Chapter 240 Deathmatch! (For customization)

“You are looking for death!”

Hearing Jack’s unbridled ridicule, Smoky immediately fell into a rage! Maybe when she was one of the four dessert stars, Smoky was still a very calm and responsible person, even if she was in front of the subordinates. Shame, if it is really his fault, Smoky will apologize without hesitation.

However, being ridiculed in front of Chenhui, Smoky can’t bear it! This is probably an extremely weird desire to express. After all, as long as a girl wants to show the best in front of her sweetheart, how can she tolerate others’ wanton Taunt! Whether it is tolerable or unbearable! So Smoky’s pretty face suddenly became cold, and he didn’t talk nonsense with Jack in front of him, he just raised the sword and slashed it over! The speed of the sword is extremely fast, almost In the blink of an eye, I came to Jack. Don’t look at Smoky’s clothes in front of Chenhui, gentle and compliant, but after all, she is a big sea pirate offering a reward of 900 million Baileys! Even in this world, she is one of the many masters. One! Usually there is no mountain and no dew, but at this moment, once he moves, Smoky’s physique looks extremely terrifying, swordsmanship.

It is definitely the existence of the first echelon, and it is definitely not a weak existence among the great swordsmen! “Hahaha! It’s not always certain who will die!”

However, in the face of Smoky’s aggressive blade, Jack was suddenly not afraid, and even laughed arrogantly! It was a speed that was extremely disproportionate to that burly body, although it was still slower than Smoky. It was a little bit, but the speed was also extremely amazing. At the moment when Smoky’s blade was about to slash him, he raised the sickle in his hand and greeted him! There was a ringing in the field, and Smoky’s face changed slightly, only to feel that from Jack’s sickle, an extremely huge force came! Don’t be the enemy, otherwise you will definitely lose! She was just a young girl, despite her strength, she couldn’t compete with a humanoid tank like Jack at all. You must know that the other party had the blood of a half-mermaid! So in view of this, Smoggy immediately.(Read more @

Changed his style, decisively avoided confronting Jack, and then activated his fruit ability.


Jack was stunned, and the sickle in his hand was suddenly grabbed by Smoky, but before Jack could break free, the original hard sickle was as soft as a rag.

Being crumpled into a ball by Smoky! This is the fruit ability that Smoky possesses, which can squeeze liquid from any substance, and once it is controlled by this ability, no matter…

Objects that were once hard will also become: softer, this is also the origin of her title of Minister of Juice! Jack’s weapon was abolished in an instant, and Smoggy immediately.

He pulled back, and then continued to swing his sword and slashed up! “Troublesome ability!”

Jack snorted uncomfortably, without much panic, and directly raised his fists to greet him! Boom——–! Obviously there is no Armament Haki coverage, but the fists still clash with the sword, but there is a muffled noise. The price is… Jack’s fists have an extra bone scar! “Haha! Come again!”

However, seeing this scene, Jack was not surprised and rejoiced, and he rushed towards Smoky without hesitation! That amazing force struck again, and Jack’s speed was not slow at all, after he was prepared for it Smoky is hardly given the opportunity to activate the fruit ability, and he is allowed to hit him with Smoky’s attack, only the attack is in his eyes! It is completely… a life-saving style of play! That huge force is really unable to contend head-on. , Smoky can only choose to dodge, all of a sudden danger! “Hahaha! Let you see my true power!”

However, Jack was still unsatisfied.As the time spent fighting with Smoky continued to lengthen, the look on Jack’s face became more and more impatient.Finally, when the momentum reached the critical point, Jack suddenly shouted! Roar! It’s not like a sound that humans can make. At the same time, Jack’s body began to change rapidly. It was just a moment of effort, and a… huge mammoth appeared here! “Take it! !!”

Jack gave a frantic laugh, raised his hooves and stepped directly towards Smoky, his movements were almost unbelievable! Smoky’s face changed wildly, facing such a wide range of attacks, it was too late to dodge at this time, and he had to gritted his teeth and held it up. The long sword tried to defend against this blow.

Jack saw Smoky’s defensive posture, and a hint of sarcasm appeared in his huge eyes. He was extremely confident in his own strength. Presumably, this woman will be trampled into meat pie in front of him! At this moment… “What are you proud of?”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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