But the next second he couldn't laugh, because Su Xigui said, "brother ye, you keep a close eye on this man, and other people will come with me to the arsenal for reinforcement."

"No, you are not allowed to go. It's my place." Wang Yang is like a rag, holding Su Xigui's leg and letting him drag on the ground.

It seems that as long as he holds fast, Su Xigui will not leave, so the arsenal is still his territory.

Such an idea seems too naive in front of Su Xigui. Besides, he doesn't need to be polite in the face of Wang Yang who is unrepentant.

I saw him directly kick open, said, "Lord Wang, don't worry, since I have already sent people to sneak in, now it must have been successful."

Wang Yang rolled all over the floor in pain and tried his best to get up and said, "no No, I don't believe it. How can you get in? "

Su Xigui deliberately paced in front of him and said, "it's true that the arms factory is easy to defend but hard to attack, but Su's mistake lies in one point."

Wang Yang did not believe it. He insisted, "how can I be wrong? You must be trying to cheat me and hand over the drawings of the arsenal."

At last, he raised his head haughtily and said, "don't worry, I won't hand over the drawing even if I die."

At this time, the morale is rising. Su Xigui has no time to talk nonsense with him. He raises his arm and says, "one team, three teams follow me. The others stay to listen to Jia Liang."

Jia Liang was so pleased with his name that he pointed to Wang Yang and his eyeliner and asked, "how do you deal with these two guys?"

Su Xigui had already gone out for a while. Hearing this, he said, "you should guard these two guys first, leave their lives, and wait for me to come back."

Wang Yang was relieved when he heard the four words of leaving Xiaoming, but the next sentence made him look tight and asked, "don't go, you haven't said where I was wrong?"

Su Xigui didn't look back, but said in a sarcastic way, "don't you mean I lied to you?"

Wang Yang saw that he had the chance to win, and he bit his teeth and said, "you tell me clearly that I want to die, and I want to die clearly."

Su Xigui originally intended to say, but Wang Yang wanted to know, but he didn't want to say, just said, "then you don't have to worry. Before you die, you will understand, but not now. "

"You wait for me --" Wang Yang didn't say the next word, but was pushed to the ground by soldiers from all directions.

Everyone showed a kind smile and pressed towards Wang Yang step by step, and soon his wailing sounded in the air.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me, my face My head My ass... "

Su Xigui said he wanted to save his life, but he didn't say he couldn't beat him out. His brothers put up with him for many years, and finally they were able to raise their eyebrows.

At the same time, the valley was full of lights, but on the ground there were more than half of the soldiers.

Shadow pretended to be Jin Xiaowu, raised his glass and said, "come on, everyone drink hard. Today's wine is my treat."

He said, while pulling a strong man, said, "brother Wang, you drink a glass, this is a good wine."

This man is not good at drinking, so everyone was dizzy by ecstasy, only he kept awake, waved his hand and said, "no, no, if I drink, I'll have a rash on my face. Since younger brother Jin wants to drink, I'll take tea instead of wine."

He poured himself a cup of tea and drank it in front of the shadow.

He watched the man drink tea with his own eyes and said with a smile, "tea is not the same. What do you think now?"

It's exactly the same, because shadow had prepared for it. He took the same medicine in his tea. Because he had taken the antidote in advance, there was no reaction.

Originally, ecstasy mixed with abstinence should be more difficult to find, but who let this person not obediently cooperate?

He quickly hugged his head and said, "Gee I Why is my head a little dizzy? "

Shadow will help him up, guest polite way, "brother Wang, you are joking, just now you drink a lot of wine, can not feel dizzy?"

"No It's impossible I drink... " What else did the man want to say? Suddenly he fainted in front of his eyes.

Shadow like what all don't know, continue to hold up the wine pot way, "everyone drink, come to drink a cup."

Unexpectedly, the soldier who took the wine cup took a sip, his face changed, his mouth was not clear, and said, "this wine has There's a problem, everyone Don't drink it. "

He fell in an instant, but his voice was enough for everyone to hear clearly.

The remaining 15 people, one by one, picked up the big knife, surrounded the shadow in the middle and said, "Jin Xiaowu, what are you doing?"

Shadow picked up the wine jar and smashed it at the crowd, saying, "what are you hiding there for? Do you want to wait until I die? "

They didn't want to be hit by the wine jar, so they smashed the wine jar with a big knife, which just let the wine spill on their faces.

"Bah, bah!" Many people tried to spit out the wine, but the drug worked very fast and soon fell down.

Just then, a man came out of the exit. He played with the nonexistent bangs twice and said, "didn't you let me hide? Finally, it's time for meThere was only one soldier who didn't get a drink. When he saw Wang Laowu disguised as Anping, he said with joy, "Wang Wang Laowu, there is something wrong with Jin Xiaowu. Help me quickly. "

Anping took a look at him, frowned and said, "I think you want me to behave, but you want me to deal with this guy?"

The soldier realized that he had asked for the wrong person and stepped back, "you are also Jin Xiaowu. What are you going to do?"

Anping waved his fist and said with a smile, "this question is interesting. What should I do? Of course, it's to make you feel dizzy. "

With a "Dong" sound, Anping touched his red fist and said with pain on his face, "I didn't expect that this guy's forehead was quite strong. I knew I wouldn't hit him in the head."

Shadow through two days together, know this guy love to talk nonsense, not angry asked, "exhibition flying people?"

If the person who should appear at this time doesn't show up, it's just that he's working hard. These people are really unhappy.

Anping thought of the people behind him. He waved to the exit of the first floor and said, "everyone is in a daze. Why don't you come in and bind people?"

It's not that everyone is still in a daze, but that everyone looks silly. What's the sacred of this Yirong Chengjin Xiaowu? He alone brought down a group of people.

Zhan Fei looked at the shadow thoughtfully, but he didn't think so much for the time being. He immediately said, "the fourth brother is right. Let's tie the soldiers together."

Soon a group of soldiers were all tied up. Zhan Fei cleared the number of soldiers. It was exactly the same as shadow Ruo said. He said, "since there is no problem with the number of soldiers, you can go to the entrance to meet the fourth brother."

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