Wakaba admitted that he was suspected of bragging.

But this bragging was not too outrageous.

To recover chakra, it is said that one needs to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki and activate the Moon Eye.

But this plan is actually a lie made up by Black Zetsu to revive his mother.

However, Wakaba agrees with this point very much.

In Wakaba’s heart, Black Zetsu, who is determined to save his mother, can be compared with Gray Wolf who protects Red Wolf.

One is to protect his mother, and the other is to protect love.

Both are manifestations of responsibility.

And responsibility is exactly what a man should have most.

Wakaba is very responsible.

His dream has always been to make the Konoha Guard Department bigger and stronger, and turn it into the Ninja World Guard Department, or the Planet Guard Department.

Black Zetsu wants to revive his mother, he does not object, he can even support it.

As long as Kaguya can abide by the law after resurrection, does not violate the law, and does not affect public security…

Then Wakaba can even hire Kaguya to become the law enforcement officer of the Ninja World Guard Department.

Nothing wrong with it.

As for Wakaba’s “chakra recovery” statement…


Chakra recovery does not necessarily require the Moon Eye.

The Uchiha’s Will of Fire can also be recovered!


The Sandaime accepted Orochimaru’s suggestion this time and settled the Four-Tails and the Five-Tails in Kikyo Mountain in advance.

After the Konoha high-level meeting passed, the resolution was submitted to the Fire Country Daimyo.

After all, including the Konoha Ninja Village, the entire Fire Country is the Daimyo’s land.

Before the Daimyo makes a decision, the Four-Tails and the Five-Tails can “temporarily live” in the Kikyo Mountain area.

The garrison work is mainly carried out by the Uchiha and Hyuga clans, and the elite ninjas of the major ninja clans take turns on duty, with an action level of S.

The location of Kikyo Mountain is less than 100 kilometers away from Konoha. It can be Konoha’s rear area, or it can be said to be Konoha’s natural barrier-this depends on the direction from which the enemy is coming.

It is said that it did not exceed the range of the Tailed Beast Ball…

But with so many guarding ninjas, the Tailed Beasts would obviously be interrupted if they tried their best to charge and launch the Tailed Beast Ball.

Wakahiro had no objection to this proposal, but only proposed to change the name of Kikyo Mountain, and call it “Tailed Beast House” in the future, and welcome other Tailed Beasts in the ninja world to come and live…

This proposal naturally received strong support from the Sandaime.

In fact, with Wakahiro’s political vision, he knew very well that this was a delaying tactic of the Sandaime.

Because if he were the Sandaime, he would definitely not let Uchiha have the ownership of the Four-Tail and the Five-Tail.

But he would not directly ask for the Four-Tail and the Five-Tail and fall out with Uchiha.

The best way is to “blur” the “attributes” of the Four-Tail and the Five-Tail first, and stabilize Uchiha.

Acknowledge, but do not explicitly tell that this is Uchiha’s “trophy”, and at the same time do not let Uchiha have contact with the Four-Tail and the Five-Tail alone.

The best proof is that the Sandaime diluted a lot of ninjas from other ninja clans into the garrison of the “Tailed Beast Home”.

Next, it is to strengthen the concept of Uchiha’s ninja village.

First, implant a concept trap for Uchiha: Uchiha and Konoha are one, since it is your Uchiha’s thing, it is naturally Konoha’s thing.

In order to make this trap look tempting enough, the Sandaime did not hesitate to paint a big pie for Fugaku in front of Danzo’s tombstone.

“Fugaku… Danzo left a lot of work before he died. These jobs are closely related to Konoha. Although some are sensitive, most of them are indispensable to Konoha.”

“Although you are young, you can manage the Uchiha clan very well. Those children trust you very much. In addition, Danzo recommended you before he died…”

“I have submitted an application to the daimyo. The position of elder vacant after Danzo’s death will be handed over to you in the future.”

