Chapter 217 Uninvited guests! (For customization)

“I want to be stronger!”

There was no confusion in this response, and the tone of her voice was full of moving determination! Princess Vivi knelt on one knee like this, staring closely at Chenhui in front of her with a fanatical look in her worship! In the long-term experience and facts, Princess Vivi has understood a truth. When she has not possessed powerful power, she cannot protect anyone she cares about, and even herself is often in danger! So in order to change this situation, she You must become a strong one! And Chenhui in front of you is… the best opportunity! If you miss it, Princess Vivi will never forgive herself. In those dark blue pupils, there is more flashing than ever before. Moving light! “Oh interesting.”

And Chenhui looked at Princess Vivi at this time, but only plain, he is not a saint, and will unconditionally help all people who are not related to him. Chenhui never thinks that he has such an obligation, so Princess Vivi’s determination is According to Chenhui, it’s not enough! “Beyond that”

So in an almost sullen attitude, Chenhui looked down at Princess Vivi with indifferent eyes, and the pressure of the sight was extremely strong, making this girl who had a firm heart but had never seen a big scene after all, could not help but tremble slightly.

“Um…, uh, think, this…”

It seems that I heard some meaning in Chenhui’s voice. Princess Vivi couldn’t help but flushed her cheeks. She looked so firm before as if it were fake, like a girl in love, she kept talking for a while. No word came out.

“Sister Robin”

For a girl, the difficulty of this challenge was too high, so soon, Princess Vivi turned to Robin for help.

Even if the two knew each other while lurking, after all the dust settled, the relationship between Princess Vivi and Robin quickly improved, so at this time, only Robin can ask Princess Vivi for help.

“Eh eh.”

Looking at the pitiful father Vivi, he couldn’t help holding his forehead and sighed, then leaned to Chenhui’s ear.(Read more @

“I don’t believe you can’t see it at all, it’s all like this, if you pay it back, isn’t it a little unkind”


Chenhui coughed a little embarrassingly. He naturally knew what Robin meant. He also knew what Princess Vivi’s intentions were. Before, it was just a desire to see Princess Vivi’s determination. Now that Robin is interrupted like this, it is natural. It’s not easy to proceed.

“Well, I agree.”

So in desperation, Chenhui had to smile and nodded in agreement.


Princess Vivi cheered immediately, but she didn’t do anything out of the ordinary.She just ran to Chenhui and stood beside Chenhui happily following the appearance of Brin and the others.

“King Na Cobra, we are leaving now.”

With a helpless smile on his face, Chenhui turned to look at Cobra and waved his hand to say goodbye.

“Okay, then I wish you all good luck!”

Cobra was also refreshed, immediately.

He responded with a smile, but I don’t know if it was Chenhui’s illusion.When Princess Vivi stood behind her, Cobra looked at her eyes as if they were a little different. …It’s the first time seeing my son-in-law. Chenhui said that he couldn’t resist Cobra’s eyes, and quickly took a group of girls onto the pirate ship, and hurried without leaving a few words. Farewell! “Young people now.”

Cobra saw Chenhui running away, and shook his head with a laugh. Chenhui’s strength is only visible in Cobra’s life, and the other party’s status is really lofty. Cobra said he couldn’t refuse at all! His daughter followed each other, Among other things, safety is absolutely guaranteed! So thinking about this, Cobra didn’t care about Chenhui’s reaction. You must know that for his daughter, Cobra has absolute self-confidence, in various senses. Both! Finally, taking a deep look at Chenhui’s direction, Cobra laughed and turned his head and waved his hand.

“Go! Let’s go back!”

Speaking of Chenhui’s side, after leaving Alabasta, several people drifted aimlessly on the sea for a few days, slowly approaching the location of The fish men island, because with the participation of Princess Vivi, the atmosphere on the boat became a lot more active. Chenhui was so happy.

Then, on one day, Chenhui was lying on the deck to enjoy the cool air, and Smoky gave herself a massage. Suddenly, his eyes moved, and he turned to look at a pirate ship that suddenly appeared on the other side of the coastline.

After seeing the flag on the ship, Chenhui couldn’t help but smile.

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