Fugaku’s trip started with a tipsy entrance and ended with a slightly annoyed departure.

Orochimaru kept his manners and left the Wakhan family with Fugaku after saying goodbye.

Fugaku walked ahead with a gloomy face. At a crossroads, Orochimaru stopped and said to Fugaku’s back:

“Fugaku-kun, Wakhan-kun has made a promise in front of your grandmother… You should know what this means.”

Fugaku stopped, exhaled lightly, hesitated for a moment, turned to look at Orochimaru, and smiled bitterly.

“I knew this day would come sooner or later, but I didn’t think it would be so soon, nor did I think it would be in this form and for this reason…”


The child made a promise in front of his grandmother, so it was obvious what would happen next.

I really didn’t expect it to be like this now…

Wakhan’s grandmother is worthy of being a senior who has lived to the present from another era. Today, she really gave him a blow.

When will the glorious Uchiha become complacent because of a position as an elder of Konoha?

My own clan leader…

It’s really embarrassing.

Fugaku is not a stubborn person, and he is also good at introspection.

Today, what he said and did is indeed unworthy of the status of clan leader.

He was not like this before.

Just because the Sandaime promised him a position as an elder…

Heh, you are really useless, Fugaku.

“I suggest you prepare well, Fugaku-kun.”

Orochimaru smiled and reminded: “This child may exceed your imagination.”

“You are wrong, Orochimaru-kun.”

Fugaku shook his head and said seriously: “I have never dared to have any inherent opinions about this child. In fact, I have always believed that the heights that this child can reach in the future will definitely exceed my cognition.”

“Although I have only succeeded for a short time, in my eyes, this child will sooner or later become the next clan leader of the Uchiha clan.”

Orochimaru raised his eyebrows, but did not say anything.

“But I can’t just hand the Uchiha over to such a kid right now.”

Fugaku paused, thinking of something, smiled, but his eyes became firm.

“If that’s the case, then I’m too irresponsible…”


“Brother, this is the roster. Those who have paid are ticked, those who have only paid the deposit are circled, and those with question marks are potential leeks.”

Shisui took out a workbook with a roster of the leeks in the Ninja School.

“Very good…” Wakaka took a quick look and found that there were quite a few potential leeks.

The students in the Ninja School really don’t lack money.

Two monthly exams, plus the sale of “detonating talismans for bombing schools”, Obito and Shisui have already made more than 100,000 taels in the Ninja School!

“So, Obito will go to school again in the afternoon and try to cut all the leeks. I will help you two apply for early graduation tomorrow, and scare these leeks by the way.”

“I understand, brother.” Obito nodded.

“Brother, can I also apply for early graduation?” Shisui asked doubtfully, “I don’t think I’ve enrolled yet…”

“Just go and do the enrollment procedures in the afternoon, it won’t delay.”

Wakaka waved her hand indifferently, “You can’t stay in the ninja school anyway, you can only think of other ways to make money.”

“I’ll go to the Hokage Building in the afternoon and do these two things together, and by the way, apply to become your guiding ninja.”

“The Sandaime still owes me money, he can’t refuse the reasonable request of the creditor.”

Early graduation focuses on strength, not school age.

Obito has been trained by him for four years, plus more than a month of special training, so early graduation is definitely no problem.

As for Shisui, the youngest…

Let’s put it this way, if Obito can graduate, then Shisui can definitely do it.

The talents of the two are not the same concept at all…

Hurry up and become a ninja, so that Wakaka can take the two little ones to the battlefield quickly.

The speed at which the two open their eyes directly determines the progress of his S-level family mission.

But before that, Wakaka had an important thing to do.

He had laid the groundwork for a month and prepared for a month.

It was time to close the net.

He had shattered the Hokage Building, and found the right time to “reasonably” beat up Hyuga Hizashi.

Although Hyuga Hiashi was the only brother in the ninja world who broke the “ninja world’s brother control principle” – in order to help the third generation calm the anger of Kumogakure, he even watched his brother commit suicide to “apologize”, which was simply outrageous.

But the Hyuga clan was still very arrogant in Konoha.

For his brother, Hyuga Hiashi challenged Fugaku, and with the previous foreshadowing, Fugaku directly fought back.

The third generationAs expected, he couldn’t sit still…

In order to pua Fugaku, he even dared to draw such a big pie as the elder…

Ruohuo dared to guarantee that the “elder appointment letter” that Fugaku had been thinking about might never appear in this life.

It’s even a matter of whether it was submitted to the Daimyo of the Land of Fire…

“Brother, when are you going to challenge the leader of the Fugaku clan?” Obito asked, a little excited.

Brother is about to become the leader of the Uchiha clan!

Ruohuo smiled and rubbed Obito’s hedgehog head.

“Don’t worry, deal with your affairs first.”

“Brother Obito, the Uchiha clan meeting will be held in three days, and brother should challenge the leader of the Fugaku clan at that time.”

Little Shisui said calmly: “That’s the best time.”

“Smart.” Ruohuo also rubbed Shisui’s curly hair.

It’s not difficult to defeat Fugaku, it’s just a matter of how much strength you plan to show.

Fugaku doesn’t have a Mangekyō, at most he is an elite jonin.

He had made an assessment when he just passed the Chunin Exam. At that time, he didn’t have the Four-Tails and the Five-Tails, and he could remain invincible just by flying in the sky with the Fire Dragon Bullet.

And now he…

Even if he didn’t let the Four-Tails and the Five-Tails participate in the battle, or even gave up the ability to fly, he was not afraid of Fugaku.

But challenging Fugaku and challenging the clan leader… these are actually two different things.

Not only did he want to defeat Fugaku, but he also wanted all the Uchiha to call him clan leader willingly.

“Then let’s give the Uchiha a little shock at the clan meeting three days later.”

Ruohuo’s eyes looked through the window into the distance.

That was the direction of the Hokage Rock, the direction of the successive Hokage.

That was the brightest place in Konoha, and it was also the darkest side of Konoha.

The Great Pillar certainly didn’t think of all this when he established Konoha…

But Uchiha Madara thought of it, and the second generation Tobirama also thought of it.

These two people are more suitable candidates to become Hokage.

One can burn everything with flames and is not afraid of any darkness.

The other can use darkness as a tool to make light and darkness coexist.

What a coincidence.

He can do both.

After more than a month of preparation, his “sunshine” image should have been almost covered.

Although he failed to get the personal certification of Elder Danzo, he should now have the characteristics of “darkness”.

He is about to become the patriarch of the Uchiha clan…

Shouldn’t he open a pair of kaleidoscopes to celebrate?

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