Uchiha Sasuke: Through The Multiverse

Chapter 30 - Update(Major)(Must Read)

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Hey guys, Author here~

As I have mentioned before in a few of the later chapters, I am currently serving mandatory national service and didnt have much time to write.

So, I have recently completed my basic military training phase and have been sent to officer cadet school as my posting.

The training/excercise takes up alot more time and I simply cannot find the mental capacity to write new chapters. By the time I finish my training, I am just too shag to think up of ideas for the story.

So, here is the bad news. Originally, I really planned to finish this story but circumstances in life just prevents it and I will be dropping it...

(not yet, read till the end)

Here is how I orginally planned most of the storyline, which I will be sharing to you all~

So, the first part of the story revolves around Sasuke in the DxD world, and it roughly ended off at the Loki Arc. I then decided to change things by bringing in otsutsuki momoshiki and kinshiki into the story.

I planned for them to control 666 Trihexa and wreck havok in the DxD world.

However, while they were in the DxD world, Sasuke has already travelled to another dimension( Danmachi in this case). He starts to see some images of Trihexa but dismisses it at first.

Following that, after certain arcs of Danmachi, I planned for Vali Lucifer to appear near the end and bring Sasuke back because Trihexa has appeared in the Underworld(where Rias and the DxD crew are).

Due to time constraints and other circumstances, I will conclude this story in the next 2-3 chapters, which will show...


Which also means I will be skipping most of the storyline and jumping straight to the final battle.

To have the last Uchiha vs the Legendary Beast, 666.

I have already written the "FINALE CHAPTER" and some parts of the battle between Sasuke n 666 and I promise to release the chapters asap.

For those who want to remove this story already, nothing I can do about it but for those that want to wait for the next FINAL BATTLE, it will be worth it.

All in all, sorry to disappoint the readers of this story, and especially those that have read it since the beginning. I really love writing this story but alas, things in life just dont always go as planned, just like Sasuke's life.





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