Uchiha Sasuke: Through The Multiverse

Chapter 19 - 16 - Sasuke vs Loki! And finally...!

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"... Sasuke-senpai, Buchou."

Koneko was surprised to see the two of them.

"Heh, even though I used Senjutsu, I still could not sense the Sekiryuutei. Why is that, Nyan?"


Seeing Sasuke's expression, Rias started to explain--

"Senjutsu is different from magic and sorcery. It stresses the importance of something called chakra--"


"--the aura that flow's into one's spirit. In other words, one's life force. It's a power that is both similar yet different from the magic of devils and the light power of angels. For example, if one learned Senjutsu, it's said they excel at reading the flow of someone's spirit, of their aura, and they can also grasp the movement's of a faraway target to a certain degree."

Kuroka added on while winking.

"We can also control the flow of spirit and reinforce both the interior and exterior of out bodies-nyan. Senjutsu is a skill that manipulates the flow of life, after all. We can disturb our opponent's spirit, and inflict damage to their life force by cutting it-nyan."

I see--

It's a similar concept to Naruto's Sennin Mode.

"You have piqued my interest, Sekiryuutei-kun. But, I will leave that for another time. I will be taking Shiron with me, nyan. You have the same power as me flowing through your veins. Ophis and Vali will surely accept you--"

However, before Kuroka could finish, someone else had stepped forward with an angry expression while raising her arm to cover for Koneko.

"This child is my servant. I won't let you put even a single finger on her."

"Ara-ara-ara-ara, what are you saying-nya? She's my little sister. I have the right to love her. A high-class devil like you doesn't have that privilege."


The atmosphere started to change as Rias and Kuroka glared at each other while carrying the aspect of an explosive situation.

Koneko walked forward.

"Nee-sama, I will go with you. So, please let these two go."


"What are you saying?! Koneko! You're a servant of my group! I won't allow you to do as you please!"

In a flash, Rias tightly embraced Koneko.

"My big sister's power...I understand more than anyone. Nee-sama's power rivals that of an Ultimate-class devil. For Buchou and even Sasuke-senpai..I don't think you can capture my sister who excels in both genjutsu and senjutsu..."

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

"I understand Shirone's power more than someone like you. Shirone, I will make you top class in the sage arts. Come here."

Koneko started shaking her head at her sister's words.

"...No...I don't need that kind of power...I don't need power that bring's misfortune to others...Kuroka-neesama, I don't want to go with you! I'm going to live...live together with President Rias!"

She started to tremble and shed more tears.

Kuroka spoke while briefly showing a bitter smile before giving a derisive laugh.

"Rias Gremory, since you're so troublesome, I'll kill you nyan."

Kuroka stuck out her hand and began to shoot what looked like a magic bullet at Rias and Koneko, but--


The bullet was deflected away with ease.

Someone had stood in front of Rias and Koneko to cover them.

"Sekiryuutei!" Kuroka sneered at Sasuke.

"Your name is Koneko, right?" Sasuke spoke to the small girl behind him, who silently nodded her head.

"I don't know how strong you think your sister is--"


"She will not be able to win me."

More magic bullets were fired at Sasuke.

However, Sasuke evaded leisurely so as not to touch the attacks of Kuroka, whose abilities were still unknown to him.

And then, he instantly appeared before Kuroka, who displayed apparent shock and poured on a single stroke of his katana.

Kuroka created a magic magic to defend herself but nonetheless, she was still blown off.

"As expected of Vali's rival. But--"

Towards Sasuke, her attacks were shoddy as expected. He evaded the surges with composure and returned a counter attack.

Sasuke visited a series of slashes to Kuroka, who was prevented from doing anything else except creating magic circles to defend herself--she kept getting slashed one-sidedly.

When Kuroka fell onto her backside, Sasuke proclaimed the end of the battle.

"...Even if we continue to fight, more than this is useless, don't you see?" Sasuke raised the tip of his sword towards Kuroka's neck.

"You shitty brat--!'

Sasuke retracted back his blade and sheathed it.

