Chapter 257 For you! (For customization)

“it is as expected!”

Rao is based on Chenhui’s current character. After seeing the Thunder Fruit in his hand, his face is full of joy! You know, this is one of the strongest fruits of Logia! That power that controls the Thunder, In other worlds, it is the mighty power only possessed by gods, it is a restricted area that mortals cannot touch, it is cool enough and powerful enough! And even if these are aside…No matter, this It is also quite a comprehensive ability! Whether it is speed or attack power, it is not weak, and it is worthy of the strongest name of Logia! More importantly, Chenhui has the means to plunder Devil Fruit’s power, and this is the biggest gain this time! In fact! Chenhui has been thinking since the beginning of his arrival in this world. With his own personality, the beauties in the Pirate World cannot be let go anyway, but a fact that cannot be ignored is that in the original book he is very fond of Robin Nami and others. Human, the strength is really not very strong, although it can be regarded as a growth in the later period, but in Chenhui’s view, this is not enough…! Without the ability to wrestle with Marine Admiral, I can’t be called a strong at all This is the lowest standard in Chenhui’s mind! However, the reality is very cruel. You must know that the aborigines in Pirate World are more than 100 million as a unit of calculation, but how many people have reached the level of strength of the three Admiral! That is the wizard of heaven. General existence! Not only is Devil Fruit’s help, but Admiral’s talent is also a monster level! To make his members reach that level in a short time, Chenhui must use some extraordinary methods! Chenhui thought about bringing Hokage World The Chakra cultivation method is given to a group of girls, but I don’t know if it is because the body physique in the Pirate World is different. The speed of everyone’s strength improvement can be said to be extremely low, and the strongest Smoky is just Some Chakra has just been refined. This speed is worse than that of some talented Jōnin! Even Chakra can’t be refined. Some of the methods Chenhui planned before naturally ended without a problem, but now, everything is solved! Just keep collecting. Powerful Devil Fruit, these…The girls under his command will definitely become the top powerhouse! Chenhui has such self-confidence! “This… Chenhui, this is you But Luo who was standing on the side at this time didn’t know Chenhui’s thoughts at all, but was simply amazed at the Devil Fruit in his hand.

After all, in Robin’s eyes, Devil Fruit seems to appear out of thin air, that kind of…strange fog, only Chenhui can see clearly.

Robin is a very smart woman. Just when Ainilu died, a 1 Devil Fruit appeared in Chenhui’s hands, plus a series of strange actions by Chenhui before. This is really not because Robin didn’t think much! “Almost.”

Chenhui didn’t mean to deny it. These girls in front of him are people who can be trusted. Chenhui is not the kind of… suspicious personality. If he can’t even trust his subordinates, then living is meaningless! People, after all, live in groups. Animal! So Chenhui chose to admit it directly, and threw Devil Fruit in his hand with a smile.(Read more @

“This in my hand is… Devil Fruit of the guy just now.”


Rao was already mentally prepared. Robin couldn’t help but be surprised when he heard Chenhui admit it himself. For… Ainilu’s powerful thunder control ability, Robin had seen it with his own eyes, and naturally knew that it was absolutely It is one of the top Devil Fruits! Of course, what surprised Robin the most was Chenhui’s methods! No one has ever been able to plunder other people’s Devil Fruit abilities. That is the secret treasure on this sea. This is almost everyone’s common sense!” You really are like a surprise box.”

This is really too unacceptable. Robin, it was Robin who was able to react after a long pause in the same place.After the girl reacted, she immediately showed a helpless wry smile on her face.

“I really want to know what else you can’t do.”

“Well, in a sense, I am omnipotent.”

Chenhui smiled heartily, and this action naturally attracted Robin’s Byakugan, but the smart girl didn’t say much, everyone has a secret, and she just regarded it as Chenhui’s special abilities in her heart.

Some secrets are really unnecessary… to go deeper, this is not good for anyone, Robin is not a person who likes to ask the bottom, in fact, this is why Chenhui likes her so much.

This young girl always knows when to say what to say! Chenhui does not notice Robin’s face, after all, he has more important things to do now, just throw it away, and then The Thunder Fruit in his hand was thrown to Nami.

“Here, here it is!”


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