Chapter 111 First meeting with Uzumaki Mito

“Please, Patriarch Fan Ma.”

Anbu, who led the way, bowed slightly and was about to retreat when he heard a familiar voice in his mind.

“Shiranui Xuan Ce, give up practicing physical skills, and concentrate on studying the water escape you are good at, and one day you will become a jounin.”

This is Fan Ma’s former client in Anbu, most likely the father of Shiranui Genma in the original time and space.

After Fan Ma became a special johnin for his agent, he did not place any more orders for a long time because of his lack of cash, but he has always maintained a relatively good relationship with Fan Ma.

Time has passed, and the status of the two people has become like clouds and mud, but Fan Ma doesn’t mind giving this former high-quality customer some after-sales service.

Fan Ma gave Xuan Ce an encouraging smile, waved his hands, and then walked slowly into the house of Whirlpool Mito.

After a few breaths, Xuance Shiranui in the distance took off his mask silently, his eyes flickering.

“Still as enthusiastic as before, Senior Fan Ma…”

“Whether it’s the experience of practicing physical arts or the tactics against the enemy, every time I will unreservedly guide every ninja who comes to ask for advice… Regardless of their status, they will treat them equally…”

“Perhaps, this is the will of fire…”

ThisThe so-called small and medium-sized ninjas in Konoha have extremely limited inheritance, and they can reach the level of jounin, which can be emphatically marked in the genealogy.

Uzumaki Mito sat on the main seat, with a solemn expression revealing elegance, smiling at Fan Ma.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo sat in the vice seats, serving tea, like two accompanying servants, without saying a word.

“It’s really a nice environment…”

Uzumaki Mito’s house is not very big, but it has many attractive elements.

On the main wall hangs the Uzumaki Clan’s emblem, and the rest are photos of Mito, Tsunade, and Hashirama. The bookshelf is full of densely packed manuscripts, and each volume is a treasure that can shock the ninja world.

“How to Teach You to Play with the Wooden Dungeon”, “Why Ninjutsu Needs Seals”, “The Encyclopedia of Sealing Techniques of the Uzumaki Clan”, “Psychological Analysis of the Uchiha Clan”…

These are the works of important people in Uzumaki Mito, everyone who signed the name is famous, such as Senshou Hashirama, Senshou Feima, Uzumaki Ashina…

“These treasured ninjutsu notes, to a lonely woman, are nothing more than the consolation of missing loved ones…”

Fan Ma sighed silently in his heart, then bowed slightly, and said respectfully:

“Hello, Mito-sama. I don’t know if you came to me today, what’s your order?”

Uzumaki Mito gently waved his hand, motioned Fan Ma to sit down, and said slowly:

“Don’t be restrained, Fan Ma, logically speaking, you should call me grandma, this is also your home.”

“Tsunade is still practicing outside and has never come back. If she was here, the first meeting we would meet would be a family dinner. I believe she has told you too…”

Fan Ma nodded politely, and responded:

“Please forgive me. There are too many things to do after becoming the patriarch. The next three generations of adults have given me a more difficult task, so I haven’t come to visit you…”

“I came here empty-handed today, I’m really sorry…”

The eyes of the third generation flickered, and they smiled and said:

“It’s a lot of work for those who can, Patriarch Fan Ma, don’t blame me, Hokage, for always adding to your burden.”

“However, as Tsunade’s fiancé, I really shouldn’t have visited Mito-sama all this time…”

“Next time, remember to bring a gift to apologize to Mito-sama…”

Fan Ma smiled and said slowly:

“How can a gift be enough? As Tsunade is the princess of the Land of Fire, I have prepared a generous gift.”

Uzumaki Mito shook his head and laughed, poured a cup of tea for Fan Ma himself, and joked:

“Don’t worry, I will also bring a generous dowry to Tsunade.”

Shimura Danzo put on a wooden face and mechanically washed the tea set. This kind of homely exchange of greetings was somewhat beyond his ability.

After tasting a few cups of tea, the slightly blunt atmosphere eased down, and the faces of all the people present gradually became serious. It was time to talk about the serious business.

“Fan Ma, I asked you to come here today to discuss the Nine-Tails matter.”

“The Uchiha clan is one of the pillars of my Konoha, and Sharingan has a restrictive effect on tailed beasts. Therefore, I hope that you, the head of the Uchiha clan, can participate in this decision-making.”

Uzumaki Mito opened his mouth slowly, opening up the subject of this negotiation.

Fan Ma frowned, and responded:

“The matter of the Nine Tails should be based on your opinion. The Uchiha clan has not been interested in tailed beasts since ancient times.”

Uzumaki Mito’s face froze. She didn’t expect Fan Ma’s ability to open his eyes and tell lies to be so proficient that it could be compared with Token.

Fan Ma has no interest in Nine Tails, Asura’s exclusive pendant.

The situation in the ninja world is turbulent, and Nine-Tails Jinchuriki will soon become the most concerned target of all forces, and may be blocked by super-standard powerhouses at any time.

