet, Chenhui next used a waterless ice shield, and the surrounding waters were frozen into a huge piece of ice, and then, a punch was blasted! Boom———————— ! Under the influence of the powerful force, all the agents who were frozen together with Crocodile turned into residues in an instant! Baroque studio, all annihilated! The survivors present except for… Robin, Only the little guy in the original… who used paint to control the mood of others, because of what bad guy he was, and Robin’s plea, Chenhui let her go.

Robin looked at the scene in front of him that was almost ruining the world, watching the icy slag shattered into the ground, and did not recover for a long time, until Chenhui walked to him and patted her on the shoulder, Robin barely recovered. Come.

With a Yanran smile, Robin looked at Chenhui in front of him and couldn’t help but exclaimed in his heart.

“This… is really a god-like power!”

“God I’m still a bit worse.”

Chenhui smiled and shook his head, then under Robin’s surprised sight, he hugged her up and flew directly to the palace of Alabasta! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read

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