
43 Truly bustling

When Jay woke up again he was in a good mood. Once he came outside, General Green briefed him about the situation.

The zombies had been taken out with ease, only a few casualties appeared at the end when the soldiers went up to capture the zombies.

80 cores had been collected and 7 zombies had been captured. Additionally, many gallons of zombie blood had been collected. This had been treated very carefully, in the end, it was stored near the room of General Green within the mansion.

This was to ensure the safety of the liquid.

The population of First City had now risen to over 350 people. More than 3 times what they had before. Most of these people were humans with an Iceborne here and there.

Architect Gariel and newly appointed Mayor Jake worked together well, building many new houses and other things.

The main street was transformed into a shopping street with a blacksmith, woodworker, gem cutter and more each having a store. This obviously made Jay glad. He decided to rename the services situated behind the mansion.

Those would be controlled solely for him and wouldn't take any orders from citizens. In this way, he could ensure the best craftsmen in town would be working for him. In this way, a D+ grade blacksmith recently got the honor of becoming an apprentice in the Imperial blacksmithy.

Blacksmith Ariell had taught all the blacksmiths there properly, raising them up to the C grade, making all of them able to produce F grade items. Ariell herself focused mostly on training the others, making an F+ grade weapon every now and then.

The town was booming, now that other architects had also joined in, Gariel could also focus on the bigger project. Jay had ordered him to start the design of a ginormous colosseum. The design had to be buildable out of stone and ice so that it could be built in the north as well.

This project would surely take him a week to complete even though he broke through to become an A+ grade architect a while ago.

Jay didn't really mind waiting and once again delved into his magic studies, he found out he had enough Tier 1 spells for now but not enough theory. Theory was necessary in order to manipulate his magic and make new spells. Thanks to this he could use all sorts of Tier 0 magic he had never learned.

He didn't really want to go to the Main City since it seemed he had already made an enemy somehow, but in the end, he figured he didn't have a choice. That and it had almost been 50 days since he had arrived here.

Every 50 days there was a grand auction organized by the Main City for the earthlings. Some of the items sold there were the cities property and others were provided by the system.

He wasn't exactly sure how the system provided these items but that wasn't something he would worry about. The time of the auction differed from city to city so he would have to make sure he went in the morning. This was he would be in time no matter what.

The next morning, just before he went through the astral gate a few notifications popped up.

| Congratulations user for having one of your underlings reach Tier 1 |

| Reward: 50 gold |

Seeing that Geralt must have broken through Jay felt a lot safer, there was a rather big gap between someone that hasn't broken through and someone that has. Additionally, since he had awakened his sword intent earlier he should be able to control it after his breakthrough.

Yet just as he was once again about to walk into the gate he was interrupted by the system.

| Region Lord announcement: The main city will hold a grand auction in 3 hours, all Lords will temporarily get an astral gate. This Astral Gate will appear next to their gates. |

Jay felt a little stumped seeing this, he thought he might be able to snatch a bunch of treasures cheaply since most lords wouldn't have astral gates yet, but it seemed that he was wrong.

After thinking about the situation a bit more, Jay walked through the portal, soon coming out of the portal within the MC.

He could see a handful of people had already come out of the portal and more were coming in every second.

Most of these people were looking around in awe, checking out the big buildings and beautiful architecture.

A few others quickly started walking towards the shopping street, intending to buy the items they wanted before the other Lords came.

For some of these Lords, the 10 gold fee to teleport was quite a lot while for others it was just a small amount.

Jay wasn't cocky, even if he had great confidence in his army and his generals, this didn't mean the other Lords didn't have a great amount of gold.

There were all sorts of treasures, things such as ruins and dungeons could provide someone with a great number of funds and power. He even figured that at this point over a dozen Lords would have a Tier 1 expert. Perhaps some of the Lords here had broken through.

He looked at the Lords around him for a bit before sighing, most of the Lords were wearing pretty clothes instead of their best armor, thus it was near impossible to estimate their strength.

Jay was wearing armor with just regular clothes underneath. Yet nobody underestimated him after seeing the red scimitar on his belt and the golden scepter he held in his hand.

After this, Jay started heading down the shopping street. The main auction hall was in the very center of the city. Where all districts met. In order to get there, he had to walk quickly for over 90 minutes.

He could only pity the Lords who teleported in the last few minutes, expecting to appear where the auction hall was.

After walking for over an hour he arrived at a gate, usually, this gate would be closed, but due to the auction, it was opened for the day. Once he got passed the gate the sort of people on the streets was very different. He could immediately see a few horse carriages with nobles in them, looking down at the lords.

These nobles would only be allowed to bid for some of the items, as for why, that, he had no idea of.

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Soon he arrived at the auction hall. It was a grand majestic building built out of a sort of crystal. The entire building seemed to be shining silver, making anyone that stood before it feel tiny.

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