Chapter 226 It’s over! (For customization)

Cheers! Leap! This is the time for the new king to ascend the throne! The dazzling sword light swallowed everything! It was a radiance far hotter than ever, two huge sword auras collided together, and it followed The violent light blocked everyone’s sight! “Ha! This kid! The hammer can’t do swordsmanship!”

Shanks stood on the deck and laughed, his eyes locked tightly to the dazzling light in front of him, and he couldn’t say a word for a long while.

Shanks’ gaze contained only blessings! No one knew better than him, his friend who was obsessed with kendo finally stepped onto a new realm at the last moment! He surpassed the great swordsman and reached a previously unknown one. Realm! That should be the Sword God or the Sword Master. Sorry! Shanks at this time doesn’t want to think about such boring questions! At this time, only the banquet and wine are needed! This extremely dazzling light is also blinding the crowds of experts, Many people panicked and fled from the area shrouded in light. Although it seemed to be just a soft light, only those who had experienced it knew how terrifying those lights were! Sword Qi! All were Sword Qi! All those lights were all. It’s composed of tiny sword aura that can’t be discerned by the naked eye…, with a powerful and unmatched penetrating power, that’s all… The famous and powerful swordsmen were all driven into embarrassment for a moment! You know, this is just the aftermath! Friends are horrified, some are cheering, and some are nervously grabbing the mast, and they are not willing to miss the next scene. Then in the eyes with various emotions, the light slowly dissipated.

“Congratulations, you have taken the last step.”

Chenhui stood proudly in the air, looking at the eagle eye below with some complicated eyes.After a long while, he said a heartfelt congratulation.

This is due respect to the strong! Chenhui has been thinking about it since before, if anyone in the Pirate World is most likely to create miracles and reach unprecedented levels, that person must be Mihawk Hawkeye! Yes, it is because of his tenacious will like gold and stone! He dedicated his life and everything to the sword, and he himself exists like a genius. If such a person can’t create miracles, it is unreasonable! And At this moment, it is… when Hawkeye is finished! “Ha…Thank you”

Hawkeye was lying on the ground with scars all over his body, and his clothes were tattered like a beggar, but his face was filled with an extremely happy smile! This is an unspeakable joy, his current state More importantly, there is a big mountain in front of me! A mountain that is worth climbing and challenging for the rest of my life! The previous Eagle Eye had no opponents, but now, the world’s strongest swordsman has changed! Finally he can find his youth. Going back to that…constantly climbing the mountains and challenging himself to the strong, Hawkeye’s mood at this time is undoubtedly only full of joy! “It’s a martial idiot, but I don’t hate someone like you.(Read more @


Chenhui looked at the look of eagle eyes and couldn’t help but smile, this man’s will is worthy of recognition! “Then I really thank you, Uchiha Chenhui, when I become stronger, I will definitely come back to challenge you! Prior to this, the world’s number one The position of the great swordsman is left to you, don’t let others defeat it!”

Efforts to support his shaky body, Hawkeye said such a sentence very seriously, and then left without looking back.

There is no bleakness in the back, but just like, a new sense of strength! “Ha! Who do you think I am!”

Chenhui looked at Hawkeye’s back, and finally laughed out loud. His mood was unprecedentedly refreshed. It was not only because of the growth of his own strength, but also the recognition of a man’s soul! Chenhui glanced at the system prompt after the breakthrough, and finally it was Take a long breath.

Swordsman! Beyond the limit of the great swordsman, this is a broader sky! At the end of the final, because of the eagle-eye will, Chenhui also took that step! And he, who has a powerful sword intent, compares Hawkeye is stronger! From now on, he is… the world’s number one swordsman! Chenhui did not stop Hawkeye from leaving. In fact, no one dared to stop him. Many strong men are in awe and stare attentively. Chenhui in mid-air and Hawkeye leaving! As said before, this is the enthronement of the new king! “Haha! Chenhui! Congratulations!”

The silence did not last long, but Shanks was interrupted by the loud laughter. I saw that Shanks had come to Chenhui at some point and stretched out his big hand and patted Chenhui’s shoulder again! This is a blessing among friends! “From today onwards , You are the strongest swordsman!”

“I know.”

Chenhui nodded faintly, and glanced over the awe-inspiring powerhouses below.Suddenly, his gaze was fixed on the two people, and he smiled playfully.

“Marine sent you both this time”


Being stared at by Chenhui, Kizaru and Aokiji shed a cold sweat at once! No! You have to run! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read

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