The Five-Tails King rushed into the fire scene at an absolute speed, and the Iwagakure ninjas didn’t even have time to complete the encirclement!



A blazing white flare was launched into the air.

Iwagakure’s “mountain fire tactics” can isolate Konoha’s reinforcements and interfere with Konoha’s intelligence transmission and command transmission.

But the Iwagakure ninjas who went deep into the Land of Fire obviously had the same problem.

And their solution was also simple and crude – this flare was the color of the Five-Tails!

“Return to help! We can’t let the Five-Tails join the Konoha ninjas on the front line!”

“This is our great opportunity, recapture it, and then defeat Konoha’s defense line in one fell swoop!”

“Konoha is at the end of the road, stop going deeper, and return to help at full speed!”

“Stop advancing! Set up detonating tags and traps as soon as possible, we need to intercept Konoha’s reinforcements now!”

The Iwagakure troops were not creating destruction all at once.

The 2,000-man Iwagakure troop was divided into several battalions when they launched the breakout.

After entering the territory of the Land of Fire, they will temporarily lose contact, so each battalion has its own highest priority task, including recapturing the Five-Tails, creating chaos, blocking the Konoha ninjas, etc.

This flare is the signal to activate the highest priority task!

But just when the Iwagakure ninjas turned around and prepared to fight back to the front line along the “gap” in the sea of ​​fire…


The blazing flames on the fire scene began to stir restlessly, as if they had their own consciousness. Under the gaze of all the Iwagakure, they actually began to gather and gather by themselves, and forcibly condensed into a pillar of fire that reached the sky!

This pillar of fire directly extracted most of the flames from the fire scene. The raging fire that was still burning in the forest was instantly reduced to only a tiny spark. Although the temperature was still there and the flames immediately reignited, the entire fire scene was still dimmed by a large area!

“This is actually a new way to put out fires.”

Shadow Clone No. 1 raised his eyebrows, then suddenly pulled his hands apart, and chakra was output crazily again!

“Fire Style: The Will of the Fire God!”

Under the gaze of all the Iwagakure!

This pillar of fire was actually “spread out” directly, like a scroll, with the pillar of flames as the axis and the flames as the scroll, gathering in front of them to form a wall of flames!

This is not over yet!

A giant dragon of flames flashing with orange flames soared into the sky, hovering in the air, and condensed into a symbol of a flame fan!

“Is that… Uchiha!?”

The Iwagakure ninjas who were blocked by the wall of flames looked at it in amazement. It was the flaming emblem of the Uchiha clan!

“Is this fire escape technique from the Uchiha clan!?”

“Did the Uchiha clan join the war!”

“U… Uchiha?”

“That is the oldest clan in the ninja world. My child… the teacher has heard of their glory from the predecessors. They… are a very powerful fire clan!”

In the Chunin exam, Ruohuo used a flaming dragon that could fly into the air to briefly awaken the terrible memory of being ruled by the Uchiha clan, which was dormant in the deep memory of the Konoha ninjas.

Memory is not inherited, but fear is.

Just like a newly weaned mouse, even if it has never met a cat in its life, it will instinctively feel fear.

In the war era, how could the ninjas who were once ruled by the Uchiha clan be the ninjas of Konoha! ?

“Retreat! Stay away from this technique! Quick!”

The blocked Iwagakure ninjas did not dare to stay, and turned around with a loud shout. This was not a technique they could force through!

“I’ve been waiting for you here for so long, don’t just talk about Uchiha…”

In the air, Shadow Clone No. 1, who was stepping on a fire dragon, muttered softly.

“Uchiha is still a few hours away from here…”

“Let’s play for a while first?”

The shadow clone formed a seal again.

“Fire Style: Saturated Fire Dragon Bomb!”

Giant dragons of flames emerged from this “Fire Scroll” and launched an indiscriminate bombing of the Iwagakure ninjas below!

The flames of this sea of ​​fire are not created by chakra. Although Ruka can extract flames like water style, it also requires a lot of chakra.

The Nine-Tails Chakra makes up for this, and the shadow clone also has three magatama, but this is a super-large-scale technique after all. If you want to activate it a second time, chakra control will be a problem.

So these fire dragons that emerge from the “Fire Scroll” will be particularly manic!


The bombing sounded one after another!

Fire dragons emerged from the “Dragon’s Nest”, randomly picked a hapless person to charge at, and then exploded in the crowd!

Screams rang out one after another!

RockThe ninjas did not dare to stop. They fled in a hurry, shouting as if they were avoiding a natural disaster or a tsunami. Even if the Iwagakure, who were prepared to sacrifice themselves, stayed behind to try to resist for a while, it was like a mantis trying to stop a chariot. They could not buy much time at all!

“That is…”

The Uchiha who were on their way finally saw the wall of flames from a distance, as well as the flaming fan group belonging to the Uchiha in the air.

“Master, that is the technique of that kid Ruokahuo!”

“It seems that little Ruokahuo has encountered the Iwagakure ninjas!”

After a brief shock, Fugaku decisively gave the order: “Everyone! Speed ​​up!”

“The first brigade will follow me first, and support Uchiha Ruokahuo as quickly as possible!”

“Make sure to bring him back safely. We Uchiha don’t have the bad habit of letting children take the lead!”

The Uchiha men’s group accelerated their sprint.

Fugaku selected the elite backbone to follow him, distanced himself from the other Uchiha, and rushed to the battlefield at full speed!

Seeing that Wakaka made such a big noise, Fugaku’s eyes were filled with astonishment and excitement, but also with some worries.

Although he had the assistance of the Five-Tails, and Orochimaru and the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki were by his side, Fugaku still had some worries.

After all, it was an Iwagakure army with more than 2,000 people. They were going for the Five-Tails, and they must have ways to restrict the tailed beasts.

“Don’t let anything happen, little guy…”

“You are the future of Uchiha!”

Fugaku sprinted quickly, his eyes firm.

But obviously, his worries were unnecessary…

“Hiss… Has this idea been used by No. 1? It is indeed advantageous to meet the enemy first.”

Shadow Clone No. 2 looked at the Iwagakure ninja who kept approaching from the other side, and silently formed a seal.


A fire dragon took off first, and also circled the Uchiha’s flame emblem in the air. This is very important!


The Hokage in the fire scene was extracted by Shadow Clone No. 2, gathered under the fire dragon, and condensed into an oversized ball of fire!

“Feel the baptism of the flames, evil Iwagakure…”

Shadow Clone No. 2’s vertical pupils turned cold, “Fire Style: Fire God’s Cry!”

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