At this time, in Shanli village, Yang Xinyu was already studying new pickles.

The day before yesterday, it was stewed pig head meat. Yesterday, it was stewed egg. The taste was very successful. So today, she plans to try salted duck.

Because duck meat is not as tender as chicken, and it has a coquettish flavor. The price is cheaper than pork. It costs only 15 Wen per kilo.

Low cost is the key, and the other point is that most people can't handle duck meat, and the taste is not delicious.

Yang Xinyu just takes advantage of this point. At the same time, there are many kinds of stewed duck, such as roast duck and sweet scented duck.

But the best thing to do is salted duck, which is why Yang Xinyu wants to try.

Su Xi gave her a short time, although the taste of pickles is very important, how to simplify the process of making pickles is also very important.

Because once the shop opens, the daily demand for pickles will be very high. If the production process is too cumbersome, there will not be enough manpower.

The key to making salted duck is to rub the cooked salt, make the old salted duck, blow it dry and cook it well.

The first step is to add star anise, Chinese prickly ash and salt into the pot, stir fry them over low heat, and divide them into two parts.

Yesterday, Yang Xinyu prepared this step in advance, and then rubbed the fried salt evenly on the washed duck, and covered it with cloth to marinate overnight.

The next step is to add water to the pot, add scallion and ginger slices and another portion of salt. Bring to a boil over high heat for five minutes.

Yang Xinyu, with his experience in cooking, has a good grasp of time.

When the time came, she quickly cooled the stewed white bittern and put it into the pickled duck for half an hour.

The third cloth is to tie the duck with a rope and dry it for half an hour.

Yang Xinyu tied the duck to the eaves and put a basket under it. This is also to prevent the duck from falling to the ground when the rope is loose.

To do all this well, Yang Xinyu is also idle, so he goes to help he Zijun make jam together. Listen to Aunt Yao say that Yu Juhua is making preserved fruit every day, and let aunt Yao bring her how much she does.

Today, only three days later, she has made more than 30 jin preserved fruits, which makes Yang Xinyu very embarrassed.

Three days later, the jam stored at home seems to be less than 20 jin.

At this speed, I wonder if I can make enough jam in a limited time?

Fortunately, Wang Xiaotao and aunt Yao didn't adapt at first, but after these days, we all know what we should do, and the division of labor is very clear.

In short, we go to pick the fruit together, Zhao Sheng and Zhao Xueying are responsible for the washing, he Zijun does it alone, and the remaining two bottling. This cycle forms a process.

It seems that he Zijun's workload is the biggest. In fact, he can cook as little as five Jin jam in one pot, unlike everyone's repeated operation.

According to reason, it's not enough to make 20 jin, so Yang Xinyu found that the problem is not enough fruit. The fruit forest is very big, but because of the cold weather, the fruit trees stop growing.

The only one that is more suitable for the temperature is orange tree, but this flavor is not included in the agreement, so this problem arises.

After discussing with he Zijun, Yang Xinyu decided to add the orange flavor first and make some orange jam. On the day when Aunt Yang came, she would have a good talk with him, and she would not refuse.

However, in the long run, what she should do is to transplant fruit trees. If she can do so before winter, some fruit trees will blossom and bear fruit next spring.

But in the autumn when the temperature is getting lower and lower, it is not easy to transplant fruit trees, especially those that have already blossomed and fruited.

The survival rate of seedlings will be higher, but if we don't take good measures to keep warm, the seedlings will freeze to death in winter, and the next year will be full of dead trees.

Yang Xinyu told he Zijun what he thought. He Zijun looked excited and said, "in other words, the more saplings you transplant, the higher the survival rate? I think there are many saplings in the orchard. As long as you say it, you can transplant them at any time. "

Yang Xinyu didn't think about this. What she was thinking about was the low survival rate. She never thought that no matter how much land was frozen to death, it would not be 100%.

In other words, instead of waiting to die, it is better to transplant these seedlings before the weather gets cold.

But this is also a big project. At present, there are still 20 mu of land that has not been reclaimed. The first thing is to reclaim the land, and then we can consider transplanting.

Yang Xinyu's mind gradually has a train of thought, "brother, I think this is good..."

After waiting for half an hour, Yang Xinyu poured the white bittern back into the pot, added the duck and brought it to a boil over high heat.

The last step is to turn the noodles every quarter of an hour to make the brine taste good.

There are other parts of ducks that can be eaten, and they can't be wasted. Yang Xinyu uses duck offal as material to make a fried duck offal with leeks.

Now there are more workers in our family. We have to spend a lot of money on food every day, not to mention pure rice, even coarse rice.Yang Xinyu made pancakes with coarse flour, and then said, "don't be busy. Only when you have enough food can you have the strength to work."

Aunt Yao put down the porcelain bottle and sniffed, "master, what are you doing today?"

She earns a lot of money to work here. She can eat the stewed vegetables made by her boss even if she doesn't pay 40 Wen a day. It's really delicious.

Yang Xinyu likes Yao Cuizhu very much. She never works without water. She's cheerful. She's just the opposite of Wang Xiaotao's character. "Aunt Yao, this is salted duck. Everyone comes to have a taste of it. It's time to give me some advice."

Wang Xiaotao is much more shy. She blushes slightly and shrinks behind aunt Yao. "I I don't have to. People work more than me. I eat less. "

Yang Xinyu just pressed her shoulder, let her sit at the table and said, "don't be embarrassed, sister peach. I've done a lot today. Everyone has a share."

This duck weighs five Jin. Yang Xinyu just cut half of it and took up the whole plate.

Yang Xinyu asked everyone to sit down, gave everyone a piece, and asked, "how's it going?"

Zhao Xueying has always been very supportive, smashed it twice and said, "well The duck doesn't smell strange at all. It's delicious! "

Xu Lengzhi then said, "salty is just right. Although it doesn't have the bittern flavor of the previous two days, it has a different flavor."

Aunt Yao echoed, "yes, I've cooked duck before, but I can't get rid of the smell of mutton."

Others nodded their heads. They would not say anything grandiose, at least they would agree.

Yang Xinyu just picked up a piece and tasted it.

Indeed, as you say, the taste is impeccable.

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