Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 28: Going to the front line

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However, in recent times, they have been performing C-level tasks more and more frequently, and they have almost never performed D-level tasks again.

Mingjing speculated that part of the reason was that the strength of himself and others continued to improve, which made Kato Dan increase the difficulty of accepting tasks. On the other hand, the situation on the front line was probably not optimistic.

This group of wandering ninjas was already the seventh group they had hunted down this month.

Because the situation in the country of Fire had gradually begun to show a lot of chaos, Mingjing suspected that this was because the situation on the front line was unfavorable, which made others think that Konoha was not strong enough now, so they thought of ways to make a fortune.

Moreover, Mingjing could hear from time to time that a ninja unit from an enemy country had sneaked into the territory of the country of Fire, and the village had sent people to encircle and suppress it many times, with both success and failure, which destroyed the production and storage locations of many materials and weapons in the country of Fire, and further encouraged the idea of ​​these wandering ninjas to fish in troubled waters.

Ming Jing didn't know whether he and his men would go to the battlefield, but he was sure that Kato Dan, a top fighter, would be transferred to the front line soon.

The reason why Kato Dan could lead them for nearly half a year was mainly because Kato Dan had been seriously injured on the front line in the direction of the Wind Country half a year ago, so he returned to Konoha for recuperation. At the same time, Sarutobi Hiruzen also found him an easy job as a leader of a team of ninjas, squeezing out the labor force as much as possible.

As early as more than a month ago, Kato Dan's injuries had basically recovered. Maybe tomorrow, he will be transferred to the front line.

"Forget it, what's the point of thinking about these things? Don't worry about it. All we can do is to improve our strength and complete the task seriously. What about other things is the business of the big guys in the village. You and I are both ninjas, so don't worry about the Hokage."

Facing the new topic raised by Ming Jing, Inuzuka Ryo just laughed and patted Ming Jing on the shoulder.

Now, it was his turn to comfort Ming Jing.

Kato Dan will indeed go to the frontline soon.

Not only him, but also the three Genin in Kato's class.

"Is the current situation in the village really so dangerous that even Genin like us who have only graduated for half a year have to go to the frontline?"

Mingjing was indeed surprised by this.

You know, they are not the same as ordinary Genin.

At the beginning of graduation, they were assigned to the command of Jonin for training for various reasons, which shows that Konoha really trains them as the future of the village. In the future, they will not become Jonin, but they will most likely be the backbone of Konoha.

If they really need cannon fodder, they usually send other Genin first.

Kato Dan sighed helplessly and explained:

"The village is now fighting on three fronts. With Senior Sakumo on the western front, they can still suppress Sand Village. The third generation on the northern front is also in a stalemate with the third generation Raikage. The direction of the Rain Country is even more mired in the quagmire of war. What's more, the village has to defend against Kirigakure on the eastern coastline. In addition, there is a lack of manpower due to years of war."

"However, you are all important to the future of the village. If it is not necessary, the village will not let you go to the front line of the battlefield, because if it really comes to that, it means that the village has no way out and can only risk consuming the village's future potential to win this war."

Kato Dan's tone was quite heavy, but he soon changed his tone.

"Fortunately, this time when you go to the front line, the arrangement for you should be responsible for transporting logistics and food, and guarding and protecting the village's strategic materials. You will not be sent to the front line to fight the enemy so quickly."

Kato Dan barely cheered up his tone and patted the shoulders of the three disciples.

"Go back this afternoon and say goodbye to your family. Meet at the No. 1 training ground at 6 a.m. tomorrow. Remember to prepare your ninja tools and medicines."

Ming Jing and the others nodded, and returned home with different thoughts in their hearts.


Uchiha clan land.

"Even you are going to the front line."

Uchiha Yu still sat in the familiar position, wiping the ninja sword in his hand.

"Well, Teacher Duan said that although we are on the front line, we should actually stay in the second line to be responsible for tasks such as logistics and material transportation, and will not go directly to the battlefield."

Uchiha Yu finally put down the ninja sword in his hand and looked at Ming Jing.

"When the people on the front line die, it will be your turn to die."

At this point, Uchiha Yu couldn't help shaking his head again.

"Compared to the previous two generations of Hokage and Madara, the current Third Hokage is indeed much worse, not only in strength, but also in tolerance. Even Tobirama would never allow a child like you to go to the battlefield before he dies."

"Unfortunately, the Third Hokage seems to be the only one who can currently support Konoha, even if he can only barely support it."

From the era of Uchiha Tajima and Senju Furuma to the present, the rich experience makes Uchiha Yu see very clearly.

The current Konoha seems to be extremely powerful and unparalleled, but in his opinion, it is like a raging fire.

If there is no new firewood, the fire will always go down, and in order to maintain the seemingly grand fire, Sarutobi Hiruzen threw the newly grown sprouts into the fire.

But unfortunately, in Konoha now, only Sarutobi Hiruzen can hold the position of Hokage, and perhaps in the future, Hatake Sakumo can also do so.

But Uchiha Yu felt that although this Konoha White Fang had strength, military exploits and prestige, he lacked background and was too upright in character, so he might not end up well in the end.

At least, he couldn't beat the third generation.

Just like Madara back then, he was forced by Tobirama to be unable to hold the position of Hokage by political means, and finally left Konoha.

Sooner or later, the third generation, as a disciple of the second generation, would use the same means to persecute Hatake Sakumo.


Uchiha Yu cast his eyes on Ming Jing.

If he could open the same eyes as Madara and Izuna, and with the support of the Uchiha clan, would he have a chance to sit in that position?

I just don't know if he can live to wait until that day.

It depends on whether he can live to wait until that day, and whether Ming Jing can live to wait until that day.


"Grandpa Yu, I'm here."

"Remember to go to the battlefield, don't tarnish the reputation of the Uchiha clan, and... come back alive, you are the future of the clan."

"I know!"


Konoha's 35th year, winter.

From the No. 1 training ground to the street at the entrance of the village.

Uchiha Yu stood in the crowd, silently watching the team in front leave.

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