No sooner had he done that, a figure swooped down and scooped up Kuroka while riding on a cloud.

That guy is--


"We are retreating. Vali's orders. The devils have noticed."

Saying that, the comrades of Vali disappeared.

Suddenly, Sasuke's clone sensed something.

This is--?

"I am heading back first!"

Sasuke's clone left such words to Rias and Koneko before he disappeared into the shadows of the trees.


- - - - -

Sasuke, who was currently in the meeting room, received a slight sensation as his clone returned to him.


This world is more interesting than I thought.

- - - - -

"Go! My son!"


Just before Fenrir and Loki could do anything, a green magic barrier surrounded them.

"This is? Beelzebub!"

Loki cried out the name of the Maou before he was teleported away.

- - - - -

"I can only send 10 people at a time to Loki. Even with rest, I can only send another one or two afterwards. It will be a difficult mission."

"I understand the danger, Ajuka-sama." Rias was speaking to the faction leaders.

Serafall looked towards the door.

"It seems there are others who also want to participate."

The door opened and three figures entered.

Rias was slightly shocked upon seeing who it was.


Sona faced the meeting table.

"Three members of the Sitri family also wish to volunteer."

- - - - -

"The magic circle is created."

Ajuka created a large scale magic circle.

Standing within the circle, was Sasuke, the Gremory Group, Rossweisse, Irina and three members of the Sitri group.

"Odin has returned to the North to retrieve Mjolnir. Once it arrives, he said to let the Sekiryuutei wield it."


Fighting an Evil God huh...

This will surely be interesting--

All of them were covered in light as Ajuka prepared the teleportation...

- - - - -

When Sasuke opened his eyes, it was just a spacious field, filled with rocks.

Above them, was Loki.

"So my opponents are all weaklings huh. That Beelzebub, does he think he could keep me contained."

"I will handle him."

Saying that, Sasuke took out his katana and stood in front of Loki.


Seeing that, Loki became overjoyed.

"This is wonderful! To think I get to face the Sekiryuutei! I heard your powers are quaint. My heart has never raced like this!"

Sasuke made his move!

He moved in the sky while creating a course of lightning in a zig-zag, closing his distance with Loki in a split second.

Loki started to activate a wide-range of defensive magic-circles which covered his whole body and the countless magic light which appeared, turned into a sash and released towards Sasuke.

Many sashes of light were released towards Sasuke, who dodged every single attack in an acrobatic style.


Loki snapped his fingers and through a magic circle, Fenrir appeared.

"The fangs which can even kill God! My servant Fenrir who has such fangs! You will meet your demise even with a single bite!"

"Everyone, we will take care of Fenrir!" Rias gave out an order and everyone went into positions.




Akeno struck down a bolt of lightning at Fenrir, who only received a slight impact.


Xenovia swung Durandal and a huge output of energy was sent towards Fenrir.

"Sword Birth!" Kiba swung down his holy-demonic sword into the group.

Multiple swords protruded from the ground and stabbed through Fenrir.


The energy wave produced by Durandal struck back Fenrir, albeit it got up after a short while.

Loki spread his arms wide.

"Their specs are lower, but... ..."

The space on both sides of Loki became distorted.

...What is he planning to do?

From the distortion created in the space, two more creatures appeared in front of Sasuke.

Ash-grey fur. Sharp claws. Eyes without any emotion.

"Skoll! Hati!"



Two more giant beasts that resembled Fenrir appeared in the battlefield.

"Go, Skoll and Hati! Tear them apart with your father!"


Along with the sound of wind, the two wolves headed towards the group behind Sasuke.

"On the occasion, I will have you fight against these ones as well."

The shadow under Loki's foot expanded, and from there, several dragons with long skinny bodies appeared.

"So you even mass-produced Midgardsormr!"

There were five of them in total.

Rias exclaimed.

One of the mass-produced dragons fired a ball of fire towards Sasuke.

Without even caring for a tiny bit about the flame, Sasuke thrust his sword that was channeled with lightning.

The fire ball exploded. The fierce thrust brought forth storm, changing the fire ball into fire sprays and scattering them apart.

