
27 Main City

Once Jay had clicked this option, his vision warped once again. When he opened his eyes, he saw he was standing on what seemed to be the town's main square. A whole bunch of adventurers suddenly stopped their conversations when he saw the blue veil appearing, and just a moment later Jay had appeared in the middle of it, attracting their attention.

He opted to just ignore them and keep moving. The city he was in now was enormous, it had millions upon millions of citizens. Additionally, it was divided into many different areas, each with its own wall and commercial district.

Without further ado, he headed towards the biggest shopping lanes. This wasn't very hard to find since it was extremely close to the portal. The commercial district was truly booming, people could be seen running from the left to the right. Yet there was 1 thing that could be called somewhat odd.

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Most of the people here had a weapon, some a couple of pieces of armor. Yet there was almost nobody with any decent clothes, all of the people here were running barefoot with just a weapon on their belt and sometimes a piece of armor covering part of their body.

It really did feel quite odd seeing these people everywhere in this seemingly rich neighborhood. After a bit of time had passed he found his way to a rich-looking shop. It had a multitude of lightstones above the entrance making up its name.

'Mark's bazaar'

When he walked up to the door of the shop it was clear this wasn't just a bazaar. 2 human-sized Tier 3 golems stopped him from entering.

"10 gold entering fee"

A somewhat robotic voice came from one of the golems who put out its well-crafted hand.

At this point, he was immensely curious. They had 2 tier 3 golems as guards and someone required 10 gold to get inside? That was something he had never seem before.

And so, after paying 10 gold coins, Jay walked inside.

When he walked through the door he felt as if he was being scanned, and but a moment later a beep came from a machine next to him. Surprised he noticed it was a machine using a rare item called the Inspectore in its center. That metal could be used in order to find out the grade of another person's items. An item wanted by all people in power.

Looking more closely, he saw a bunch of wires and cogs around it, holding a multitude of magical ores going just above the door before connecting to a second device on the other side.

And soon the exact use of this machine was shown. A chubby man loudly made his way towards him, accidentally knocking multiple expensive items off of the shelves in his hurry. Despite only having run about 20 meters the man seemed totally out of breath so he needed a moment before he managed to regain his composure.

"Hello, my dear customer. Wow, you look fabulous today! Say those clothes seem a little old, way below your status, I would give you some clothes of mine but I don't think they would fit. Say do you want to sell your sword, I'll most definitely offer you a good price!"

Jay couldn't help but audibly sigh making the man in front of him expectant of what he would say.

"I'm just here to browse for now, my sword is soulbound so I have no way to sell it sadly."

The fat man's plan really was too awful. So the machines near the door scanned his gear exposing his sword was of great quality. Even if he knew that couldn't this guy act more composed about the matter. Even if the 2 tier 3 golems didn't have the same value as his sword, it wasn't that far off.

Also, the way he came rushing at him before stumbling through his greetings and jokes really was too pathetic for a rich shop owner.

At first, he thought this place might have fallen on hard times, but after seeing nearly a dozen costumers in this store this shouldn't be the case. After promptly getting rid of the shopkeeper he started browsing the shelves.

The items here were all high grade, even the cheapest item cost 10 gold while there were also many items for multiple hundreds of gold coins.

Even if there were many items here that he liked, he wasn't planning to spend his money on this. That was until, in the corner of his eye, he spotted a plan. This shop, like nearly all the shops here, didn't have any blueprints. This was a given since their customers were adventurers.

But here in one of the corners of his eye, he spotted a mechanical blueprint. On closer inspection, he noticed it was some sort of magically enhanced ballista. Surprisingly the costs for building seemed to be rather low. It worked on Magic Crystals, but other than many other devices, by using it you wouldn't break the magic crystal just empty it.

With his magic tower, he could naturally rapidly restore the magic crystals. This would take just a few hours which was over 5 times faster then it would normally.

After having a good look at this mechanical blueprint he decided to buy it, this would net him 300 gold.

When he arrived at the shopkeeper, the man was clearly eyeing his sword even during the transfer of money, something that made Jay a little nervous. What if this man would make him hand over his sword? He couldn't handle a tier 3 golem.

Luckily, this didn't happen. Instead, the shopkeeper was also interested in buying the lightstone off of him. After a bit of haggling, they decided on 300 gold.

Once he finished his business, Jay quickly went outside, the shopkeeper, despite not looking like a wicked person, really freaked him out.

Once outside, the atmosphere of the busy street quickly took away his bad mood as he started looking for a magic shop, he wanted to get some more magic books after all!

Yet, unknown by him, someone was silently tailing him, hidden within the crowd of adventurers.

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