Wakahō’s assumption was correct.

Pressing the gun with bare hands, the convergence of the dragon fire was forcibly increased by about three meters, and the speed of diffusion was not that fast afterwards.

The key is that after the pressure came up, the speed of the spray was also much faster.

The insect clone of Aburame Ryoma didn’t even react before it was burned to ashes!

“Tsk, it turned out to be a clone.”

Wakahō curled her lips and looked at Orochimaru with a bit of displeasure.

“The teacher let him run away.”

“There will always be a chance to meet again, Wakahō-kun.” Orochimaru smiled, “If it doesn’t work, we can start chasing him now.”

“Let’s save people first, teacher.”

Wakahō was moved for only a second before giving up the idea of ​​chasing.

Although he didn’t know why Orochimaru was also targeting Danzo, he didn’t intend to become Orochimaru’s sword…

Just kill one, it’s not easy for Elder Danzo to train his subordinates.

“Compared to eradicating rats in the gutter, people waiting for rescue are more important.” Wakahō said seriously.

“Indeed.” Orochimaru smiled and took out the scroll from his arms and threw it to Wakaka.

“This is also a rescue mission, with a higher level of danger, and it is likely to be a trap… Wakaka-kun, why don’t you make your own decision?”

“…” Wakaka opened the scroll, and his expression gradually became strange.

It is indeed a rescue mission, but it would be more appropriate to describe it as a support mission.

Another team encountered danger while performing the mission, and sent out a distress signal to call for support.

And this mission… he is really familiar with it.

The mission requires that it strike an extremely important material supply line of Iwagakure.

And destroy the Kannabi Bridge!

Wakaka was a little confused, why would it be this mission?

At this time, shouldn’t White Fang be performing this mission?

How did it run into Orochimaru’s hands… and it was given to him by Danzo?

It always feels a bit mysterious.

“The mission location is here, Wakaka-kun.”

Orochimaru took out a map very considerately and pointed out their current location on the map, the location of the Kannabi Bridge.

“Considering the high probability of Iwagakure ninjas appearing on the way, it will take us at least 20 hours to reach this place.”

The journey itself is not short, and there are dangers that may be encountered on the way.

20 hours is reasonable.

But the key is…

“This mission was given to the teacher by those mice, right?”

Wakaka looked directly into Orochimaru’s eyes, “Although it was wrapped in insects at the time, I saw it with my Sharingan when I left. This is the scroll, teacher.”

Let’s be honest.

If Wakaka still doesn’t know what happened, then he would be really sorry for the soul genes of his director father and strong woman mother.

“That’s right, Wakaka-kun.”

Orochimaru didn’t mean to deny it, “This mission originally belonged to another team in Konoha, and their departure time was only one week earlier than ours…”

“And I can be sure that they didn’t return to Konoha before we set off.”

Orochimaru looked at Wakaka.

At this point, Orochimaru was ready to popularize some of Konoha’s “dark knowledge” for Wakaka.

For example, what kind of organization did those people killed by Wakahiro the night before and the charred corpse on the ground belong to?

Orochimaru wanted to know more…

What kind of reaction would this child have after knowing all this?

Perhaps this would be a bit cruel for a child.

But for a ninja, especially a ninja with great dreams…

Some things are better known as early as possible.

At least, you can live longer and not die in a trap at a young age…

“So, what the teacher means is… those rats have actually penetrated into the village?”

Wakahiro frowned and said seriously: “They even penetrated the village’s upper echelons and held a high level of power?”

Wakahiro’s emotions became extremely excited again, “I said that the two gatekeepers of the Hokage Building are not right!”

“…” The smile on Orochimaru’s face froze for two seconds, “Wakahiro-kun… what are you talking about?”

Why are you talking about the two guarding ninjas again… Haven’t they been burned to the hospital by your fire escape?

“I have been unable to figure it out. They are obviously spies, but Grandpa Hokage, the teacher, and the uncles in the Anbu all said that they are fine!”

Ruohu said passionately: “Now I understand, it turns out that they are the people of the rat gang!”

“It’s just that IAt that time, I had not yet obtained the will of fire of the Chunin, and could not sense the dark aura on them! ”

“Damn it!” Wakahiro slammed the scroll to the ground.

“Konoha, has it been infiltrated by these rats like this!”


Orochimaru was silent.


Orochimaru was silent for two minutes.


Orochimaru couldn’t help it, “Wakahiro-kun…”

“We have to save people, teacher!” Wakahiro suddenly said.

“Hmm?” Orochimaru still couldn’t keep up with Wakahiro’s thoughts, “Save people?”

“Yes! We must save people!”

Wakahiro pointed to the scroll on the ground, his face full of seriousness, “Teacher, don’t you realize that this is their conspiracy?”

“Conspiracy?” Orochimaru was confused again, you found it?

… What did you find?

“Yes, it’s a conspiracy! “Ruokohuo said firmly, “From the beginning, our rescue mission was to support this team, but they changed the mission content!”

“They didn’t want us to support, and they kept sending people to attack us to delay time!”

“Seeing that the time was almost up, they handed over the real mission content to us to erase the traces of their modification of the mission!”

“And in the end, this mission will fail, and the people we want to rescue may also be sacrificed, and these rats will have the last laugh and continue to erode Konoha!”


After listening to this, Orochimaru’s thoughts suddenly became smooth.

Is that so…

To be honest, if he didn’t know the truth, Orochimaru really couldn’t find any fault.

“Is that so…” Orochimaru nodded.

“I understand, Ruokohuo-kun…you are right. ”

Orochimaru really figured it out.

If he wants to follow Wakatsuki’s thinking, the first thing he has to do is to forget the so-called “truth”.

This kid has a unique perspective, which seems absurd, but his logic is rigorous and there is nothing wrong with it.

Change your perspective.

Danzo, and those rats under his command…

Hehe… Aren’t they the “spies” who have infiltrated the upper echelons of Konoha?

“Then we have no time to waste, teacher!”

Wakatsuki took off the shoes on his feet. He didn’t have time to take them off during the battle just now. Although the soles of his feet were covered with a layer of chakra, the soles were still softened a lot.

This made Wakatsuki feel bad. He had feelings for these shoes. He originally planned to pass them on to Obito first, and then Shisui.


Wakatsuki put his hands together and suddenly formed a seal.

“Fire Style: Great Fire Dragon!”


The fire dragon appeared out of thin air, and Wakatsuki stepped on it barefoot!

“Teacher, come on up! ”

“We have to get to the bridge in the shortest time!”

“……” Orochimaru took half a second to consider whether to ride the fire dragon.

The answer is that his physique may not be suitable…

“The journey is too far, so don’t consume too much chakra, Wakaka.”

Orochimaru bit his finger and pressed it hard on the ground.

“Summoning Technique!”

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