The fire dragon swayed and flew towards Mount Kikyo.

Kushina was shouting and screaming below, so excited.

Orochimaru smiled but said nothing.

Wakahō also smiled but said nothing.

The three of them were getting farther and farther away from Konoha, and the Anbu behind them were left farther and farther behind. After confirming that Orochimaru was also above, they simply gave up the pursuit.

They went back to the village to report.

Not long after.

Wakahō and the other two finally arrived at the Five-Tails.

The Uchiha elites who were responsible for guarding the Five-Tails were gathered in front of a bonfire. The Five-Tails lay on the ground, looking at this group of “Indra’s descendants”. The scene was actually a bit warm.

“Hehe…” Kushina didn’t forget her original intention of running out, “Young man, just put me in front of that big guy, thank you!”

“Ah? Sister, are you here to find King Mu too?” Wakahō asked knowingly.

“Yeah! My little brother was caught by this big guy…eh?”

Kushina was halfway through her words when she suddenly found that the chain on her hand loosened. It was Orochimaru who had let go of the chain!

But he only let go of a small part. Orochimaru smiled and said, “Sorry, my hand slipped.”

“I was scared to death…” Kushina was still in shock.

Rakuho Jun, who was riding on the fire dragon, pretended not to hear it. He controlled the fire dragon to let Kushina go, and then flew over the head of King Mu under Kushina’s gaze.

Orochimaru did not follow Rakuho or Kushina this time, but chose to land next to the Uchiha.

“Lord Orochimaru!”

The Uchiha stood up one after another. Orochimaru had a high status in Konoha, and he was also Rakuho’s teacher. He also had a high reputation in the Uchiha clan.

“Everyone, it may not be safe here later. If you believe me, you might as well move to the other side temporarily…”

The Uchiha looked at each other, and before they could react, they saw the red-haired woman who had just landed not far away coming over, rolling up her sleeves, looking aggressive.

“Hey! Big guy, you are the one who bullied my little brother, right!” Kushina shouted.

The Five-tailed King blew a breath from his nose.

“Indra, I feel some of Kurama’s chakra from this human, but it seems to be controlled by a very strong seal.”

“Well, the reincarnation of Ashura sealed it with a slap of Wood Release. Calculating the time… that was more than 40 years ago.”

While responding to the Five-Tails, Wakahashi did not forget to shout to Kushina, “Big sister, what is your little brother’s name!!”

Kushina put her hands on her mouth and shouted, “His name is Namikaze Minato!!! Boy, get out of the way, I want to avenge my little brother!!”

“What!?” Wakahashi said in surprise, “So you are the one who wants to avenge the spy!?”

“Spy!?” Kushina was also surprised, “But Minato is not a spy!”

“He wanted to assassinate Elder Danzo, and was arrested by the Konoha Guard in the afternoon. You can ask them!”

Kushina then looked at the Uchiha in front of her.

These Uchiha were the elites who followed Fugaku out of the village at the beginning. When Fugaku used illusion to hypnotize Minato, they were by his side.

But the situation is like this…

“Everyone, time may not be much.” Orochimaru smiled and gestured, “Please come this way.”

Several Uchiha looked at each other, but still did not give a definition of “whether Minato is a spy”.

Under the guidance of Orochimaru, the figure flashed and temporarily came to one side.

“Eh? Why did you leave?” Kushina was wondering, Minato would actually assassinate Elder Danzo?

No way… He is so timid, did he hear me secretly cursing last time?

But she cursed the Sandaime!

“Lord Orochimaru, did Minato really assassinate Elder Danzo?” Kushina asked Orochimaru for help.

Orochimaru kept smiling, “Yes, and no.”


“In Wakaka-kun’s eyes, Minato did assassinate Elder Danzo, and Minato is also a spy in Wakaka-kun’s eyes.”

“What!?” Kushina was really shocked.

Orochimaru must not have lied to her. The boy named Wakaka helped her run so far, and he was obviously a good person.

So Minato really…

“But in the eyes of people other than Wakaka-kun, Minato did not assassinate Elder Danzo, and he is not a spy.”

Orochimaru continued to smile and said, “It depends on your relationship with Wakaka-kun, and whether you can recognize Wakaka-kun’s will of fire…”

“The same thing, from different perspectives, can get different conclusions. No one can say whether these conclusions are right or wrong, it’s just a different perspective.”

“So Kushina…what’s your conclusion?”


Kushina felt a little dizzy.

But Ruohuo was not dizzy.

“Lord Mu, put some pressure on her.”

“Understood.” Lord Mu immediately blew a lot of steam from his nostrils.

After feeling the temperature of the steam, Orochimaru’s interest increased instead of decreasing. He raised his two fingers and prepared to run away, while reminding:

“Follow your heart, Kushina…”


Orochimaru disappeared.

Kushina looked weird.

Looking up at the Five-Tails who had already stood up, he muttered “You’re crazy”, and saw Ruohuo had already made a seal with two fingers in front of him, so he also made an opposing seal.

“Roar! ! ! ! ! ”

The Five-Tails activated its most gifted skill: the Five-Tails Roar!

Don’t underestimate this move. Although it doesn’t have any technical content, Orochimaru, White Fang, Minato, and Danzo have all been injured to varying degrees because of this move.

But for Kushina…

“Too noisy, everyone!”

Kushina’s red hair blew up like a gust of wind, but her body did not retreat at all. Chakra surged wildly, and she clapped her hands fiercely, “Vajra Lock!”

Two chakra chains immediately shot towards the Five-Tails, growing longer in the air, and aimed at the two front hooves of the Five-Tails!

“No need to hide, King Mu.”

Ruohuo said calmly: “Let her tie it up, whatever she wants. ”


Two chains bound the Five-Tails’ front hooves, but the Five-Tails fell down in the next second, pressing down with its whole body, and actually pulled Kushina forward.

In fact, Kushina was stable at the beginning.

But at the moment when her Vajra Seal bound the Five-Tails, two chakras suddenly connected to her consciousness space, causing her to lose consciousness for a moment, and then she staggered forward two steps.

“Huh? How did you get here…”

Kushina’s mind stood in the sealed space.

Behind her was the caged Nine-Tails, in front of her was the Five-Tails crawling on the ground, and above it was Wakabi.

The two chains became the bridge connecting the two sides’ consciousness spaces.


Wakabi didn’t say anything, but just glanced at Kushina coolly, and her eyes came to the Nine-Tails behind her.

“Roar! ! ! ! ! ! ”

The Nine-Tails roared fiercely. It didn’t want any tailed beast to see it in such a miserable state!!!

Kushina frowned and was about to turn around and scold, but she heard Ruka on the head of the Five-Tails suddenly shout coldly:

“Be honest, Nine-Tails!”

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