After Wakaka emphasized that the Rasengan was just a Tailed Beast Ball, and once again asked Minato to take the Tailed Beast Ball of the Five-Tails.

Minato turned and left…

As if he had made up his mind.

He came to a nearby place, next to Senior White Fang, squatted down, hugged his knees, and closed them.

White Fang smiled without saying anything.

“Teacher, what’s wrong with him?” Wakaka asked.

“Maybe he is thinking about the meaning of life…” Orochimaru shook his head, “Wakaka-kun… Minato-kun is actually a good person, he deserves your tolerance.”

Orochimaru fulfilled the obligations of a teacher and guided: “Some mistakes can be forgiven, depending on the starting point of these mistakes.”

“Like Minato-kun, he accidentally injured your partner. In the final analysis, it was also a lack of information. At that time, he mistakenly thought that your partner was an enemy…”

“Minato-kun also wanted to protect the village. Now the misunderstanding has been clarified. If Wakaka-kun encounters danger in the future, Minato-kun will also stand up.”

Wakaka spread his hands, “But I have given him a chance. It is obvious that he can reconcile by accepting the Tailed Beast Ball of King Mu, but he has been fussing about it…”


Child, Minato’s technique is not even as big as the nostrils of the Five-Tails. Do you have any misunderstandings about fussing about it?

So Orochimaru is ready to cross this topic.

After all, there are more important things to deal with at the moment.

Tailed beasts, Uchiha, village…

Orochimaru knows it very well.

If this matter is not handled properly, it will definitely turn into a dangerous incident in the village.

The teacher hurried back to the village and left everyone to “accompany” Wakaka-kun. Isn’t that the reason?

“Wakaka-kun, have you considered how to get along with your partners in the future?” Orochimaru asked with a smile.

“After all, there seems to be no place in the village where this adult can run freely…”

“Really…” Wakaka nodded thoughtfully, “But when Grandpa Hokage left, didn’t he promise to help me settle King Mu?”

“There are many ways to settle, Wakaka-kun.”

Orochimaru reminded: “Hokage-sama must consider the feelings of other people in the village. The conclusion he draws can only be the result of compromise.”

“Does Wakaka-kun have his own ideas about your partners?”

What ideas can I have?

Of course, let you mess up.

I Uchiha is not good at fighting, I am good at resolving fights!

“I want to buy a piece of land near the village, the bigger the better.” Wakaka looked serious.


Orochimaru blinked and entered the fast “Wakaka Flow·Thinking Mode”.

“Buy a piece of land?” Orochimaru asked, buy a piece of land for the Five-Tails?

And buy it next to the village?

This kid…should simply want to buy a…territory for the Five-Tails to live in?

Very good, this is in line with Wakaka’s thinking.

Although Orochimaru doesn’t think this can be achieved.

“Yes.” Wakaka nodded, “This time I rescued my companions and destroyed the Kannabi Bridge, which can be regarded as two major tasks.”


Orochimaru smiled and agreed, “I will report to Lord Hokage, these are two S-level tasks that Wakaka-kun has completed ‘independently’.”

As a teacher, Orochimaru is not short of money, and he has no intention of sharing the reward.

“And that guy named Han, he seems to be an important figure in the Hidden Rock Village. King Mu and I killed him, and the village should give us the reward.”

“Of course.” Orochimaru nodded again, “This can also be considered an S-level mission.”

What Orochimaru didn’t say was that the capture of the Five-Tails alone was not something that could be measured by a mission.

Of course, the Five-Tails is a good partner of Wakana-kun.

There are some things that Orochimaru thinks it is not the right time to bring up now… at least not for him.

“This should be a lot of money.” Wakana’s eyes lit up, “In that case, my capital should be enough, and I don’t have to borrow from Chief Fugaku!”


Orochimaru was sensitive enough to catch this word, and because of this word, he thought of a woman and her favorite thing to do.

However, Orochimaru felt that he was overthinking and asked tentatively: “What you want to say is the deposit, right?”

“Not the deposit, but the principal.”

Rakaho corrected seriously, “I plan to use this principal as a bargaining chip to make a big deal.”

“…” Orochimaru had a vague ominous premonition.

And this premonition was very strong.

I saw Rakaho light up his three magatama and said seriously: “Teacher, I have learned a way to make a lot of money in the textbook. ”

“There is a special group of people in the ninja world. These people believe in a simple and special rule. Within the rule, all efforts may have multiple returns, or they may become worthless. ”

Ruo Huo lowered his voice and said in a mysterious tone: “I have understood that rule. It is very simple. My Sharingan can fully control it. ”

“It only takes one million taels. I am sure that I can make this money fission wildly in the shortest time and save enough money to buy land. ”

“Teacher… do you think the reward for these tasks is enough? ”


Orochimaru’s expression was a little stiff.

Good news: He finally caught up with his disciple’s train of thought this time and successfully predicted his idea.

Bad news: He really predicted it…


Orochimaru rubbed his brows slightly, feeling that he had missed something, and his premonition became stronger.

“The things you read in the textbook at that time should be about the rules of the ‘Three Ninja Forbiddens’, right?”

Simple and special rules, pay multiple rewards, or may be worthless…

Isn’t this gambling!


Orochimaru felt that his thinking was a little out of sync again.

Since it is the content of the “Three Forbiddens”, with Wakaka’s upright character, shouldn’t he sneer at it?

“Yes.” Wakaka said calmly, “The Three Forbiddens say that this kind of rule is called gambling, and ninjas should stay away from it. ”

You still know!

Orochimaru asked tentatively: “Then Wakaha-kun…”

“But Uchiha is not an ordinary ninja.” Wakaha answered naturally.

“Uchiha is the guardian of the rules. Since the village agrees to open a casino, it proves that the village also recognizes gambling.”

Wakaha said as a matter of course: “Gambling is not under the jurisdiction of the Konoha Guard Department. It is in line with the rules…”

“And I have asked the chief of the Fugaku clan. He said that my idea is very good and he is willing to support me with all his strength.”

Orochimaru was stunned again, “The chief of the Fugaku clan also…”

Suddenly, Orochimaru realized something, his heart skipped a beat, and he asked a little nervously: “Wakaha-kun, you just said…you asked the chief of the Fugaku clan?”

“Yeah.” Wakaha nodded.

“When was it?”

“Just now.” Wakaha blinked.

“Just now! ? “Orochimaru thought to himself that it was not good.

“I had asked the shadow clone to go back to the clan a long time ago to report my safety to my grandmother and ask her to save dinner for me tonight. Then I showed off my new partner to the chief of the Fugaku clan and told him about my plan.”

Ruokuo ignored Orochimaru’s gradually stiffening expression and continued:

“The shadow clone also wanted to borrow some money from the chief of the Fugaku clan. Although they were competitors, the chief of the Fugaku clan still agreed and said that he wanted to see King Mu in person.”

“Calculate the time… We should be able to see them soon.”


Orochimaru fell silent.

He looked at Ruokuo deeply, stood up, turned his head and looked in the direction of the village.

Ruokuo did the same.

From a distance, it was vague.

It seemed that two groups of figures could be seen, coming quickly from two directions…

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