Before the arrival of the Sandaime, the Uchiha “encirclement” was divided into two parts.

The surrounded Danzo.

And the surrounded Root Ninja.



“Sandaime-sama Hokage!”

After the Sandaime arrived, the Uchiha clan automatically separated the road and saluted the Sandaime.

Most of the Uchiha clan members at this time still respected the Sandaime, the “strongest in Konoha”.

Not only because the Uchiha respect the strong, but also because of the “influence” from childhood.

There is a reason why the Sandaime is called the “strongest Hokage”… At least this political brainwashing, the first and second generations combined are not as good as the third generation.

It is not accidental that Obito in the original time and space aspired to become a Hokage since childhood.


“Oh, you are… so tall now?”

“Very good.”

“This sword is good!”

“Wow, this little muscle, must have suffered a lot?”

The Sandaime was not wearing armor this time. He had one hand behind his back and the other holding a pipe, nodding from time to time, just like walking on the streets of Konoha, very friendly.

He was not here to intensify the conflict, he was here to negotiate…

“Sir Sandaime.”

The Sandaime finally walked in front of Fugaku, Fugaku nodded and saluted, his eyes slightly helpless.

The Sandaime looked at Danzo, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed and his left arm missing, and White Fang, who had his hands on his chest and a calm expression…


“Why is it so.”

The Sandaime sighed, but he probably had a clear judgment of the situation.

Danzo… forget it, now is not the time to investigate internally.

White Fang, this kid… Never mind. It’s not too late to counsel White Fang later.

Fugaku is a relatively easy-to-talk-to kid.

Although he succeeded the head of the Uchiha clan at a young age, and summoned all the Uchiha clans because of Danzo.

But judging from Fugaku’s reaction, this kid is also a sensible person.

It seems that there is still a lot of room for easing the situation today…

“Sandaime-sama.” Fugaku said in a deep voice, “Elder Danzo is a high-ranking official in Konoha and is respected by everyone. I have not meant to harm the elders and the village by gathering the tribe members today. Please understand, Sandaime-sama.”

“Don’t be too nervous, Fugaku.” The Sandaime waved his hand, “You are all Konoha ninjas, wearing Konoha forehead protectors, and many of the Uchiha kids have grown up under my watch…”

“The Konoha Guard has maintained Konoha’s internal stability for so many years, how could it possibly harm the village… This matter is ultimately just a misunderstanding within Konoha, and I am here to help solve the mystery…”

With a Konoha ninja on the left and a Konoha Guard on the right, the Sandaime simply defined this sentence as a “misunderstanding” and tried to make a big deal out of it.

But at this moment, Fugaku, under the gaze of all the tribe members, obviously could not compromise at all.

As the head of the Uchiha clan, he couldn’t let his clan members’ Sharingan wander outside without giving them an explanation.

But as the head of the Uchiha clan as well.

Fugaku also knew what would happen if he summoned all the Uchiha clans to “force” the Konoha high-level officials.

The old clan leader had repeatedly warned him when he handed the Uchiha clan over to him.

The Uchiha clan was strong in the “past” and “future”. The “present” Uchiha clan was just a big clan in Konoha, nothing more.

In Fugaku’s “Uchiha clan rise plan”, there was no link to fall out with Konoha now.

At least not today, not at this moment.

But this does not mean that Fugaku will compromise.

Just as Ruokohuo expected.

Fugaku did not intend to escalate the matter, but he could not choose to give in because of the words of the third generation.

Fugaku was also a smart man. He knew clearly what this chaos could bring to the Uchiha clan.

More funding? A wider clan territory? More benefits?

These are certainly tempting, but Fugaku still tried to fight for something more important…

For example, retaining the right to control the Five-Tails!

“Sir Sandaime.” Fugaku’s expression never softened.

“Whether it’s a misunderstanding or deliberate, the Uchiha clan now just wants to know what’s going on with Elder Danzo’s eyes.”

Fugaku turned his head and looked at Danzo, his eyes gradually colder, “As the clan leader, I must be responsible for every Uchiha!”

The Sandaime’s expression froze, but he quickly recovered and said slowly: “Fugaku, I understand your feelings, why don’t you let me do it… um?”

Halfway through his words, the Sandaime’s attention was attracted by a scene in the distance.

It was a fire dragon formed by the gathering of flames, shakingFlying towards this side, a young man stood on the fire dragon, and under the fire dragon was hanging… and holding… Orochimaru?

What kind of posture is this.

“Teacher, I still don’t quite understand.”

Wakahiro “tried” to maintain the stability of the fire dragon bomb, and asked in confusion: “Those mice are Elder Danzo’s people, so why did Elder Danzo hurt me?”

“Didn’t he find the will of fire in me? We are all Uchiha!”

Wakahiro was very “puzzled”.

“This question may require the chief of the Fugaku clan to answer you personally, Wakahiro-kun.”

Orochimaru held the chain with one hand, and covered it with chakra to isolate the temperature as much as possible.

One hand blocked his mouth, otherwise he would be blown away when he spoke.

Although Wakahiro’s fire dragon was shaky, Orochimaru was stable below, worthy of being the hot candidate for the fourth generation Hokage.

“Teacher had been worried that the rats would counterattack, but now that the Hokage has come, the Uchiha have also restricted the rats…”

“Wakaka-kun, if you have any questions, you can go to the Fugaku clan leader and the third generation, or Elder Danzo to find the answers.”

Orochimaru was calm and composed.

Although the initial plan was to let Wakaka and the Five-Tails stay far away to prevent the possibility of intensifying the conflict.

But since Wakaka “discovered” the secret of Elder Danzo’s eyes…

Then he, as a teacher, can’t just sit back and do nothing.

The matter has become so heated.

Then why not just expand the situation and let the teacher make a choice now?

Anyway, Elder Danzo will most likely not support him to become the fourth generation in the future…

Anyway, he tried his best to save Elder Danzo’s life before the teacher arrived…

Then he has to think about himself next.

Orochimaru discovered.

As I gradually got rid of the shackles of “common sense”, my perspective on things became much clearer.

Is this the world in Wakaka’s eyes?

It’s really… simple and easy to understand.


The fire dragon dissipated after flying over the crowd, and Wakaka and Orochimaru landed steadily.

The Sandaime and Fugaku frowned at the same time.

If you ask who these two people don’t want to see the most now, Wakaka must be ranked first.

Sure enough.

The first sentence Wakaka said after landing made Fugaku feel troubled, and also made the Sandaime’s eyebrows swell.

“Clan leader Fugaku, Grandpa Hokage, tell me the truth.”

Wakaka said seriously: “Is Elder Danzo a member of my Uchiha clan?”

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