Chapter 231 Although it is far away, it will be punishable! (For customization)

“Then, our agreement is established.”

Looking at Nami in front of him with a very appreciative look, Chenhui agrees with her will! No hypocrisy, don’t let it go, as long as there is a chance, as long as it is an enemy, then he will do everything, even if it is far away! I have to say, this kind of character It is really in line with Chenhui’s appetite! He doesn’t need a girl who is overflowing with the heart of the Virgin, although it is not to say that it is to make Nami: killing and decisive, but hypocrisy and the Virgin are better! Here is my softheartedness towards the dragon pirate, Chenhui will definitely give up her without hesitation! In short, this is a test, Nami passed! So in terms of facts, the agreement is established! And Chenhui, has always been a People who pay attention to credibility, if you say that you die, you will definitely do it on the spot! “So you decide how to die? I will give you 30 seconds to think about it. Although you are just ants, you decide how to die. There are still rights. I am very kind.”

Slowly let go… Nami’s little hand, Chenhui walked a few steps forward without anyone else, and then looked at all the murlocs in front of him with an almost contemptuous attitude.

The murlocs are not worth mentioning! Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, these murlocs appear to be very powerful, and their strong physical qualities, combined with their vicious appearance, are enough to make many people frightened, but in Chenhui’s eyes… …. To be arrogant, fighting mosquitoes is too hard! “Boy, you are looking for death!”

In the face of Chenhui’s contempt, the dragon who thought he was the overlord of the East China Sea naturally couldn’t bear it! After arrogant in this corner for so long, he has forgotten who he is! So almost without hesitation, the dragon immediately .

Zhang Fang and dancing claws rushed towards Chenhui, and the surrounding murlocs were the same. Probably in their eyes, Chenhui looks very thin, but it is something that can be shredded at will! “Tsk, really. Trouble, forget it, let’s send you on the road together.”

Seeing the evil dragon smiling cruelly in front of him, Chenhui felt uncomfortable when he said something, and then just slapped it as if he was usually driving a fly away! Boom——————! It is obviously very slight. The damage caused by the action is like moving the mountain. The location of the evil dragon pirates is immediate in an instant, like the sand dissipated in the wind, quickly dissipating in a very strange posture, and as for the evil dragon and the group… Uh, okay, not even the scum is left! With one blow, everyone was wiped out! In fact, when looking at the original, Chenhui was already very upset with this… The murloc with cerebral palsy, obviously he has no strength at all, and Tenten is extremely arrogant and oppresses the villagers. This kind of person is simply… the dregs of the weak! He also thinks that the fish talent is the best, ridiculous! The frog at the bottom of the well, the summer worm is not. ………..Yu Bing! As for the last one in this rubbish pirate group named Xiao Ba, it’s whitewashed, no one cares! “Ah, this is not true. Great!”(Read more @

At this time, Nami was completely blinded, looking at the dragon and pirates in front of him for a moment, there was nothing left in the dragon and pirates, and his mouth was sluggish, and it was a long time that he couldn’t say a word.

This is a god-like power! Nami dare to swear that she has never seen such a powerful human since she was a child! “Where is this, we still have work to do, let’s get up first.”

Looking at Nami who was stunned in front of him, Chenhui couldn’t help but smile, but after admiring the shocked look of the girl, he was still gentlemanly pulling her up.

“Oh! Okay!”

Nami was able to react, immediately.

After jumping three feet high from the ground, knowing that all this is really not a daydream, Nami immediately put the worshiping eyes on Chenhui.

“You are really the most powerful person I have ever met!”

The girl’s rhetoric is a bit lacking, but she just dances and expresses her excitement. It turns out that the pie in the sky really exists! Nami couldn’t help thinking.

As for Chenhui’s previous statement that she wants to get her on board as a sailor, it is not a problem for Nami! After all, her dream since she was a child is… to become a top sailor! “Well, it’s not time to celebrate. At the time, the…mouse in the Marine branch of the East China Sea, you probably know it too”


Nami’s face turned gloomy instantly when he heard the words, and said that Colonel Mouse could not get rid of the oppression suffered by Cocosia Village! As Marine, taking advantage of his position to fill his own pockets, this behavior is absolutely unforgivable! “Okay!” , Then let’s go!”

Seeing Nami’s reaction, Chenhui immediately.

After I understood everything, I didn’t wait for the girl’s reaction, and directly picked her up into the sky! About five minutes later, the Donghai Marine branch! Chenhui stood in the air, looking at the building complex under his feet, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“I am a person who can do what I say, even if I am far away, I will be punishable!”

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