“This may be a test for you, but it doesn’t matter. Orochimaru will help you on weekdays. If you don’t understand, you can ask me.”

“You are the successor appointed by Danzo. I believe you can do it.”

The big cake of the Sandaime is sincere and touching, and the fragrance is so fragrant that Fugaku’s mind is filled with only one voice.

“Fugaku, you are going to become an elder of Konoha.”

Since you are about to become an elder, there is no need to be so clear about the right to use the tailed beasts, right?

He is about to become an elder, so the Uchiha should at least avoid suspicion when guarding the Tailed Beast House, right?

He is about to become the next leader of the Root Organization…

Then this good news should at least be shared with Wakaka, right?

So that afternoon, after having a drink with Orochimaru to share his joy and receiving Orochimaru’s congratulations and blessings, Fugaku came to Wakaka’s house again.Well, Orochimaru also came along.

Mainly because he was afraid that Wakaka would go berserk again…

The first time Wakaka went berserk was a month ago.

Because the Sandaime refused Wakaka’s request to complete 100 S-level missions and settle the bonus for 50 S-level missions.

He only agreed to settle Wakaka’s bounty of 20 million taels based on 5 S-level missions and 10 A-level missions, and deducted the rent for the “Tailed Beast House” area.

Of this, only 1 million taels can be given to Wakaka, and the rest will be paid in installments after the war.

Then Wakaka went berserk, leaving a sentence “You will regret it!” Then he slammed the door and left, and that night he used the Fire Release: Original Realm Stripping Technique to cut off a large piece of the Hokage Building…

The Sandaime was very calm about this, and only replied: Little Wakaka, the total cost of repairs is 1 million taels, if necessary, you can come 19 more times…

Since that day, Wakaka refused to accept any missions from the Hokage Building.

Orochimaru was very tolerant of this. He would rather complete the task independently, write Wakatsuki’s name on the task record, and give all the remuneration to Wakatsuki.

This made Wakatsuki cancel his plan to “sneak into the Hokage building to collect the task remuneration and interest”……

And Wakatsuki’s second rampage was a week ago.

In order to celebrate his brother’s full score in the exam, Wakatsuki brought his two younger brothers to the Tailed Beast House, wanting to reward his two younger brothers to experience the feeling of riding on the head of the tailed beast again.

As a result, because he did not have the approval of the Hokage, he was rejected by the head of the Tailed Beast House garrison that day, Hyuga Hizashi.

This move directly led to Wakatsuki’s second rampage.

Even though Orochimaru had stopped Wakatsuki with Fugaku and Kushina in time, all the Hyuga clan members in the garrison, including Hyuga Hizashi, were hospitalized……

Hyuga Hiashi, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, expressed a solemn protest against this matter in the Hokage’s office.

Hyuga Hiashi believes that Wakatsuki’s lack of discipline is very dangerous and irresponsible.

Uchiha Fugaku and Orochimaru, as the clan leader and teacher of Wakatsuki, must bear the main responsibility.

In this regard, Uchiha Fugaku said that it was useless to say more, and proposed to decide the right to speak in a ninja way, the location would be determined by the Hyuga clan, and the Uchiha would guarantee that the tailed beasts would not be involved.

The head of the Hyuga clan said that the head of the Uchiha clan might not be suitable to continue to be in charge of the Konoha Guard Department.

In the end, the third generation was responsible for mediating, and the result of the mediation was that the Uchiha clan needed to pay a certain amount of medical expenses, but the expenses could be deducted from Wakatsuki’s remuneration.

Uchiha Fugaku objected, but was called to the tombstone of Elder Danzo by the third generation.

Fugaku then realized that he was going to become the youngest elder of Konoha…

This news was too shocking.

Fugaku thought of looking for Orochimaru and Wakatsuki.

The only thing he forgot was to at least ask about the specific time when the transfer order would be issued…

And now.

They arrived at Ruohuo’s house.

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