The battlefield environment is complex and changeable. In order to ensure the timely transmission of intelligence, Konoha has developed and improved a very solid communication system in the background of the two Ninja World Wars over the past few decades.

Based on the communication team and the Hyuga clan, combined with various summoning beasts and advanced codes, Konoha’s communication method is both efficient and safe.


A ninja from the communication team rushed into the Hokage’s office and knelt on one knee to deliver the scroll.

“Lord Hokage! Good news from the front!”

The Sandaime, who fell asleep at four in the morning and woke up at half past six, did not show any fatigue on his face. He took the scroll, read it quickly, and finally slammed the table!


Big Yoshi!

At 10 o’clock last night, White Fang, who had just returned to Konoha after completing a mission, was ordered to take charge of a group of 9 members of the Anbu squadron and rushed to the front line overnight to stop Kumogakure!

At two thirty in the morning, White Fang encountered Kumogakure ninjas and resolved the battle in one minute and thirty seconds!

At 4:35 in the morning, White Fang encountered the main force of the Kumogakure surprise attack force. The battle lasted until 6:00 in the morning, and they won a great victory!

Then he led the team to continue to rush to the front line, and only stopped the attack until he confirmed that the Kumogakure front-line troops retreated.

“It’s good to be able to stop them… The front-line troops now have space to retreat, and there is no need to worry about being attacked from both sides…”

The third generation muttered to himself.

As for the extremely high death rate at the end of the battle report, about the death of 8 of the 9 members of the Anbu squadron led by White Fang, the third generation did not see it, but instinctively ignored it…

War, there will always be casualties.

Not to mention this kind of high-risk mission.

The third generation looked at the time.

It is now 10 o’clock in the morning, and it has been exactly 12 hours since Kushina and Wakahiro left Konoha.

Da da da da da——

The third generation tapped the table with his index finger, and the excitement just now quickly turned into anxiety-he only slept for two and a half hours in the early morning because of this matter.

Nine-tailed Fox, Five-tailed Fox, the last princess of the Whirlpool Country, and Wakahiro, the successor of the Will of Fire… I can’t sleep!


Another ninja rushed in, this time not from the communications team, but from the Hyuga.

The difference between the two is that the intelligence reported by the communications team has mostly been preliminarily sorted out and reported directly in the form of scrolls or secret letters.

The Hyuga clan, on the other hand, relies on ultra-long-range vision, through various intelligence observation nodes, to transmit compressed intelligence with codes such as hand orders, and then after deciphering, it is conveyed orally.

The two complement each other, and there is no priority in intelligence.

But the Hyuga clan’s intelligence transmission is often more stable, especially when the battle situation is more chaotic…

“Sandaime-sama!” The Hyuga reported quickly.

“Due to the forest fire, there is a certain delay in the intelligence from the front line.”

“The following is a report from Nara Shikaku, the temporary commander of the front line of Konoha against Iwagakure.”

“36 hours ago, the ninja troops that Konoha sent to reinforce the front line of Iwagakure suffered different degrees of blows. After the Iwagakure Four-Tails Jinchuriki led his troops to break through the defense line, the front-line troops were attacked by the main force led by the two great ninjas.”

“The temporary commander Nara Shikaku immediately issued an order to abandon the defense line, break up the whole into small pieces, and try to rely on the terrain to stop the Iwagakure ninjas, The plan was destroyed by the mountain fire attack of the Iwagakure ninja, and the Konoha ninja suffered heavy casualties. They regrouped and completed the reorganization in the early morning. ”

“According to observation, the time when the front-line troops completed the reorganization coincided with the time when the Uchiha clan arrived at the battlefield.”

“At that time, the Uchiha clan emblem composed of three flames appeared in the sky, and the Iwagakure surprise attack troops also began to give up the invasion and began to gather, giving the front-line troops a chance to breathe.”

“That’s all.”

The Hyuga finished speaking in one breath and did not rush to retreat.

After confirming that the Sandaime nodded and did not need to repeat or supplement, he left the office silently.

This was obviously a piece of information that had lost its timeliness, which meant that the front-line communication system had been paralyzed.

The situation was obviously very bad.

Although timely support was provided, Konoha obviously underestimated the madness of Iwagakure.

Setting fire to the mountain, the main force attacked with the whole army, and Iwagakure attacked Konoha like crazy, showing signs of breaking through Konoha in one fell swoop.


The Sandaime’s index finger tapped the table faster and faster…

These anxieties attacked his brain, prompting him to pick up his cigarette.

Although he had smoked too many cigarettes since morning and his throat was a little dry, the Sandaime still lit the cigarette.


After taking a puff of cigarette, his throat felt burning, but there was no anxiety at all.

“Twelve hours, if we travel at full speed, Fugaku and the others should… Tsk.”

Sent to the front line for the second timeThe support force is composed entirely of the Uchiha clan.

Although Orochimaru acted on his own initiative, it now seems that this is indeed the most appropriate choice.


This ancient clan has a strong fighting gene in its blood and is a natural warrior.

Under the teacher’s policy, the Uchiha basically avoided major battles. The soft blockade for forty years has made the strength of this clan…


The third generation blew out a puff of smoke, and his anxiety remained unabated.

If the Uchiha can stabilize the situation on the front line, it will naturally be a good thing for Konoha and a good news.

But I am afraid that this demon sword will be reborn under the baptism of war…

The teacher’s worry is not unreasonable.

If Danzo is still there, he will also…


The third generation thought of some not-so-good memories.

Some of these memories are from recent times, and some are from more than ten years ago. It has been a long time, but the memory is still fresh.

That was the Second Ninja World War, and Konoha also encountered similar problems.

It was just that the Senju clan went to the battlefield at that time…


Suddenly, accompanied by an excited and anxious shout, a ninja from the communication team rushed in!

“Hokage-sama! Great victory on the front line!!!”

The Sandaime trembled all over, great victory! ?

I only heard the ninja quickly report:

“The Uchiha clan defeated the Iwagakure ninja, captured 862 Iwagakure ninjas, and successfully captured the Four-Tails!”

“The Four-Tails and the Five-Tails are now assisting the Uchiha clan ninjas to put out the mountain fire, and the effect is significant. It is expected that the fire can be put out within half an hour!”

The real victory report often has less content than the bad news.

Because the weight of each word is worth a lot of money!

But the Sandaime was not as excited as the communication team ninja imagined.


The Sandaime took a puff of cigarette calmly, but his expression was a little unnatural.

Why does the information about the great victory on the front line sound so familiar?


Just at this moment, a small white snake crawled in from the window and quietly came to the Sandaime’s desk.


This scene seemed more familiar.

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