"Fire Release : Great Fire Annihilation (Katon: Goka Mekkyaku)!"

Sasuke kneaded chakra in his body and what expelled from his mouth was shaped into a literal sea of flames. Raging of roaring flames sprang forth.

Instantly, two of the mass-produced Midgardsormrs were completely enveloped by flames as they slowly burned in agony.

Above Sasuke, large magic circles were created by Loki and from there, huge particles of Norse Magic rained down from the sky.

The surrounding few meters range of the ground around where Sasuke was standing was deepy gouged into holes, raising a dense cloud of dust.

Sasuke wasted no time in dodging from that wide attack range.

"How baffling, how do you avoid that? This magic is supposed to be something with speed that cannot be avoided just by looking with the eye."

More Norse Magic fell down from the sky again.

As expected, there were no advance warning and of course, the magic also moved in the speed where it couldn't be evaded if one only moved after seeing the attack. However, his opponent was Sasuke.

Sasuke was--once more, jumped to the side in order to evade.

Loki's eyebrows shook twitchingly.

--What was [Killing Intent]?

From time immemorial, master of martial arts could naturally sense that in their battle.

Sasuke too, as a swordsman, was always conscious of the killing intent's existence all along. He also carefully observed his opponent's breathing and energy flow, even without using the Sharingan.

Right now, Sasuke wasn't predicting through his opponent's breathing or muscle. But, with a dimension that's even more above those--Predicting the attacking intent.

"The same technique won't work twice against me."

"Then, I will try to change method."

Loki's hand was wrapped in silver flame.

The silver flame solidified as if turning dry, the pointed end of his right elbow was changing into a large blade.

A freezing killing intent flew at Sasuke and Loki's figure disappeared.

However, when Sasuke put his katana as though throwing it, right where he put his blade was Loki swinging down his right elbow.

A heavy feedback. Loki was an amateur in the sword but he was still a God.

Sasuke accelerated fiercely while launching a stab with his sword.

A stab in the speed of sound pierced the neck--Loki's body was blown away from the recoil.

Loki changed his hand into a blade again and charged straight at Sasuke.

Sasuke received the attack with the side of his blade and parried it diagonally while twisting his body.

At the same time, he cast lightning around his body to rotate in a twirl and slashed.

Loki was blown back again from the terribly hard sensation.

"You sure are giving me a hard time. But, what about your comrades?"

Sasuke turned around.

- - - - -

Xenovia created an enormous aura with Durandal and slashed it at the child Fenrir.

However, although it left deep wounds, it hasn't gone down yet.

Kiba created many holy-demonic swords below child Fenrir's foot and stalled it's movements for a moment, before slashing at it.


Akeno's thunder also struck down!

Sona created a water dragon and it wrapped itself around one of the remaining three Midgardsormrs.

"I won't let you!"

Rossweisse activated her Norse magic and magical bullets fell down on the enemy like raindrops, piercing them.

- - - - -

-Then, Sasuke heard a shout.


When he looked, Sasuke witnessed Rias about to be bitten down by Fenrir.


How troublesome.

Adrenaline exploded within Sasuke and he threw his body reflexively on that path.


Mangekyou Sharingan!

- - - - -

Fenrir bit down.


It's mouth was stuck.


"What is that?"

Everyone had stopped their fight as they looked at Sasuke.

Even Loki was completely in shock.

"You, what kind of human are you?"

Sasuke's eye revealed two distinct pupils.

Fenrir was blown away by an unseen force.

"Sasuke, just...who are you?"

Rias could not help but utter those words as she saw the Sasuke standing in front of her.

A dark purple skeletal structure, starting from a rib-cage and arms; slowly manifested and layered around Sasuke.

Very soon, skin and musculature started to add on around the skeleton, resulting in a complete humanoid shape.

Right now, what everyone was witnessing, was a gigantic humanoid avatar, which resembled closely to a tengu.

"Rias, ask everyone else to get back. You all will only get in my way. I will settle this once and for all."

Sasuke glared at the scene of carnage before him.

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