
49 BOOKS!!

Everyone just froze at this moment, Jay looked at the other people, astonished by the timing.

The people inside of the room numbered 20, 19 of them were in a bad shape, they had scratches all over their arms and legs, they had clearly just gone through a fight.

The one guy that wasn't injured had a faint sword intent that he was unable to control.

The room seemed to be yet another looting room. Yet different than the one they had looted, this one had magic supplies. The weapon crate only had a few staffs while the bookshelf had over 2 dozen books. The plants on the other shelf also seemed to have magical properties.

Jay looked at them for a few seconds before walking into the room, unsheathing his sword.

"Wha-who are you?!"

The man with a faint bit of sword intent asked, yet a moment later his astonishment grew even more. He had clearly seen Jay swing his sword, nearly a meter away from him... then why... how did he... argh.

Blood seeped from the man's chest coloring the floor red, the others wanted to escape but they had nowhere to run too. They had just come from a room with monsters, yet now there was another monster in this room!

After General Green entered the room it all soon ended. The people here were very unskilled, they were already lucky to have survived the room they came from and the guy with sword intent probably only got it thanks to a legacy.

The last person remaining fell to his knees asking for forgiveness, yet, this was done in vain. A second later he dropped dead next to his friends. None of the soldiers with Jay found this weird or cruel, this was how things were.

In Pangea, the Lord decided what was right or wrong. If the lord did something they thought was wrong, it simply meant their idea of right and wrong wasn't correct.

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Instead, the soldiers were extremely happy, finding a treasure trove such as this was rare!

Jay happily rummaged the people's corpses. The leader of the group had a good D+ grade bow and D grade armor, other than this they found 70 gold.

The armor was reserved for Geralt since Jay already had armor of that grade. As for the bow, he didn't have any archers capable of using such a weapon just yet.

The room really was a treasure trove, the staffs could increase spell strength by 20% which was a crazy amount. But the books were what really had him ecstatic. There were 10 basic magic books, 7 intermediate ones, and 2 advanced ones. Other than these there were 10 more books written in a different language.

Jay was truly over the moon about this. Advanced magic books were the peak Tier 1 mages could achieve. Many Tier 2 mages even valued advanced magic books greatly. Since earth rank magic books were too hard to find.

Magic books also consisted of multiple ranks. The regular ones he had gotten so far were mortal grade magical books this was followed by Earth grade, Heaven grade, Divine grade, King grade, and Emperor grade. Other than these there was also the rumored Immortal grade.

Yet it was years too early to start worrying about Earth grade magical books, he had plenty of intermediate grade and basic grade books with even 2 advanced ones!

Seeing that 3 of the intermediate grade books were theoretic Jay was even better. He would probably be able to create his own intermediate spells soon.

With how many basic magical books he had now, he could also decrease their merit cost for the apprentice mages, previously he couldn't do so due to a lack of books.

Jay left the corpses, this too would be a great warning for the twins, if you mess with me this will be how you end up.

The group quickly looted everything before returning. The room had 2 doors, one clearly lead to another room with monsters while the other was a room with a used legacy stone, useless now.

He already realized that this would once again mirror the other 2 options, eventually leading to another area.

Yet Jay decided to head back. The group they killed clearly weren't very rich and it wouldn't be worth it to go all that way to take out a small town.

After making sure they had everything, the group headed back to First City. Once they arrived Jay immediately sent 3 golems to the ruins, he had one of the soldiers that were with him earlier guide them to the door that was the border between his territory and the territory of the twins.

When he got back to the magic tower, Jay felt incredibly happy. Even though a new threat had popped up he had a monstrous amount of magic books now. The number of books he had would most certainly be enough to start creating Tier 1 mages.

The warriors weren't doing bad either. Several elites were allowed to practice the 2 F grade cultivation manuals.

As for the E grade manual, he had given it to Geralt a while back, at this point it was probably in the hands of one of the troops in Icy City.

Jay knew that now was the time to create a Tier 1 army. If possible he would try to get a few more F grade manuals, this way he could have more soldiers train them at once.

with this thought in mind, he figured he might as well have a look if there were any in the player market.

Surprisingly, there was! There was a single F grade cultivation manual for sale for 250 gold. Yet when he tried to buy he was unable to. He had almost forgotten he was poor now.

Jay felt like crying when he saw this opportunity pass away. Yet, just as he was about to go to the city with some of the magical plants he had gathered to gather the funds, someone came into the market looking for him.

"My lord, General Geralt had sent me. The Iceborne have been spotted 2 days away, he is requesting reinforcements!"

Jay looked at the young Iceborne who had given him this message, he had run here all the way from Icy City, he was clearly exhausted. He sent him to the mansion to sleep before gathering his troops, it was time for war!

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