Chapter 249 Shocked the world! (For customization)

“Tsk! Running very fast!”

Rao was Chenhui, and he didn’t expect Kaido to be like this. After he broke the dragon’s horn, he didn’t even hesitate, immediately.

I chose to escape! Escape is shameful, but useful! Kaido’s behavior deeply confirms the correctness of this truth! The driving action is so fast that even Chenhui, who controls Susanoo, did not react at all. After Kaido entered the sea, he thought It’s too late to chase.

After all, in any case, the other party is a genuine dragon breed, even if Chenhui still has some Water Style ninjutsu, but he wants to chase and kill a dragon in the ocean… , And chat with the girls, why is it not fragrant, why do you want to do such a thankless thing “It’s really bad luck!”

Chenhui murmured a little bit of dissatisfaction. He didn’t expect that he would be run away by Kaido for a moment! It is also true that he did not expect that as one of the Four Emperors, Kaido would be so proficient in running! It was said that he was the number one battle in the world This is crazy! I greeted all the female family members of Kaido in my heart, but as far as the fact is concerned, Chenhui had no choice but to give up the plan to chase Kaido, sighed slightly, and left Susanoo.

Thinking about it better, this time I have gained a good result.After all, I broke off the two dragon horns of Kaido.In terms of Kaido’s strength, the strongest dragon horns all over the body should also be considered top-quality materials.

In the hands of Susanoo, who is as tall as a kilometer, these two dragon horns are like toothpicks. However, after dispersing Susanoo, Chenhui found that the size of this thing is still not small:.(Read more @

A rough estimate should have reached three or four meters, and with the feel of the hand, it can be determined that the quality is extremely high, and it is a rare material.

It should be a good material for making knives! So naturally, Chenhui decided to use Kaido’s dragon horns to cast swords! This is Kaido’s dragon horns! Don’t say anything else, don’t know the supreme sharp knife since Chenhui Become the world’s largest swordsman,-without a handy weapon to perform swordsmanship.

I have to borrow someone else’s, I have to say, this is very embarrassing! But this is also no way, after all, for every swordsman, a famous sword is something that can be met but cannot be sought.

Chenhui is too bad to look down on, whether the strength that supports him now is also two things! According to Chenhui’s own estimation, if you want to fully display your strength, then this knife, the last time it can not be weaker, the supreme big knife! However, where is the supreme sharp knife so demanding! You must know that the kind of… level knives in the entire world is only… twelve! In the original work, there are only three Hei Dao Ye is in the hands of Hawkeye, and the words of Hedaoyi are in the hands of Zoro, and as for First Generation, it is under the control of one of the Five Elders! Hawkeye is a friend, of course can not be grabbed, so Chenhui’s goal It can only be locked on that Five Elders.

As for Zoro, forget it, Chenhui still can’t do things that bully the weak and snatch other people’s treasures! Chenhui can’t afford to lose that person! Originally thought it would be a long way to find a weapon in hand, but I didn’t expect Kaido to be there. I sent myself a great gift! Thinking of this, Chenhui’s original unhappiness was immediately thrown out of the clouds! Kaido, you are a good person! Since the battle is over, Chenhui has no reason to stay on the sea. , Happily took the dragon’s horn, just a flash of effort, Chenhui had already returned to the boat.

“Okay, then we next…”

After seeing the girls on the boat safe and sound, Chenhui smiled for the first time, but before he could say anything, the girls headed by Robin rushed over and threw Chenhui directly onto the deck.

There is a saying, at this moment, Chenhui is really stunned.

“Uh, what’s wrong”

Seeing the pear flowers crying with rain in front of the girls, Chenhui frowned with some doubts. Isn’t it just a Kaido? As for the worry, “Wow! Master Chenhui, I almost thought you were dead! That dragon breath is really true.” It’s horrible, oooooo…”

Then with Princess Vivi’s cry, Chenhui finally understood the situation, and suddenly… he gave a bitter smile.

“It’s not too bad, I’m not so weak, and Kaido can’t hurt me!”

Chenhui comforted the girls with the first two big ones, and it was a long time before it was over. Seeing the girls return to the way they used to be, Chenhui also secretly relieved.

And just as Chenhui and a group of girls continued to calm their daily routines, the news of Kaido’s defeat also spread like wildfire! So of course, the world was shocked! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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