As the saying goes, Su Xigui is smiling, so Wang Yang can't say a word against it, "you're right. Anyway, this wine won't run away. I'm welcome to visit you any time."

He said suddenly, and then said, "but cold manager is not around, presumably adults inconvenient to go back, let the small send someone to see you off."

Su Xigui didn't refuse this time. He said with a smile, "it's the best if you send someone to deliver it."

Wang Yang just waved and told the palace, "what are you doing? I'm not going to see you off yet

In the morning, he was implicated in the shadow incident. Wang Yang didn't give him less face. Seeing that this was an opportunity for him to commit crimes and perform meritorious deeds, he immediately said, "I know, Wang Lord Wang. "

The servant quickly prepared the carriage and galloped to the direction of the sheriff's mansion. Su Xigui sat in the carriage and closed his eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, a carriage stopped at the gate of the sheriff's mansion. A woman was driving. She got out of the carriage and said, "where are you adults?"

Nanfeng was the gatekeeper. He recognized Yang Huan's face and knelt down to say, "I'll see the seventh prince. When the seventh Prince arrives, I'll welcome him far away. Please forgive me."

At this time, a hand was stretched out from the car. The owner of the hand said, "there is no need to do this big gift. Is your master in the house?"

Nanfeng lowered his head and said, "the master has gone to Anlin pass. He hasn't returned to the mansion for two days."

"It is." The people in the car pondered, as if they had expected, and said, "no matter, today he will go back to the house. I will wait for him in the house."

Nanfeng was still in front of the door. He asked Beifeng to lead them in and make tea to greet the guests.

When Su Xigui was sent to the door, Nanfeng saw that the coachman was not an acquaintance. He just went to meet the master and said, "master, you are back. Who is this?"

Su Xigui could see that the south wind looked different, and he quickly got down the driveway, "this is the prince's house, the red man beside Lord Wang."

The palace was praised repeatedly waved his hand, said, "dare not dare not dare not, I am an ordinary servant."

Although he is really just a servant, how can he neglect Wang Yang?

Su Xi said, "Nanfeng, take the horse in and feed it. Let the king go in and have a rest."

But at this time, the seventh Prince is in the living room. How can he lead people there?

Nanfeng led the carriage and blinked his eyes. "My Lord, have you forgotten that the table in the living room has been gnawed by a mouse? I'm afraid it's impossible to entertain guests. You'd better follow me to the study."

But in fact, the living room is very good. Nanfeng will say that because there are other guests who come to visit first.

He didn't know many people. Besides Wang Yang, who else could he have?

Su Xigui already had the answer in his heart. He cooperated with Nanfeng and said, "if I don't come back for a few days, I forgot. Nanfeng, you lead the king's house to the study to have a rest."

After Sun Bin's house was ransacked, there were not many things left at home. The table was gnawed by a mouse. It sounds incredible, but it's normal to think about it.

There was no doubt in the palace. He went to the study with the south wind.

I have long heard that there is a mechanism in Sun Bin's study. The reason why the master sent him here is to let him sneak into the study to find out. Isn't that right?

The palace was led into the study, only to hear the south wind, "I'll make tea, you wait a moment."

He heard the door close and immediately checked the bookshelves around him.

According to the master, sun yuan is the dirty silver that was transferred from Sun Bin's study. If there is still a part left in the study, it means that Su Xigui used the money.

But if there is nothing, it means that Su Xi returns to buy land with his own money, so that Wang Yang can be relieved.

The palace had long been used to using secret channels, and soon found the secret channels.

Two bookshelves were opened and a secret passage appeared inside. He went in.

At the same time, Su Xigui just pushed open the door of the living room. Their eyes were opposite each other, and a smile appeared on their faces.

"Lord Su, long time no see."

"The seventh Prince is joking. It's only four or five days since then. How can it be regarded as a long time no see?"

However, only a few days have passed, but Su Xigui feels that many days have passed.

After all, a lot of things happened in these short days, such as Jia Liang's feigning death and finding out where dirty silver went.

Su Yixi still took a fan, gently knocked on the table and said, "four or five days have been a long time. I heard from people in your house that you have been living in Anlin pass these two days?"

Su Xi returns one face of surprised, "shadow didn't tell adult?"

He thought that although shadow was lent to him, he would give priority to his master.

Su Yixi, with a straight face, suddenly said with a smile, "the shadow is a flying pigeon. I've told you that you've done a good job. Now Wang Yangding completely trusts you."

But Su Xigui shook his head and said, "Wang Yang is not 100% confident of his subordinates. It's still a little short."

"A little bit?" Su Yixi puzzling frown, does not seem to understand this statement.Now he is in collusion with Wang Yang and has killed such a talent as Jia Liang. How can Wang Yang not believe him?

Yes, according to ordinary people, maybe they have 100% trust, but this person is Wang Yang. He is cautious and suspicious by nature. Otherwise, he would have ended up like Sun Bin.

Su Xi returns the line of sight a cold way, "the person of Wang Yang is in the mansion now."

Yang Huan pulled Su Xigui's collar and said, "what do you say? Do you know the master is in the house? Why let Wang Yang's people come in? If they meet one, the relationship between the master and you will be exposed? "

Su Xi left her to push and shove, and there was no moving look on her face.

Su Yixi raised his palm and said, "Yang Huan, let go."

Su Xi returned to the rationale of his dress, and this talent said, "there is Wang Yang's eye liner in the camp. He knows the existence of that field, and is very curious about how the field came. This is the little bit."

"But what does it have to do with Wang Yang's people in the mansion?" Yang Huan asked.

Su Xigui didn't answer her question, but asked, "if it was you, suddenly someone claimed that he bought 100 mu of land at one go, what would you think?"

Yang Huan suddenly realized, "do you mean Wang Yang suspects that you have hidden dirty silver, so he sent someone to investigate?"

But Su Yixi was not surprised, as he had expected.

Su Xigui nodded and said, "that's right, so when Nanfeng said that the table in the living room had been gnawed by a mouse, I was in a hurry and asked the prince to go to the study to have a rest. Now he should have found the secret road."

Su Yixi said, "ha ha ha, Lord Su is really scheming. In this way, this person will find that the secret room is empty, so as to eliminate Wang Yang's suspicion of you."

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