Just as Uchiha was thinking about the future of Konoha Ninja School, a special guy in the ninja school suddenly flashed to his eyes.

"That's, what kind of light?"

Uchiha looked strangely at the place that shone strangely on him, and soon saw a guy with a watermelon head on his head, walking in the crowd, curiously looking around.

"Sasuke, which guy is that, this hairstyle is too unique."

In addition to the Senjukuma when he was a child, Uchiha Madara saw a watermelon head in Konoha Village for the first time.

And this guy's hair is thick, even far more than when he was a child.

So much so that it seemed as if a light could flicker from his watermelon head, but the seemingly weak expression on this guy's face did not shine as much as his hairstyle.

The most important thing is that among the ninja school students, who are mainly children under the age of ten, this older teenager is indeed more conspicuous.

He was not as arrogant and fairy as the other young girls.

There is more inferiority in the body, restrained, and seems to be quite restrained.

However, Uchiha could feel that in this guy's body, there was a fiery and unbelievable surging passion overflowing, waiting to burst out.

Sarutobi Sasuke quickly found the child's name on the freshman admission list.

"Madara-sama, that kid's name is Matje."

The next information about Matje is quite prosaic.

This is a small family that wanted to become a great ninja before the establishment of the ninja school, but could not get practice and inheritance from any other family.

As a result, their Matt family practiced physical skills, and they were barely able to protect their families from the hands of mountain thieves and ordinary wandering ninjas in the chaotic world.

It's just an ordinary civilian ninja, there is nothing to pay attention to, at least that's what Sarutobi Sasuke thinks.

"I see."

Uchiha Madara nodded, Sarutobi Sasuke didn't think there was anything great about a civilian ninja family like the Matt family, but Uchiha Madara knew.

In the future, there will be a guy like Matt Kai, who has been focused for decades and practices physical arts, opening the last door of the eight doors of Dun Jia and kicking an impeccable and stunning kick.

However, Uchiha doesn't plan to pay too much attention to Metkay's grandfather now, or even Metjet's grandfather.

After completing his inspection of the first day of school, Uchiha left.

There are still a lot of things in the ninja school, far from the end, and these problems give him, the first generation of Hokage in Konoha Village, quite a headache.

If a ninja school wants to be established, it is not just a school building, a teaching building, or something.

With the support of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan, plus the ninja who were injured in the battle that Madara had brought from the various clans, the teachers of the teaching did not have to worry.

However, in terms of ninjutsu, it is still a big problem.

These ninja teachers can come and pass on some experience, teach some ninjas, and tell them how to survive when they encounter something in battle.

However, they were not able to pass on their ninjutsu to ordinary students.

In this era, ninjas and ninjas are very important to the inheritance of ninjutsu.

The various families that have the Blood Succession Limit will strictly guard the members of each family, and they will not be easily left behind.

If their family's Blood Succession Limit Ninja is taken away, then they will stop at nothing to take their bloodline back to ensure that their Family Blood Succession Limit will not be obtained by others.

Even if a ninja of their own family dies, they will find ways to recapture the corpse or destroy it.

And the same goes for ninjas who have occult families.

Among the ninja clan, even many ninjutsu of their own family are absolutely impossible to expose to the outside world.

Forced by the intimidation of his own family and the ninja education he received from childhood, after the ninja school was established, Uchiha found that he was still only able to let the students of the ninja school learn the three-body art until he graduated from the ninja school.

Even Uchiha Madara could not force his own clan to exchange their credit, blood and lives for the ninjutsu they had learned from the family, so that they could publish it for free for the ninja school students to learn.

Madara finally knows why after Senjuma established the ninja school, the ninja school students studied for six years, and finally used the three-body art exam as a graduation assessment.

He has difficulties and his own ideas.

Since you can't let the children of the ninja school be cultivated like the children of the ninja clan in troubled times, try to let them lay a good foundation.

After the foundation is laid and becomes very solid, when they are twelve years old, their bodies begin to develop in puberty, and their physical fitness has greatly improved, let them form a squad form, under the leadership of an excellent ninja teacher, perform tasks, teach more advanced and powerful ninjutsu, and teach more combat experience.

The benefits of this are very obvious, so that these graduating children can grow up quickly later.

However, the disadvantage is also obvious, the incubation period is long.

Moreover, since the children of the family will be better than civilian ninjas from an early age under the guidance of the family, when the teacher is finally assigned, these ninja children will occupy all the good ninja places.

Civilian ninjas want to stand out, they can only highlight their very strong talents, strong enough to rely on talent to make up for the gap between themselves and the ninja ninja that is missing, and even surpass them!

There are too few such people.

When a child who is about twelve years old graduates from ninja school, he can also have very good combat effectiveness by making good use of shuriken, kunai and physical skills.

However, Madara always felt that it was still too slow.

Moreover, the ninja school has just been established, and except for several families that supported Uchiha in creating the ninja school and sent school-age children to the ninja school, the rest of the ninja are still watching.

In this way, most of the first first-year students of the ninja school were actually children from civilian families, and there were even many civilian ninjas like Matje, who were not much better than the wandering ninjas.

In this way, if the ninja school is run step by step like this, I don't know how long it will take for other families to realize the importance of the ninja school.

And then with the help of the ninja school, slowly fuse Konoha Village more rounded together?

Uchiha spotted, some headache.

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