
1 Reincarnated

"This... you!"

Jay Collin exclaimed with a spear pierced through his side. In front of him, a large orc wielded a small tree for a weapon. Clad in iron armor, its physique towered over Jay. The battle which had been raging on for hours reached an unexpected conclusion.

His companion, a person whom he recently recruited into his group had suddenly thrown a spear right into his side before cowardly running away.

With another swing of its club, the massive orc fighter hit him right in the abdomen, throwing him into the wall causing small pieces of rocks to fly everywhere.

"This battle... IT'S SO FUN!"

Jay spat out a mouthful of blood as his eyes seemed to shine with some mysterious light. his red hair and well-defined face started glowing red, when he lowered his left arm, dropping his ruined shield onto the ground. It was now that he took out a second sword, a red glow appearing on its surface.

Smiling despite his serious wounds, this was how a man should fight!

He jumped forward, swinging his swords around like a madman. A normal adventurer would've never kept going like this after suffering such crippling wounds. Yet, this man kept fighting, unable to do so much as think of retreat in his current state.

However, no matter how ferocious someone is, they still die. After a few minutes, the fight had ended. After suffering numerous wounds and emptying his mana supply, the orc collapsed. Despite his victory, the damage had been done. He had suffered dozens of cuts and dozens of bruises. Not to mention the internal injuries he had suffered.

When he wanted to walk away from the dead orc, he first found himself unable to move. His limbs just wouldn't listen to him. Another second passed as he fell onto the bloody ground. He tried to get up but his body just twitched refusing to cooperate.

"Ah, I'm dying aren't I. Well I guess I had a good life. It's not like the others will have long to live anyways."

With that thought in mind, he closed his eyes, passing away without regrets.


"You have to be f*cking kidding me."

This was Jay Collin's first thought as he woke up. He felt as if someone took his brains out, stabbed them a few times, shook it up a little and then harshly threw it back into his head."

Despite the pain dulling his senses he quickly opened his eyes, after all, since he was alive now, he just might survive the calamity aswell.

"Red walls, a regular wooden door, a comfortable bed and a poster of some celebrity... Hold up... Huh... HUUUUHH!!!" Shocked, he stared at the room in front of him. This room… this was his room back on earth! Noticing he was on the verge of truly freaking out, Jay slowly breathed in, calming his mind. After a few moments, his frown had disappeared and was replaced by a serene look.

"So it seems like I was reincarnated into my younger self then."

With his eyes flickering around the room Jay decided to affirm his location. He started by walking to the poster on his wall, closely analyzing it. The poster seemed to be real, additionally, it was extremely detailed which was important information for him.

This simple test confirmed he wasn't in an illusion. Illusions always had certain restrictions on how detailed the surroundings would be.

After a few more moments spent in silent thought, Jay walked out of his room. He lived here with his parents and little sister before he got taken. It was a rather small house for 4 people but they couldn't complain in terms of technological devices. Jay was fascinated by seeing some of these again. It had been 5 years since he was last here. And well, planet hope had all sorts of magical wonders but it didn't have many of the things they had here.

After walking downstairs he checked the date on one of the computers.

"Well damn…"

It was the morning he had to go. He had only just gotten back to this world and he would have to leave again, restarting his journeys on planet Hope.

Yet he wasn't dissatisfied either. He knew in this new life he would be able to accomplish many more things. He already wanted to walk the path of a lord, yet last life he was rather unlucky starting as an adventurer.

These were troubles for later. For the few hours that remained, Jay wanted to just have fun doing something normal. And that is exactly what he did, for the first time in years he watched mytube.

"So this is what my hobbies were before I had to go, now I remember."

It was October of 20xx. The current population of the earth was 1 billion. Tomorrow this number would go down to 500 million.

Because of some unknown reason, all the world governments suddenly announced that half the human population would be sent into the rift, a portal to a different world. The 500 million people would be randomly picked.

In truth, a commoner such as himself didn't know much of why so many people were sent out. All he knew was that whoever didn't comply was dealt with incredibly harshly, even by the countries that usually treated their citizens great.

Lost in thought, Jay thought about all the challenges he was to face in the future. His thought process was quickly interrupted by someone coming down the stairs.

"Hey Jay, how are you?"

Li Collin seemed worried as she spotted him on the computer. After all, they did a lot of things together and genuinely enjoyed each other's company. Jay couldn't help but waver for a moment as a bunch of memories came back to him. Whenever he used to get lonely he thought back to this sister of his, he even made a bunch of drawings of her so he wouldn't forget what she looked like.

"Hey sis..."

He couldn't help but tear up seeing her delicate face once again. For a short moment, he wished he could just hug her and never let go. But he knew he would soon be separated once again so he made sure to deeply engrave her face into his mind once again. Heck, this time there was a decent chance they would get reunited again.

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"I- I'm going to miss you."

After saying these words, he turned around. Afraid that his resolve would weaken if he spoke with her he headed straight out of the main door leaving his sister behind with a complicated expression.

He decided not to say goodbye since he knew he was bound to meet her again on planet Hope after a while. After all, this time around he was sure he'd be able to find her, no matter where she was sent.

He only had to walk a few minutes before he arrived at the closest hyperloop. This was a public transport system that traveled over 600 km/h. In just over an hour he arrived at his stop. Normally the place he was at now was a small desert, with nobody in sight.

Today was obviously different. Millions of people were standing all around him. With thousands of soldiers and dozens of attack helicopters and tanks in order to keep the peace.

After several hours had passed he could see the rift. A few months ago multiple massive black rifts appeared in the earth, after close examination it was said to be a portal to a different world. Nobody was to enter.

Until a few weeks ago when the population was informed half the population would be sent, chosen absolutely at random, be it politician, doctor or elder.

Once he was only a few meters away from the rift, he could clearly see inside.

The inside of the rift wasn't total darkness like many had thought. It was actually somewhat gorgeous, it was as if there were a million stars down there, no matter how long you would look into the rift you would never stop being amazed by its beauty.

Thanks to this the soldiers didn't have to push people in, most of the people walked in voluntarily when they saw the beauty beneath.

A moment later he was at the edge, without hesitation he jumped forward, he felt a sting on the back of his neck when he entered the rift, a metallic liquid heading towards his brain.

A moment later he lost consciousness.

|AI-chip successfully connected, entering illusion.|

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