If Jiu Xinnai is allowed to be in charge, not only will there be a high probability that he will not be able to obtain the power of Kyuubi, but it will also become a hindrance to Minato and him.

And for Fan Ma, Nine-Tails is the best tonic he ordered, and it is impossible for someone around him to be Injuriki.

Fan Ma’s idea is that it doesn’t matter who is the Kyuubi Jinchuriki, but the important thing is that Kyuubi should run wild on this person.

Fan Ma glanced at Danzo next to him, and seemed to have noticed something.

In Danzo at this time, emotions of nervousness, greed, and ecstasy were intertwined in his heart.

After inheriting the Bliss Box, Fan Ma obtained some special abilities of “Enlightenment”, which is able to perceive the emotions in people’s hearts.

“It seems that Shimura Danzo has some different ideas about Kyuubi…”

Fan Ma poured tea to everyone present with a smile, and kept silent.

If Danzo is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, it would be perfect for him.

If one day Danzo goes berserk, Fan Ma not only has a reason to beat him to death on the spot, but also justifiably captures Nine-Tails’ Chakra.

Uzumaki Mito coughed, as if he didn’t hear Fan Ma’s statement, and continued:

“The power of Nine-Tails is really too strong, so the selection of Inchuriki is currently a problem that needs to be solved urgently.”

Fan Ma sipped his tea in silence, thinking about Uzumaki Mito’s intentions.

“It seems that her favorite candidate for Renzhuli is Jiu Xinnai…”

If Mito already has a suitable candidate in mind, there is no need to come and inform Fan Ma.

The only explanation is that she is not satisfied with the current candidate, and she still wants to try to negotiate with Fan Ma to make Jiu Xinnai change her mind.

Fan Ma shook his head, bluntlysaid:

“I believe you have heard about my disciple Minato and your clansman Jiu Xinnai…”

“At their age, maybe they will have a child in two or three years…”

Fan Ma didn’t stop, and politely rejected Mito.

On the other hand, Danzo raised the corners of his mouth and echoed:

“That’s right, Mito-sama. Patriarch Fanma is very considerate. Jinchuriki’s childbirth is indeed a big test.”

Uzumaki Mito nodded, but there was a trace of helplessness in his heart.

If you want to be the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, if you don’t have the excellent physique of the Uzumaki Clan or the Senju Clan, then at least you need plenty of Chakra and a firm will.

With these two points, Danzo is qualified.

But if there is a choice, Uzumaki Mito doesn’t want Danzo to be this Jinchuriki.

Uzumaki Mito has served as Nine-Tails Jinchuriki for decades, and she has a deep understanding of how difficult this demon fox in her body is to deal with.

With her wrist and strength, she only obtained the ability of Nine Tails to perceive malice, but never opened the heart of this demon fox and obtained more powerful power.

As for Danzo, let alone.

These two creatures with darkness hidden in their hearts, once they meet, will probably evolve into an endless situation at a very high speed.

“Danzo, you who yearn for power may be swallowed by this power…”

Uzumaki Mito shook her head. Since she talked with the Third Hokage last time, she has been thinking about the sealing technique of Nine Tails.

At present, what Mito can do is barely revealing a little Nine-Tails Chakra from the seal, which can be used by Jinchuriki.

But in doing so, Mito, who is familiar with Kyuubi’s character, can be sure that he will turn against Kyuubi, and unforeseen things will happen.

If Fan Ma knew what Mito was thinking, he would only feel amused.

Mito, the vortex in the original time and space, taught Jiu Xinnai to fill Kyuubi with true love, so that happiness might be obtained.

But after Kyuubi got out of trouble, the sharp claws slapped Kushina and Naruto without hesitation, which shows that their communication was ineffective.

The atmosphere fell silent again. Danzo was excited by Fan Ma’s concession, Sandai watched coldly, and Mito was thinking about why Uchiha would voluntarily give up the power of Kyuubi…

“If Danzo is allowed to serve as Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, he can only become a mere container, or even a sad abandoned child.”

Uzumaki Mito shook her head, agreeing with her in Senju Bashirama, and still hoped to find a way to influence the Tailed Beast with love.

But judging from the current situation and Fan Ma’s attitude, it seems that Danzo is the only choice.

“Hello! Old woman…”

“You grandson-in-law, you really feel that even this old man is very wicked?!”

Kyuubi in Uzumaki Mito contacted her after a long absence, as if she wanted to make some negotiations.

Chapter 112 Danzo-sama flies up

“Master Mito!”

Uzumaki Mito drooped his eyelids, and suddenly meditated on the spot.

This unexpected situation aroused the vigilance of Sandai and Danzo, and they quickly sealed their seals in their hands, ready for an emergency.

“Don’t be nervous… Kyuubi probably heard our conversation and chose to negotiate with Mito-sama by himself, right?”

Fan Ma squinted his eyes. Even though Uzumaki Mito had a powerful seal in his body, with his perception ability, he could still smell a trace of tail beast chakra.

Sandai and Danzo’s expressions softened slightly. At this stall, no accidents should happen to either Uzumaki Mito or Kyuubi in her body.

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