This is Orochimaru’s emergency contact method.

Only in extremely urgent and special situations will he be contacted in this way!

Whenever Orochimaru performs a high-risk mission, the Sandaime will try to stay in the Hokage’s office.

Even if he leaves for something important, he will let the Anbu wait here to prevent missing the information sent back by Orochimaru in an emergency!

Or a signal for help…

The Sandaime quickly emptied the table and took out a scroll that had been prepared long ago from under the desk and unfolded it on the table.

The little snake immediately climbed onto the scroll, and after a few squirming, it left several special traces on the paper.

“White Fang has been rescued… Encountered… Five-tailed Jinchuriki!?”

The Sandaime’s heart skipped a beat. How did this child Orochimaru get involved with White Fang’s mission?

Wasn’t that a B-level rescue mission?

Five-tailed Jinchuriki? Encountered! ?

But now was not the time to let him be surprised for too long. The Sandaime shouted to the air, “Quickly notify Ino-Shika-cho and the Minato team! Quick!”

No one responded, and a figure quickly left the Hokage building.

The little snake continued to wriggle, and the Sandaime kept his eyes fixed on it, staring at it intently, and deciphered it at the same time.

“Wakaka-kun… captured… the Five-Tails.”

“…” The Sandaime was stunned, rubbed his eyes, and looked again, but still didn’t understand. He quickly took out his glasses and found the code book with Orochimaru.

Quickly compared and deciphered again, the content was still the same.

Little Wakaka… captured… the Five-Tails?

So the dangers that Orochimaru encountered were already a little unconscious…

The child was only seven years old! How could he capture the Five-Tails?

This must be a distress signal.

The Five-Tails Jinchūriki couldn’t act alone. Orochimaru might have been surrounded by the Five-Tails Jinchūriki and the Iwagakure ninjas!

“What on earth does this kid (Orochimaru) want to tell me!”

The Sandaime was so concerned that he was confused. For a moment, he really couldn’t understand what Orochimaru’s concise and clear information was trying to express.

In fact, it was just what it said…

“Quick… support… in the direction of Iwagakure…”

This time the Sandaime understood, but only half of it.

He understood that he should quickly support, but what about the coordinates?

In the direction of Iwagakure?

Where exactly is it?

“Forget it!”

The Sandaime waved his hand, “Notify the Jounin class to assemble!”


Chi————! (An onomatopoeia for the call of an eagle. For details, please refer to the first step of the Chunin assessment.)

As soon as the signal for the Jounin to assemble was sent out, several ninjas had already rushed to the Hokage’s office.

But they were not here to assemble, but to report quickly!

“Sir, the Sandaime! A large number of Iwagakure launched a surprise attack, with a number of more than 5,000!”

“Sir, the Sandaime! Iwagakure has sent out Jinchūriki, with five tails, and has crossed the border!”

“Sir, the Sandaime! Iwagakure has sent out Jinchūriki, with an unknown number of tails, and is approaching Konoha!”

One after another, urgent battle reports exploded in the Hokage’s office.

What surprised these ninjas was that their Sandaime was already in military uniform, wearing armor from that era!

As expected of the Sandaime, he had already noticed the movements of Iwagakure!

“Explore again!” The Sandaime shouted!

One after another, figures gathered quickly, and in just a few minutes, all the standby jonin in Konoha Village had gathered!

The battle report from the front line and the emergency message from Orochimaru were fully echoed at this moment.

Obviously, Orochimaru sent the message in such a hurry just to remind Konoha!

As for whether Iwagakure’s hasty and sudden attack was also related to Orochimaru, and whether Orochimaru was in trouble now…

“Everyone! The hope of peace was completely torn apart by Ohnoki.” The Sandaime suppressed his worries and shouted loudly!

He must be tough now, he is not only Orochimaru’s teacher, but also the shadow of Konoha!

“Iwagakure has dispatched more than 5,000 ninjas to the front line, led by the Five-Tails Jinchuriki, and has crossed the border of the Land of Fire!”

“Ohnoki obviously wants to take the opportunity to break through Konoha, but he underestimated our will!”

The Sandaime raised his arms and shouted, “We will defeat all the invading enemies and drive back the ninjas of Iwagakure!”

“Yes!” There was no extra response. The ninjas of different styles knelt on one knee, clearly divided, on the left was the senior ninja class, and on the right was the Anbu guards of the Hokage!

Among the ninjas who gathered in this emergency, there was not even one figure with the Uchiha clan emblem…

The entire Iwagakure army was dispatched, and the Five-Tails was almost at the doorstep.The Sandaime must lead by example!

“Team Minato, the Sealing Squad, join me in confronting the Five-Tails head-on!” the Sandaime gave the order.

“Yes!” Minato received the order.

“Yes!” the captain of the Sealing Squad received the order.

“Shikaku! Haiyi!” the Sandaime shouted.


“Set up a defense line in the shortest possible time, bypass the Five-Tails and rush to the front!”


Swish, swish, swish!

The situation was urgent, and Nara Shikaku immediately led a large number of ninjas to the front after receiving the order.

In addition to the Anbu and the Sandaime, there were only four people left at the scene.

They were the three members of the Minato team: Namikaze Minato, Akimichi Choza, and Aburame Shiwei. (The configuration is based on the Lost Tower.)


A red-haired woman.

“Hokage-sama! What about me?” The red-haired woman looked very excited.

“……” The Sandaime was silent for half a second, “Kushina, you are Konoha’s last line of defense……”

“If I can’t stop the Five-Tails……”

“Konoha, please!”

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The Sandaime set off with his subordinates.

The red-haired woman stamped her feet, “It’s the same rhetoric again, so annoying!”


Facing the large-scale raid of Iwagakure, Konoha’s ninjas went out one after another!

Nara Shikaku used the shortest time to plan thirteen forward routes for the Konoha ninja troops!

Each route bypassed the Five-Tails’ forward route and referred to the forward speed of the Iwagakure army to ensure that Konoha could reach the front line in the shortest time and block it as soon as it arrived!

Moreover, the diffuse advance can also prevent the surprise attack of the Iwagakure team to the greatest extent!

The Nara clan generally has a receding hairline, and there is a reason for that…

The Sandaime even led the way, personally leading a group of Anbu and the Minato Squad Sealing Squad, heading straight for the Five-Tails!

“Is Ohnoki crazy…”

The three elders are guarding the Hokage’s office.

The Sandaime Hokage is heading to the battlefield, and they need to defend the rear of Konoha.

“An attack of this scale, with all the Jinchūriki deployed… This doesn’t look like a feint.”

All of them are ninjas who have lived from another era to the present, and the three elders are still very calm.

And at this moment.

The initiator who directly caused all these events, on the way back to Konoha, suddenly stopped.

“Hey! The white-haired uncle in front!!!”

“Are you going to Konoha too? We’re just on the way, I’ll take you!”

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