Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 18 An anxious heart

Before receiving the first task, Inuzuka looked quite excited.

But after completing several tasks, he completely lost his enthusiasm for these tasks.

After completing dozens of D-level missions, he became even more numb.

Mainly because the new genin's missions were always boring.

Either catching cats and walking dogs, or weeding and delivering goods. In addition, during this process, if you receive some tasks such as collecting herbs on the cliff or cleaning up the sediment in the river, the guiding jounin will be there. This process teaches chakra control techniques such as climbing trees and treading water.

If you cannot master these techniques quickly, it means that your talent in chakra manipulation is not very good.

In the future, there is a high probability that I will spend more than ten or twenty years accumulating merit and qualifications, see if I am lucky enough to learn a few good ninjutsu, and finally get involved in it when I am in my thirties or forties, at the peak of my life. Tolerance title.

The premise is, don't die on the way.


The soul of Ming Jing itself is the fusion of the souls of two people. In addition, as Uchiha opened the Sharingan, his spiritual energy will not be much different. The powerful innate spiritual power played a big role in this process. role.

At least whether it's climbing a tree or treading water, it can be easily mastered.

Aburame Nami usually has to control so many bugs at the same time, so her mental ability is not bad. Even Inuzuka Inuzuka is a talented person and quickly learned these two essential skills for ninjas.

"Well, the next task is to help Aunt Akita on Desheng Street in the east of the village take care of her two-year-old son..."

Kato Dan held a mission scroll in his hand and read it carefully word for word.

"Ah?! I just helped Uncle Jiugang clean up the weeds in the field, why is the next task to take care of a child?"

Inuzukaru lay weakly on the ground and complained.

This was really different from the ninja life he imagined.

Aburame Nami and Ming Jing were listening to the mission seriously.

The former is because his character is like this, while the latter is prepared for it.

After all, this is an old tradition of Konoha.

"I guessed that your character would not want to do this task, so I took on two more tasks, just enough for each of you."

A smirk appeared on Kato Dan's face.

"Uncle Kadota got sprained when he was working yesterday. I hope someone can help him walk his dog. This task is very suitable for Nara. The Nara family's shop needs help from people to collect medicinal materials in the forest. This is also suitable for Nami's insects. , as for Ming Jing... I leave it to you to take care of the children!"

"So... Mr. Kato, why do you always leave these most annoying things to me? I really have no experience in raising children!"

Ming Jing put his hand on his forehead and couldn't help complaining.

Kato Dan looked at Ming Jing's expression with interest.

The student in front of him, not surprisingly, should be the most talented one among his three disciples.

With Kato Dan's attainments in ninjutsu such as soul, spirit, and perception, it is impossible not to notice that Ming Jing's huge spiritual power is innately different from ordinary people. Coupled with the blood stains of the Sharingan and Uchiha's family background, the future is uncertain. Limited quantity.

However, Kato Dan could also feel the deep impatience, uneasiness, and fear hidden deep in Ming Jing's powerful mental power.

These are things that Ming Jing himself has not noticed.

After all, as a modern person, the front foot has just become a reincarnation inexplicably. He has not accepted a single mission, and suddenly traveled to the world of Naruto. It is actually normal to hide this kind of mentality.

After Kato Dan also learned about Ming Jing's life experience, he thought he understood everything, so he hoped to polish Ming Jing's impetuous heart through these seemingly tedious tasks.

Otherwise, no matter how talented you are, you will easily die when you set out on the battlefield with this kind of mentality.

In addition, Kato Dan also thought it was quite fun to bully his disciples.

Of course, Kato Dan would not tell the truth, but opened his mouth and said:

"Well... there is nothing we can do about it. To be honest, I think our team's strength and cooperation are enough to take on higher-level missions. However, the number of D-level missions has not reached the standard, and there is no Hokage. There is no way to participate in those high-level missions without the approval. I am doing this to get the number of missions for our team as soon as possible. "

"Taking into account the specialties of Rui and Nami, I would naturally choose this kind of task that can be solved quickly by leaving it to them."

Kato Dan's tone seemed quite innocent.

"Hey! Okay..."

Ming Jing could only shake his head helplessly.

Time passes like this little by little.

Two months flew by.

Under the control of Kato Dan, Kato's squad's cumulative completion speed of D-level tasks was more than twice that of other teams.

Although there is often a division of labor, Kato Dan sometimes chooses some tasks that can exercise teamwork and involve intelligence collection, etc. for the three people in the team to work together to complete.

Even if the training team cooperation here is to contain and capture the escaped stray cats of the daimyo's daughter, the intelligence collection is to help the owner of the izakaya collect information on the sake market on the market.

During the day-to-day mission life, Ming Jing gradually calmed down his impetuous heart hidden under the calm appearance under the special guidance of Kato Dan.

Perhaps it is because the members of the team have developed enough tacit understanding in the past two months, or perhaps because the main combat forces in the village have been transferred to the front line, and the number of people who can come out to do the task is scarce. Therefore, in Only two and a half months after the team was established, Kato Dan successfully received a C-level mission from Koharu, the third generation agent in government affairs.

"Is this the goal of our mission this time?"

Ming Jing held a photo and looked at the dark-faced, tall middle-aged man in front of him and asked.

"Four months ago, a secret team from Sunagakure Village sneaked into the Country of Fire to perform a mission similar to sabotaging the rear, and attacked the Iron Stone Town located in the west of the Country of Fire, which greatly weakened the local defense force. Later, miners used it to At this opportunity, a riot broke out, they attacked the local nobles' mansions, and robbed a large amount of supplies. They went to the mountains to become bandits and robbed the nearby people. This man is called Ichiro Okamoto, and he is the leader of this group of bandits. The goal of the mission is to solve these tasks. At the same time, bring the supplies back and deliver them to the Ishihara family in Daming Mansion.”

Kato Dan held up the mission scroll and introduced the ins and outs of this mission.

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