"Haven't come yet?"

Between the thousand hand pillars, in the face of this boundless wind and sand, he was already a little impatient.

It is said that I want to report to the village, no problem, I have been waiting for you here for two days, even if your first generation of Eye Wind and Shadow Fierce Fighting can't catch up, but at least a letter can always be done, right?

Isn't it, what strange tricks are you thinking?

A sneer came out on the face of the Thousand Hand Pillars.

Liedou, this guy who criticizes him and satirizes him the most, this guy who is yang and yin and constantly plays small movements behind his back.

Obviously, I have kowtowed to you, but you still don't want to believe the sincerity of my thousand hand pillars.

Konoha has been restraining himself, trying hard to maintain peace in the ninja world.

But you guy, jumping around there, what do you want to do, what have you been doing?

You are destroying the entire ninja world, a hard-won peace situation!

You say you want to embrace peace, but that's not what you actually do!

In the eyes of the thousand hand pillars, there was already a fire flickering.

In his opinion, this guy is already one of the destabilizing factors that undermine the peace of the ninja world.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was the first generation of Sand Hidden Village, he would have a very high reputation in Shayin Village.

Coupled with this time, Konoha Village's position in the ninja world is very sensitive.

Otherwise, he must directly eliminate this unstable factor, isn't it?

It's a pity that killing Fierce Fight now will only completely intensify the contradiction between Konoha Village and Sand Hidden Village, and let the two villages fight.

Since he can't kill him, and he has no way to understand himself and believe in himself, then this time, I must give him an impressive lesson!

"Well, coming?"

At this moment, in the wind and sand ahead, a small black shadow was approaching this side.


The fierce wind whistled, setting off the wind and sand in the sky, and the figure of the fierce fighting was walking step by step in the desert, very thick and deep.

Behind him, the ninjas of the escort team were far apart, looking at the back of the man in front of them with tears in their eyes.

Lord Liedou, you must survive!

They did not expect Lord Liedou to defeat the ninja god Senjukuma, they only hoped that their beloved first-generation Lord Mekazekage would return safely.

Feeling the sight behind him watching his back, a relieved smile appeared on Liedou's face.

He felt that the burden on his body was also much lighter at this moment.

All this time, the pressure that Konoha brought to him, and the pressure brought to him by the Thousand Hand Pillars, was too great.

However, as the founder of Shayin Village, he had to carry this huge village on his shoulders on his own.

Fortunately, there are people who trust him behind him, and they have been following behind him.

"I don't want that either."

Liedou's heart became more relaxed, and he walked out step by step, towards the familiar ninja god who could already be seen.

He seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be telling someone.

But now, all his words dissipated in the wind.

"I don't want to lead everyone against other villages!"

When I was young, when I was an adult, when I built a village, all the scenes came to mind.

Liedou walked more and more briskly, and more and more determinedly.

Chakra is seeping into the desert beneath his feet, ready to go.

"But ah, I clearly see the future, the end of the decline of Sand Hidden Village, the Land of Winds!"


The clothes on Liedou's body blown by the fierce wind also swayed, and seemed to be moved by his words.

"Most of our land in the country of wind is an uninhabitable desert, and the only oases, land, and the population that can be fed are almost at the limit."

His eyes swept deeply towards the desert on both sides, revealing a trace of grief.

"If this continues, there will be no future for Shayin Village, and there will be no future for the Land of Wind!"

"We need land, we must need land, and this can only be competed for from others!"

From the day he became the first Mekazekage, Liedou saw the future of Sand Hidden Village.

Either it succeeds in seizing more land from others and making Shayin Village develop better, or, it slowly decays and falls.

Originally, Liedou planned to rest and recuperate in his own generation, so that the village could accumulate great strength, and when Senjukuma and Uchiha were dead, he could start a war and seize the future for the village.

However, Konoha Village really won't sit in place like this.

They grabbed all the tailed beasts and gathered them in their hands.

In this way, even if Senjukuma and Uchiha die in the future, they will have enough strength to continue to subdue the entire ninja world!

I'm not willing!

Shayin Village is also unwilling!

I love this piece of wind and sand and desert that gave birth to me and raised me, but I also want to let the future of Shayin Village get a better life and better quality land!

Liedou walked step by step to the front of the Thousand Hand Pillar, and his Chakra seemed to have merged into the wind that was being blown behind him, hunting and hunting.

In front of him is the Thousand Hands Pillar, the ninja god, the mighty Konoha Village!

However, if I just stand still here, if Shayin Village is stagnant like this, then what awaits them will be slowly submerged by the wild sand!

So, no matter what, I have to move forward, and Shayin Village has to move forward!

Two people stood there, one of them was dancing in the wind and yellow sand in the sky.

Behind one person is green and full of life!

The Thousand Hand Pillars and the fierce fight, looking at each other, without words, without words.

The chakra between the two people has begun to collide violently!

Brush brush brush!

The fierce wind pressed all the grass and trees behind the Thousand Hand Pillar to the ground, and wave after wave of ripples continued to spread out behind him.

Behind Liedou, the terrifying wind and sand are also constantly roaring, surging around.

"This, good, so terrible!"

The guards who followed behind Liedou covered their faces with their hands with difficulty, pressed their bodies down, and clinged tightly to the ground, so as not to let themselves be blown away and blown away!

"Is this the power of Hatsuyome-sama?"

"Is this the power of the shadows?"

They obviously haven't started yet, but the release of the chakra has begun to make people feel suffocated.

This incredibly terrible pressure made them feel that if they faced either of these two people alone, they might not have the strength to hold on to their hands.

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